


'Another day, another migraine'. Who would have ever guessed that Squidward's quote would even be this relatable as an nineteen-year old almost adult young woman? Not the young me, at least.

"College freaking sucks." I muttered out of slight irritation, my forehead resting on the edge of my study table while closing my eyes, already feeling the headache I'll surely feel tomorrow.

I groaned as I started to gently massage my already aching temple with two fingers while mentally preparing the words I'm going to write for my currently on-going novel. What kind of novels do I write as a nineteen-year-old girl, one may ask? I wish I can tell you that I write mystery, thriller, suspense or literature-type of novels but no! I'm freaking stuck in creating slash writing cringey and itchy romance novels! Well, I don't mean to offend good romance novel authors since they're amazing, although some really are cringey, but personally, I don't think I have a knack in writing novels like those but here I am.

Ah, my editor is going to give me another round of scolding for this since I've been having an extra severe major writer's block for the past two weeks and I just can't seem to relax at all!

You might be thinking "oh, you can't relax? Then, why not try going out to breathe some fresh air, clear your mind and just have fun?", right? But to be honest, I tried, okay? I tried my best to relax, I even slept for almost a whole day but I'm still unable to relax! And I think I came to a semi-plausible conclusion. And that is this is just how my body normally reacts when something bad is about to happen. Well, not necessarily 'something bad' but maybe something big that would make my life kind of different? I don't know, at this time of the day, my screws come loose. Which means I may say things that makes absolutely no sense. Wait, what's the time again? I quickly glanced behind me to look at the clock to check the time and to my surprise, I've been trying to write one darn chapter for three hours. Thank you, major writer's block, I've been writing nothing for three hours! And right now is supposed to be my bedtime! The only good part of the day and you ruined it! I already couldn't sleep well last night that I ended up sleeping around 3:10 AM and now, I can't sleep again! The thing is, whenever I sleep late for even one night, it becomes a cycle and I can't sleep at the right time again.

My body and myself included is such a freaking mess. A beautiful freaking mess. I looked at myself in the mirror right beside me to see a beautiful goddess whose beauty is even more emphasized by the beautiful light of the wonderful full moon tonight. Geez, I'm so pretty that it's illegal.

Thinking that my editor wouldn't mind me missing to update again this week, I stood up, grabbed a change of clothes and a towel and quickly made my way to the bathroom for a nice long shower before I go to bed.

After almost an hour, I stepped out of the shower, got dressed in my pajamas, double checked of I locked the door before turning off all the lights inside my apartment since I live alone when I entered college, locked the sliding door inside my room that leads to the balcony where I sometimes paint and laid on my bed, looking up at the ceiling to contemplate my existence while lying down and shrugged before I closed my eyes, getting ready for sleep to take over when my damn phone decided to interrupt my little snooze fest by vibrating and ringing loudly!

"Ah, for the love of cheesecakes! I'll kill whoever decided to call me at 9:21 PM!" I yelled before I aggressively sat up and grabbed my phone, looking at the caller ID before scoffing and answering it, realizing that it was from one of my bestfriends from highschool which is still my friend circle in college.

I messed my hair a bit in frustration before answering it, "This better be important, Axie." I sneered instead of the usual proper greeting I always do.

"Ooh, you're so aggressive tonight, Selie!" Axiesse greeted, calling me by the nickname they gave me during seventh grade before she giggled her usual little giddy giggle and I imagine that she has that wide smile on her face again with her monolid eyes turning into little crescents.

"Just get straight to business please, I'm sleepy." I said in a much softer tone, yawning all the while.

"Okay, then! You know our batchmate, Sheila?" She asked, referring to a certain batchmate I never spoke to for the past few months.

"I know her by name and face but I never spoke to her even once." I answered honestly because I never did speak to her, right? She's too extreme for me, and not the good kind of extreme. She's extreme-extreme, the jump out of a plane without a parachute kind of extreme. Not exactly the kind of person I can hang out with since even if I'm popular myself, I'm quite withdrawn to other people other than my friends.

"Ah, rightsies. Anyway, she's going to host a party thirty minutes from now at her place." She explained and I can sense her excitement just by hearing her voice and that's why I said something only a sassy-passive goddess like Selene Young would say.


"What do you mean by "so?"!? She specifically invited us five days ago, remember!? You were there when she invited us!" Axiesse yelled which made me cover up my ear and distane the phone from me.

"Correction, she 'told' us to come, not 'invited' us. It wasn't an invitation, it was a demand." I pointed out, emphasizing the words 'told' and 'demand' while brushing my long hair with my hands, twirling a few strands in my fingers after I put the phone flatly beside me on my bed, resting on my side pillow since I already put it in speaker mode before I decided to grab my real hairbrush in one of my drawers and brushed my hair with it.

Honestly, Sheila isn't the type of person I'd hang out with since, like I said, she's an extreme individual and her group of friends are let's just say, daring. They hang out with males all the time, most of which who are perverts and playboys who often hits on me or asks me out and I'm sure that if I do come to the party because of a miracle, I'd be hit on even more since there are no staff or teachers nearby. My parents raised me to be a conservative girl right from the moment I was born, so as the conservative girl that I am, I prefer to stay away from boys, especially perverts and playboys, I haven't even dated anybody or held a boy's hand! And even if I'm away from my parents and they are overseas for a business trip, I'd never break their trust by even going near a male. I might also have a reputation for being a slight man-hater, people almost suspected that I'm lesbian, not that I have anything against the beautiful lesbians of the world but if I haven't made it clear that I'm in fact, straighter than the straightest board ever created and known to mankind and is into males, rumors about me being a lesbian would have spread like wildfire.

"Aw, c'mon, Selene! Do it for me! Do it for me and Shannie! Both of us are going too! You should go too! Ruka, Mindy and Michael are also coming! Please!? It's just a one-time thing, I promise!" Axiesse pleaded in a small voice, using the rest of our friends as a means for me to go with them to wherever in hell Sheila's house is located.

"You wouldn't drink?"

"Not one shot!"

"Not once shot, huh?"


"You got the address?"

"Pretty clear!"

"Are you sure that you want me to come for me and not for you guys to have a free lift?" I asked and sighed when she went silent and gave a small laugh, already knowing the answer, I rolled my eyes. My cousin lives next door here and she's much older than me and is our senior at the university, they also know that she owns a car and we go to school together since she gives us rides. My worrywart mother, overprotective father and strict older sister and brother wouldn't let me study far away from them without someone they trust being literally one call away from me.

"You hopeless fools." I said monotoned with a blank look on my face before I 'tch-ed' and laid back down again.

"Sure, count me in." I said in finality, knowing that I'm already awake, I might as well spend the night in the 'right' way. With that said, I puffed my cheeks out of habit as I stood up and headed to my walk-in closet to choose an outfit for the night.

"Yay! Love you, Selie! Me, Ruka, Mindy, Michael and Shannie will be coming over to your place to fetch you in a few!"

"You're going to fetch me or go to my place to lounge around in before your free lift?"

"Both!" She said as I rolled my eyes in a playful manner.

"Fine. Bye, I'll see you in a few minutes."

"Yep, yep!"

"You sound like a dog." I said before laughing and hanging up on her, leaving her to yell at her phone.

I laughed lightly before deciding my outfit, one that wouldn't show off a lot of skin but would highlight my beautiful face, fair skin and amazing body. Geez, I'm so pretty. I laughed again before frowning, remembering that I will have to deal with some annoying males later. Dang it.