

Transmigrant Become Supernatural Monster Vol. 1 Tarantula Chapter 6 Earthquake

Present by zarap and Jiao_Ling

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___"This is the second day of my enjoyable feast~ing day!" Urdin has been eating fifteen (15) spiders so far and has to molt one time (don 't ask how many he eats larvae and grub).


___"Last feast~ing day I have eaten 7 spiders. On this feast~ing day I must eat at least 15 spiders." thought Urdin.

(Urdin has been eating eight spiders yesterday)


___Urdin going to the battlefield. He sees a lot of spiders dead. This is completely a battle royal. If it's like this he will be on a completely disadvantaged. He has become a bigger target.


___Urdin did not dare to move to the middle battlefield. He 's just sitting around the corner and eating some dead spiders without going for the one who's still alive. He only needs roughly an hour to digest~ing one (1) spider.


___But, there is no way an easy food comes without a catch. He must put his guard up if there are any spider whose plans to sneak attacking just like what black spider did. It didn't need to wait so long in the process of digest~ing another (1) spider…..he gets attacked.


___There's three spiders which snooping on him in the middle of his digest~ing process.


___"Aaa. . .ah-Are these three…. spiders have been staring at me for (twenty-five) 25 minutes, don't they? They make me nervous." thought Urdin.


___Then a spider suddenly jumping at him. That spider got Urdin leg. Wa. .it a second, Urdin's leg which was bitten by the spider are still attached to him.


___" My defense must be improved. Overfangs-!"


___One (1) down, two (2) more. Now they know that one by one fights will breed no hope of winning, two more spiders join the fray and try their luck to kill me.


___One goes to the right side of Urdin, another one go to left side of him. Urdin just stays at his place bidding his time for a chance to strike back. The two spiders doesn't underestimate Urdin cause he only needs one strike to kill a spider, so they are waiting too.


___The battle began. This battle resembles the kind of one-on-one gun-game by Cowboy. All waiting for the enemy to be caught off guard and if one shot were used, an enemy will die. But this is two-on-one.


___Suddenly two spiders began to move toward Urdin with their fangs ready to strike. Urdin use "Rush" to avoid their attack.


___That two spiders collide each other. But…unfortunately nobody gets hurt. But then again, Urdin will cook another problem Spe~cially, by attacking them.


___"R~Body Slam-!!" (Rush + Body Slam)


___The two spiders got crashed by my ram, and they are stunned for a few seconds.




___The spider who's still alive has recovered from its paralyzing state, tries to run away. But,....




___Urdin manage to kill him with his combination of Rush and Overfangs.


___Urdin just like always eating, and digest~ing all the leftover spider plus another three spiders, which he spend roughly more than three (3) hours.


___After finishing his lunch, Urdin walks around the battlefield, and he saw another spider gathering dead body(corpse) of spiders. Looking at this scene made Urdin feels all of the spiders in this nest starts getting smarter and smarter.


___Copying the behavior of that spider. Urdin drags corpse away from the battlefield. But unlike others. . .Urdin directly eats and digest~ing one after another of the spider with one hour (1) intervals each.


___But when he is going to gather another body. The spider there who notice what he did starts to engage him. Another spider who saw it then starts helping that spider, they abandoned their corpse collections to fight against Urdin. It snowballs up to finally five (5) spiders gathered to fight against Urdin.


___Urdin saw a familiar face amongst these five groups of spiders. Yup, It is the spider which flees yesterday. That spider which flees yesterday, realize they can never win this battle if one-on-one fights were to happen. So, the Spider warned his group about Urdin strength, and to never attack it alone.


___And the battle of Urdin versussss five group spiders. Begins. . . .


___As swift as their spider legs can bring them, they surrounded Urdin and start attacking him. Urdin has no~where to escape . . .so he makes the brave decision to trade fangs over fangs.




___One spider dies. Surprised by how fast Urdin is on killing their spider-mate which dies almost instantly, other spiders try to run away as if fears have overtaken them. Just like before, Urdin manages to kill one again with his "R~Overfangs." But, the other has made a successful escape.


___Urdin, alone, saw that the group of spiders are desperately running away. Suddenly,


Urdin felt the nest trembled.


___"W-wha? Damn, this is an earthquake!" thought Urdin urgently.


Author's note: Many thanks for :

Muhai~~~~~~~~~~~~4 power stone

Jiao_Ling~~~~~~~~~~2 power stone

Komodo~~~~~~~~~~2 power stone

iamLint~~~~~~~~~~~2 power stone

Takoyami~~~~~~~~~1 power stone

Sorry, if you don 't like idea coming soon. please comment on this chapter. Would you like to read in horrible grammar or delay chapter release. Btw, I will took days off tomorow. I will start again chapter seven in Sunday. Thanks to your support.

sleep_yturtlecreators' thoughts