
Chapter 8: Me and You, Me and Me

Ryan awoke lying in hid back. But, did he? He sat on floor of deep black, surrounded by nothing but the abyss. Every time he turned his head, there was nothing but darkness. It seems he was trapped.

He slowly got up into a sitting position and squinted at his hands. Although his surroundings were dark, a bright light inexplicably shone down on him. He could see the clothes that he was wearing. The same clothes that he had on before he passed out, the very same patients clothes he had worn in the hospital.

A sense of confusion purveyed him as he slowly stood up and tried to get a bearing of his surroundings. But he couldn't. Everything was black, disorientingly so. Rising to his feet, he let out a sigh.

'What is this place? Am I really standing?'

Turning to look around once more, he noticed a figure at the corner of his eye, before swiftly losing it again. Ryan sucked in a deep breath of air before shouting worriedly.

[" Who are you!? Who's there!?"] {Ryan}

Before Ryan could finish his cry, the mysterious figure appeared once again. Directly in front of him this time. Because of this, Ryan could clearly make out 'it's' facial features. Only, it looked exactly like him! The face, the jaw, the hair, the body. It was all the same!

["Pathetic and weak. Are we really the same?"] {???}

The doppelgänger said with an obvious tone of disdain and pride in its voice. Ryan was confused and thought to himself.

'Weak? What do you mean weak?'

["I mean what I said, fool. You are weak"] {???}

This only sufficed to confuse Ryan even further, it appeared to him as if the doppelgänger was reading his thoughts. But that wasn't possible, that sort of thing only happened in fantasy, this was real life! Unless....

["Who are you?"] {Ryan}

Ryan asked with a feigned sense of pride. In reality, he was cowering in his non-existent boots. The aura and pressure that the 'he' gave off was too much for Ryan to handle, almost making him kneel in prostration subconsciously.

To his question, the figure simply snorted and said.

["Like I said, you are a fool. We have met once before, can you not remember who I am!?"] {???}

Finishing his sentence, a royal aura burst forth from him, causing Ryan to sink to his knees. Upon his body, several pieces of clothing appeared that Ryan remembered very well. The purple robe, the silver-white armour, the fiery scabbard and the plain teal crown. It was him! The one from the dream!

["Y-You.. You Are..."] {Ryan}

["As you can see, fool. I am you. But you are not me."] {???}

Saying this, the crowned Ryan lowered his gaze onto Ryan's body, causing the latter to shiver in fear. He felt like the weight of a thousand mountains were pushing him to the floor, as if he had to submit to the man before him.

["You are not me. Only an undisciplined fool would let adrenaline and curiosity take hold of his body, especially in a situation that may cost him his life! And I, am as far from undisciplined as they come"] {???}

A twinge of pain struck through Ryan's chest.

'So that is what happened after all. I died. How though?.'

["Correct, you were killed. Killed by that doctor that you so stupidly trusted. Did it not occur to you? Not even once? Why would you trust a man that knows of his supposed 'enemy' 's plans after returning from somewhere that he refused to tell you? That is ridiculous!"] {???}

Of course, as he returned to his right mindset, the thought came to him. But as the figure said, the adrenaline and curiosity washed over him, clouding his judgement fully. Ryan finally realised the stupidity of his actions. He knew that his death was due to his stupidity, but he couldn't help but harbour hatred towards the doctor.

Although Ryan had only known him for a short time, he felt a sense of trust to the man. Perhaps due to the fact that he had comforted Ryan somewhat during the lowest point of his life. He felt hatred towards the man that betrayed his trust.

Caught within his thoughts, a short cough brought him from his contemplation, only to find that the mountain esque pressure had been completely removed. Looking up, Ryan noticed that the figure had removed the clothes that he previously adorned, now mimicking Ryan's style of patient robes.

["Though you are foolish, it appears you have been given a second chance, judging by the fact that you haven't been sent immediately to the underworld. Even though I dislike you. Hate you even, seeing as though I am here too, it appears I've been asked to help you"] {???}

["Help me?"] {Ryan}

["Are you deaf!? Yes! I said I was going to help you! Now stay still!] {???}

The voice said in a hurried fashion as he pointed a single finger at Ryan. A glow extended from its tip and surged towards Ryan

Abruptly, he felt a warmth spread through his body and slowly to his mind. He felt as if he has been reborn anew, as if his muscles have been enhanced along with his mind. Before he could stand up to react, a small window appeared in front of his eyes.


[[Congratulations! You have received the minor blessing of The Conqueror]]

[[All Stats +10]]

[[Congratulations! Due to the nature of your blessing, you have received a permanent 50% increase in mental strength]]

[[Congratulations! Due to the nature of your blessing, you have received the skill: [Appraisal]]


Facing these strings of messages, Ryan blacked out once more, leaving the figure standing alone in the darkness.

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