

It was already Sunday, and it was the promised time for Aomine's date.

Aomine arrived 30 minutes earlier. To pass the time, he's circulating Internal Energy on himself without sitting crossed leg.

10 minutes before the promised meeting time, Horikita arrived.

Horikita: "You're quite early."

Aomine: "You sure took your time huh, Suzune-chan?"

Horikita: "It's not my fault that you arrived earlier. And I didn't give you the permission to call you with my given name."

Aomine sighed.

Normally during a date, the template should be different. The girl should say 'Sorry. Were you waiting long?' and the boy would answer 'Oh no, I just got here.'

Aomine looked over Horikita's appearance from head to toe, and back to the head. He nodded to himself.

Horikita wasn't in her usual school uniform today. She wore a blouse and a medium length skirt that perfectly fits her. Her mature aura, and a mature fashion clothes, her appearance several levels above than usual.

But her face is overflowing with youth. If even her face was more on the mature side, then people will get the impression that she's already an independent adult.

Aomine: "You look prettier than usual."

Horikita: "I was never very concerned about my appearance, even now."

Aomine: "So you're just so beautiful no matter what clothes you wear, is what you're saying? Quite sassy aren'tcha?"

Horikita: "I never said that, not even once Aomine."

Horikita also looked at him.

Aomine wore a dark blue formal short sleeves and jeans to match his hair. He also had a watch in his wrist, he bought one time. He very much looked like a model.

He could guess Horikita's fashion sense with her personality, so he tried matching with her in this date.

Horikita: "You're not bad yourself."

Aomine: "Ha ha, stop flattering me. You're making me blush."

Aomine can't help but smile a little being complimented.

He have to spend all night trying to think of what to wear. Between the two, he's more like the girl than Horikita. The clichéd trope of a girl rummaging her closet, finding what clothes to wear the night before the date.

Horikita: "I prefer back in my room doing my study routine. But since I'd fulfill my promise, I'd like to get going already."

Aomine: "Come on, don't be so hasty will ya? We got the whole day ahead, there's no need to rush."

They walked together side by side. Since they aren't couples, they didn't hold hands or Horikita clinging in Aomine's arm.

With Aomine's 192 cm height to Horikita's 156 cm height, 36 cm or 14 in gap. Horikita's head barely at the same elevation as Aomine's shoulders.

(Their height difference would be like Bertholdt and Annie)

Horikita: "I don't have any experience in this kind of thing, so I'll leave it all to you. Is that fine?"

Horikita would have liked to spend her time studying, with her daily routine. But since she promised him if he scored perfectly in all subjects, then she had to make adjustments.

Aomine: "Oh? You sure is different from usual. Now that's the spirit. Leave it to me."

He reached out his hand to give her a headpat, but Horikita swatted it away.

Aomine: "Ouch, what's the big deal?"

Horikita: "Don't treat me like a kid."

Aomine shrugged and took the lead.

There's no holding hands or linking their arms together. They aren't a couple after all.






During that time, went around the Keyaki shopping mall.

Horikita seems like she's in a slightly good mood than usual. Aomine didn't have any experience either, but he's doing good.

When they entered a boutique, Aomine asked Horikita to try some clothes. Horikita obliged and try the clothes he recommended. After all she did say to lead the date, and Horikita herself don't have problems trying trying new clothes.

Horikita: "How about this? Does it suit me?"

After she's done changing, she opened the curtain and let Aomine see. A beautiful one piece dress with blue frills on the edge of the skirt. It also partnered together with a fashionable straw hat.

Aomine: "That looks great on you. Since summer vacation is around the corner, that clothes would be good."

Aomine nods his head giving his own feedback. Honestly since Horikita had a beautiful face and a good figure, any clothes in the shop would look good on her.

He called a shop employee saying he will buy it.

Horikita: "Why would you buy it? I'm not planning on going anywhere this summer vacation."

Aomine: "Just accept it as my gift for you this date. I got plenty of points to spare after I became a regular in the club."

Aomine got 100,000 points reward after he became a regular player. So right now, he's quite rich.

Horikita didn't know the etiquette or process in a date, so she just accepted the gift.






After going there, they went to the cinemas and watched an action movie.

Horikita who practice martial arts kept glancing on Aomine's face. She still couldn't forget how he defeated her big brother in one move. In her eyes, Horikita Manabu was akin to a superior being that no one could hope to reach.

Aomine: "What's wrong, Suzune?"

Horikita: "No, don't mind me."

Horikita stopped looking at him and enjoyed the movie.






The sun was high and noon came. After the movie finished, they both ate lunch together.

Horikita: "I'm curious, how did you get perfect scores. I tutored you for weeks, and it's still too exaggerated."

Aomine: "I just memorized the old test papers. It's nothing to be surprised about."

Horikita: "That's acceptable. Memorizing things is easy for you, but I didn't know to that extent. Tell me Aomine, you're smart but never studied right? That's why you only get the minimal scores to pass."

Aomine: "If it wasn't because you promised me to go on a date, I wouldn't have did my best to memorize them. I'm not that great really..."

Aomine in the past, no... Even today... He always thought studying is just a waste of time. The difference between a 100 and a 40 is all the same to him, they were passing scores. He's not lazy to get higher scores... He's just in Power Saving Mode.

Horikita: "I'll be expecting you to get high scores in the tests in the future."

You could earn Class Points if they score high marks in tests. Just like in the Midterms. From 0 Class Points, they earned 90 Class Points after that.

If Aomine really do his best, Horikita believed they would earn at least one more Class Points.

Aomine: "I don't know about that. If I'm in the mood to study, I'll get high scores."

Aomine didn't reject, nor accept it. It's up to his future self.






Next is the game centre...

They agreed to have a competition against to each other. It's only a friendly competition without any rewards or punishment. The only thing at stake here was their pride.

They played against each other like dancing games, fighting games, shooting games, and etc.

Aomine: "I got now 4 wins 0 losses. At this rate you wouldn't win a single time Suzune."

Horikita: "I'm going to win next."

Horikita's sense of competition was lit. She's a girl who hated losing after all. She isn't even mad when Aomine called her with her first name.

The next game was air hockey.

...And Aomine won.

Aomine: "Game Set 5 wins 0 losses. You still got a lot to learn Horikita."

Horikita: "What are you acting high and mighty for?"

Horikita glared at him.

Horikita held a grudge and wanted payback to Aomine. After all she couldn't believe that her perfect big brother would lose to anyone. And yet this guy in front of her made her brother kneel gasping for air in one punch.

Aomine: "The only one who could beat me, is me. Remember that, Suzune."

Horikita: "You sure have a lot of confidence in yourself."

Aomine: "It's not confidence or anything like that. I'm just telling the truth."

Frustrating as it is, Horikita couldn't refute him. After all he did have the ability. Wether sports or studying, he got what it takes. Even her elder brother acknowledged him. He'll be a great asset for Class D to climb up to Class A in the future.

Sh8 I'm too tired rn

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