
Day 1

Aomine walked with his upper body bare naked. His dark tanned skin and muscular body was all for the world to see.

Behind his back is what looked like his tracksuit turned into a makeshift sack. Inside them was a bunch of edible fruits and herbs that could be eaten.

There's also a rod behind his back with some hares and ducks that he hunted. He tied them there dead their neck broken.

Aomine: "With these they won't get angry at me. Or I hope so..."

He traversed the forest with great ease as he arrived on where the class D was gathering.

It was nearby a river, and it seems they've already set up the tents.

Hirata was the first to come to him.

Hirata: "Aomine-kun. Where did you disappear to? Are you alright? And what is that?"

Hirata said looking at Aomine's baggage.

Aomine: "I'm sorry. I picked up some food in the forest that we could eat."

Hirata: "That's a relief. And you even brought food?"

Aomine: "Have Ike look into what's edible with these. I can leave that to you right?"

Hirata: "Understand. What about you Aomine-kun?"

Aomine: "I'm gonna butcher these and cook 'em real good. Look forward to it."

And Aomine went away.

His classmates starts stealing glances at his body, especially the girls. After all his upper body is bare naked.

Miyake: "Daiki, where have you been to? We've been looking for you worried."

The first one to greet him was his friend Miyake Akito.

Aomine: "I'm scouring for food in the forest. Look at this, this'll be a treat."

Aomine showed the skinned and blood-drained hares and ducks tied in a wooden branch.

Miyake: "That's amazing. How are you gonna cook those? Just grilling them would be safe to eat?"

Aomine: "Of course! I have rock salt I discovered in the nearby sea earlier so we'll sprinkle it on 'em. Plus they're already drained of their blood, we only need to cook 'em reeeeal good."




While grilling the meat, there comes an unexpected visitor.

Horikita: "So you finally appeared. I thought you got lost in the forest."

Aomine: "That's impossible. I've been to this kind of environment in the countryside."

Aomine sprinkled some salt into the meat that he's grilling. The stick he's skewered with is just a piece of clean sturdy twig.

Aomine: "So I take it that you became the leader of the class?"

Aomine whispered, making sure only Horikita would hear him.

Horikita looked surprised that he guessed correctly. She remained silent however.

Aomine: "Then I take that silence for a yes."

Horikita: "I truly wonder how you could accurately guess it with merely your 'intuition', it's frightening."

Aomine: "Well it's not likely impossible if you think about it. Sharp minded people like Ayanokouji, Hirata, Karuizawa, and few others in class would be able to get into same conclusion. Dunno about guys in the other class though."

Horikita: "I could understand Ayanokouji and Hirata, but why do you think so for Karuizawa-san?"

Aomine: "Simply because she's the Queen Bee of our class? Girls are sharp, especially for Karuizawa who's the leader of the girls. They're terrifying creatures yanno?"

Just thinking back at the 'Boys that should just die' rankings made him shiver. The girl's menace is terrifying.

Aomine and Horikita started conversing. Mainly exchanging information about this and that.

Soon it was time for dinner.

The class bought a meal pack for everyone to eat. It costs only a few points per meal.

The food Aomine got was barely enough for everyone after all. So they had no choice but to spend points.

Aomine went and gave the people who have the biggest contributions in this class with meat. There are limited portions so Aomine decided to do it that way.

Aomine: "Hey both of you. Have some of this. It's a reward for finding a spot for the class."

For Ike and Yamauchi, since they're the one who found the spot to occupy they have got meat. Especially for Ike who had camping experience, he contributed a lot.

Ike: "Amazing! This is so gooood!!"

Yamauchi: "Heh, I can cook better than this! Watch me tomorrow, I'll show you my super incredible cooking skills!"

They marveled by the taste of the meat and praised it like characters in a gourmet manga(not really).

Hirata who led the class and keep them together had his portion.

Aomine: "Here you go Hirata. For keeping everyone together with your leadership skills."

Hirata: "No way, I've only done what I want to do."

Still he accepted it because Aomine took no for an answer.

There's only three portions left for three people. The two were already for Aomine himself and for Miyake his friend.

Aomine: "Here you go Ayanokouji."

Ayanokouji: "Huh? Is it alright?"

Aomine: "You helped setting up the tent with Hirata right? Here you go."

Ayanokouji: "Thank you."

Next Aomine sat down and finally had the time to eat his food. He sat further away since eyes continued to look on him.

The fragrant smell of the meat lingers in the air after all. The ones who didn't get food looked at Aomine, clearly determined to help the next day.

Horikita: "That's a surprising move. By rewarding people who contributed the most, other students will do their best in each of their task."

Aomine: "It's just common sense. I don't have enough for everyone. I only have those fruits, but not meat. So I'd figured I gave it to them, that's all."

He made it sounds simple. A single person who finds food in an uninhabited island that provides portions for multiple people is just good.

Horikita: "It goes smoothly because you had Ike-kun and Hirata-kun cooperate from the start."

Aomine: "Is your fever worsening? You've been unlike yourself since you got into this island."

Horikita blushed slightly. The darkness in the night was good enough to hide it, but Aomine noticed it.

She only sighed.

Horikita: "I've done nothing to help this class..."

Aomine only stayed in silence hearing that. He had no interest on helping the class win this exam. After all even if it happens a worst possible scenario of everyone except the leader returning to the ship deducting 30 points per student. It never becomes a negative.

Plus he already had the names of all the leaders in each class.

It's guaranteed that Class D will get 150 points at the worst case scenario. While deducting each total points gained to every other classes.

Aomine: "Just think about what you can do, and in what way you think the class could win."

Aomine held Horikita in high regard. In his eyes, she had the makings of a great leader. Just that she's too unpolished and naive. It takes time and effort to polish a raw diamond.

Hopefully he could see it in three years time before they graduate.

Well knowing this school, it's only a matter of time. After all this school's goal is to produce superior and competent people.

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