
She Learns her First Magic Spell

"Ahem! I suppose I can get down to the bottom of this later." Jasmine glared at Christian one more time before turning to Robin, who had removed her mask, since everyone here already knew her face.

"Since we are now underways, shall we begin the lessons on Magic?" she asked.

"We can have them in the other room since SOMEBODY thinks that I'll just go on and on and never stop."

"Wait, you heard that?" Christian asked, wondering how good her hearing was.

Jasmine smiled. "I guessed. But it's good to hear a confirmation from your mouth."

"Oh, shoot!" Christian jumped to his feet, but did not have anywhere to go in the carriage room, and was quickly trapped by Jasmine's magic.

"You be good and sit there while i give Robin a lesson on the basics of magic." she said, as Christian was magically glued to the seat. Robin raised an eyebrow, but obediently followed Jasmine into the other room. Keith snickered at the Prince, who glared at him.

"I don't see you jumping to save me from my predicament." he snorted.

"That's because, quite frankly, you deserve it. And, this way is much more easier for me to guard you, so I'm fine with it~!" Keith teased.

"Why you-!" Christian was suddenly quiet. Keith looked back to the door. Jasmine stood there, pointing at Christian.

"Hush! We have a class going on here!" she said, before leaving again. Now all that Christian could do was silently glare at Keith as he soundlessly trembled with laughter.

In the other room, Jasmine shook her head before tapping the wall, which opened to reveal a chalkboard.

"This here is a remnant magic tool from the time of the hero. Only our kingdom knows how to make these, but we will be using this for our lesson." Jasmine introduce.

"Um… sure." Robin decided against correcting her. She was impatient enough to get the lesson started. Although, she didn't look like she was excited, her inner mind was almost bursting with anticipation.

Jasmine snapped her fingers, and several magic threads quickly drew several diagrams on the board.

"Do you remember our previous conversation about magic?"Jasmine asked,

""To use magic, I need to access my magic core." Robin answered.

"Correct! In order to use magic, you need to connect to your magic source first. Well, the first thing you need to know is where your magic source is located. Sometimes it is different, but for the most part, the magic core is located around the heart area.

The first thing you need to do is sense your mana core.Try sensing inside of yourself to see if you can feel it." Jasmine instructed.

Robin concentrated on the region around her heart, listening as her heart beat steadily. Trying to pick up any foreign energies.

"There's nothing there." Robin drooped, disappointed.

"Were you trying to find something foreign inside you? Jasmine asked.

Robin looked at Jasmine, surprised. How did you-?" She asked.

"It happens every time i teach a class." Jasmine sighed. "But enough about that. Magic draws its source from mana. Every living things have mana. Therefore mana is something that we have had since birth. It is a familiar and comforting force. Try again, this time looking for the place around your heart that feels the most comfortable."

Robin tried again. This time. Trying to find a comforting spot around her heart. But all she could hear was the comforting thump of her own heart.

"Um...is it possible that I don't have a mana source?" Robin asked. "There's nowhere more comfortable than my heart in that area."

"Impossible. Everyone has a mana source, otherwise we would all waste away and die." Jasmine shook her head, then paused. "Unless...it's an internal magic source!?" She exclaimed, as she turned to Robin, and grasped Robin's shoulders, excitement on her face.

"Robin! Try concentrating inside your heart!"

Robin was surprised by the sudden contact, but, she immediately concentrated upon her heart again. Then she suddenly felt as if a warm spot inside her heart began to glow, and thousand of tiny lights converged upon and radiated out from that one spot to the rest of her body.

"Oh? Do you feel it?" Jasmine asked, upon seeing Robin's change of expression.

"Those tiny spots of light are mana. Now, try feeling the air outside of yourself to find the mana in the air."

Robin moved her mental image to pan outside of her body, and was surprised to sense lights of all colors floating in the ambient air about her.

She opened her eyes to look at them more closely, but was surprised that she couldn't see them with her eyes.

"Surprised? Mana is not something that can usually be seen with our eyes, unless it's concentrated to a certain extent, or light mana. Mana can usually only be seen with the mind's eye." Jasmine tapped her temple.

"That's why you will never see a stupid magician."

Robin nodded, then asked. "So, I have found my mana source, but how do I connect to it?"

At that, Jasmine laughed. "Robin, the fact that you could find your mana source, and sense mana for the first time means that you have already connected to your mana source. It's just that many people can't get that first hurdle because they aren't even aware of where their mana core is."

Robin was surprised.

"So-so your saying that I can now use magic!?!" Robin's eyes widened as she tried to contain her excitement. In the end, she failed, and a huge smile beamed fro. Her face.

Jasmine nodded as she continued chuckling. "Yes, you can now use magic. But! I don't want you practicing any fire magic or large spells while we're in the carriage."

Robin was so happy, she would have agreed to anything at that moment. She nodded her head, eager to begin.

"Let's start off with the most basic of light spells, the light ball. This spell barely uses any mana at all, and is useful as illumination inside dark places like dungeons and caves." Jasmine suggested.

"It's also the attribute that you are most familiar with: light."

Robin nodded, showing she understood.

"Now, after mana, what is the key to any spell?" Robin thought for a moment, then answered. "A wand?"


"A magic staff?"

"Do you see any staffs on me?" Jasmine asked, wryly, rolling her eyes. "Try again."

" Magic words?"

"What? Haha, no."

Robin suddenly had a lightbulb moment.

"Is it the mental image of the spell?"

Jasmine was surprised.

"How did you know?"

"How else to you convey something without speaking?" Robin replied. She wasn't quite sure how to let Jasmine know that she had read it once in an isekai web novel. Luckily, Jasmine seemed satisfied by her answer.

"Correct. The mental image and its functions are the most important part of the spell. Many use words because that makes it easier to imagine what they wish their spell to accomplish. But there are a few hundred people in this kingdom, alone, that can cast voiceless magic." Jasmine said.

Robin felt a small fluctuation near her, and turned to see Gerard sitting up, his eyes open.

"Whoah! You see these pretty lights all the time!? Such a nice green! Why are the lights green? Why not red or blue or white?"

Jasmine smiled, amused. "It seems that I have more than one talented student. You can only see green lights?"

"Yeah! Is this that mana you were talking about?" Gerard asked.

"It is." Jasmine replied.

But now, Robin was confused. "But, why can I see different colors? There's definitely more than just green that I saw."

"That's right. What you saw was also mana." Jasmine acknowledged. "This is something that is affected by your magic aptitudes. The ones that you have the most talent for are the ones you can sense most easily. Gerard, try reaching out with your mind as if you were looking really hard at something."

Gerard closed his eyes for a minute. "Oh! I saw a blue light just now!"

"This is why we try to raise our magical aptitudes, so that we can more easily sense the different forms of mana in our surroundings." Jasmine explained.

"Now, Robin, please try to gather light magic into a round ball the size of an apple."

Robin nodded, and concentrated upon a mental image of a light ball. Immediately, the idea of a light bulb came to mind. And so, she tried to gather the mana into a round ball that gave off light like a light bulb.

"Okay, that is enough, Robin. Any more and you might blind someone!" Jasmine admonished. Robin opened her eyes.

Floating just above her head was a bright glowing ball of light. The intensity caused Robin to subconsciously reel back the strength of the spell, dimming the light ball.

The results of her very first spell, a light bulb, floated in the space above their heads.

Hello Everyone!

Hah! You didn't think I'd finish one so soon, did you? I was planning on releasing this yesterday, but the ending was sidetracked due to my need for sleep. Please feel free to tell me what you enjoyed about this chapter.

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