
Heavy Consumption

When the Parallax Star's lance hit the forward prow of the combat carrier, common sense went out the window.

In any other situation, the mech should have yielded. Yet this was an expert mech driven forward by an expert pilot. Advanced in age he might be, but every expert pilot possessed the power to defy logic.

Even as the thick layers of the combat carrier's hull plating began to buckle, the Parallax Star's energy field rapidly began to dim as it struggled to protect the expert mech it enveloped against crushing itself apart. Yet no matter how dim it grew, it never winked out.

Like an everlasting sun, the Parallax Star shredded through the prow of the ship and punched into the much less durable interior of the ship! Compartment after compartment parted into as the mech and its indomitable charge brought it deeper into the heart of the vessel!

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