
Our mc might be gae...

Brian was a complex individual, torn between his role as a dedicated policeman and his burgeoning emotions for Mia.

As an officer of the law, his duty was to uphold justice and enforce the rules.

However, his encounter with Mia had shaken him to the core, making him question the boundaries between right and wrong.

Brian's interactions with Mia had been a source of internal conflict for him.

He couldn't ignore the fact that Mia's brother, Chrome Dome Dom, was involved in criminal activities.

It was Brian's duty to bring him to justice, which put him in an incredibly delicate position with regard to his relationship with Mia.

"Brian, what are you doing here?" Mike questioned, stepping in between Mia and Brian. "You know you're a policeman, and your presence will only cause us trouble."

Brian sighed, his gaze filled with a mix of determination and uncertainty. "I understand your concerns, Mike. But I promised Dom that I would protect Mia's safety. I can't just stand idly by."

Mike crossed his arms, his voice firm. "I get it, but you have to consider the bigger picture. This situation is complicated, and your involvement as a cop adds another layer of complexity. Are you willing to jeopardize everything for Mia?"

Brian's brows furrowed as he searched for the right words. "I don't want to cause trouble, Mike. I genuinely care about Mia, and I want to make things right. But it's not that simple."

Mike leaned in, his voice softer but resolute. "Brian, listen to me. If you're with Mia, you'll have to give up your current identity. As a cop, your duty conflicts with your personal feelings. Can you see yourself arresting your own girlfriend's brother in the future? It's a choice only you can make. I understand the struggle because I've been there myself. I never wanted to be torn between my duty and my feelings. But sometimes, circumstances force us to confront those choices head-on."

Mike's tone softened, conveying understanding. "Mia, don't let anger cloud your judgment. Take a moment to listen to your heart and consider how you truly feel about Brian."

Brian, feeling the need to defend himself, spoke up, his voice tinged with frustration. "Mike, I AM NOT using Mia. I understand why she might feel that way, considering my work as a cop, but I genuinely care about her. I would never manipulate her for my own gain."

Mike crossed his arms, his expression skeptical. "Brian, actions speak louder than words. If you were using Mia, things would have changed by now. Dom wouldn't be as calm as he is, knowing a cop is involved. But the fact remains, your presence complicates everything."

Brian's voice grew more earnest. "I know it's complicated, Mike. I never expected it to be easy. But I can't turn my back on Mia. I want to protect her, even if it means facing difficult choices."

Mike softened his tone, trying to ease the tension. "Brian, I get it. I know you care about her. But think about the future. Can you handle arresting Mia's own brother? Can you live with that conflict?"

Brian's face tightened with inner turmoil. "I... I don't know, Mike. It's tearing me apart. But I can't abandon Mia when she needs someone to stand by her."

Mia, who had been silently observing their exchange, could no longer contain the mixture of anger and hurt that surged within her.

Her voice trembled as she spoke up, her words laced with raw emotion. "Brian, I can't just ignore the fact that you're a cop, that you're here to arrest my own flesh and blood. It's tearing me apart, and it's hard for me to trust you completely when everything feels so... complicated."

Tears welled up in Mia's eyes as she continued, her voice quivering with a mixture of frustration and vulnerability. "I thought we had something real, Brian. I thought our connection was strong. But now, knowing your true intentions, I can't help but question everything. Do you truly care about me, or am I just caught up in the middle of some twisted game?"

Brian's eyes filled with regret. "Mia, I understand your anger. I wish I could change the circumstances, but I can't. All I can do is assure you that my feelings for you are genuine. I'm willing to prove it to you."

Mike stepped in, trying to find a middle ground. "Mia, Brian, let's calm down for a moment. Emotions are running high, but the most important thing right now is your heart. Mia, trust your instincts and how you feel about Brian. And Brian, be patient and understanding. It won't be an easy road, but love rarely is."

However, Mia's anger stemmed from the knowledge that Brian intended to arrest her brother, Dom.

She believed that their relationship was already marred by this fact and couldn't be repaired.

Brian, his emotions etched on his face, mustered the courage to speak. His voice carried a genuine tone of gratitude as he turned to Mike. "Mike, I appreciate you standing up for me. Thank you for trying to bridge the gap between us."

Mike's gaze hardened, his voice laced with a refined gangster tone.

He placed a firm hand on Brian's shoulder, the weight of his words settling between them. "Listen up, Brian. I ain't doubting your intentions, but if you wanna be with Mia, you gotta understand the stakes. You're a fucking cop for god's sake, and she's blood to the one you are after. Can you really deal with that? Are you ready to walk away from your whole damn identity for her?"

The two fell into silence, reflecting on their own feelings and the complicated situation at hand.

With a final sigh, Brian's shoulders slumped in resignation. He extended a hand toward Mike and spoke with a tinge of gratitude in his voice. "Thanks, Mike. I appreciate your words. I owe you one. Let's grab a drink sometime, my treat."

Mike clapped Brian on the shoulder, a hint of a smirk playing on his lips. "Hey, no worries, bro. I got your back. Consider it a favor between us." He leaned in closer, his voice dropping to a low, gravelly tone. "But remember, when you owe a guy like me a drink, it ain't just about the booze. It's about honorin' that debt, ya know?"

Brian's eyes widened, sensing the gravity in Mike's words. "What do you mean, Mike? Are you saying there's more to this than meets the eye?"

Mike gave a wry smile, a glint of mischief in his eyes. "Let's just say life's got a way of collectin' its dues, my friend. Keep that in mind when you're out there chasin' shadows. And remember, you ain't the only one with unfinished business."

Brian watched as Mike turned away, his swagger evident in every step.

The air was thick with unspoken promises and untold secrets, leaving Brian with a sense of unease.

Little did he know that his words of gratitude had inadvertently entangled him and Mike in a web of consequences, the kind that only the streets could unravel.

Mia looked at Mike, her eyes filled with gratitude. "Thanks, Mike. I really appreciate what you did back there. But ever since I found out he's a fuckin' cop, it's like there's this big-ass wall between us. I just don't think we can go back to how things were."

Mike leaned against the workbench, his voice tinged with sympathy. "I get it, Mia. Discoverin' that kind of shit can mess with your head. But listen, don't let anger cloud your judgment. The most important thing right now is how you feel about Brian."

Mia let out a frustrated sigh. "I don't know, Mike. It's just hard to trust him, you know? I feel like he's using me like I'm some fuckin' pawn in his cop game."

Mike shook his head, his tone firm. "Nah, Mia. I don't think Brian's that kind of guy. If he was just usin' you, things would've hit the fan by now. Dom's already in deep shit, and Brian wouldn't be as cool as he is if he was playin' you."

Mia crossed her arms, her expression conflicted. "I wanna believe that, Mike. But the fact remains, he's a fuckin' cop and he's here to arrest my brother. It's a fucked-up situation."

Mike nodded, understanding the complexity of the situation. "You're right, Mia. It's a tough spot to be in. But here's the deal: if Brian wants to be with you, he has to make a choice. He can't have it both ways. He either gives up his badge and stands by your side, or he walks away and continues his cop duty. It's as simple as that."

Mia looked at Mike, her eyes searching for guidance. "What if he can't give up being a cop, Mike? What if he chooses his duty over me?"

Mike's expression hardened, his words laced with a touch of tough love. Then you have to ask yourself, Mia, if you want to be with someone who prioritizes their job over you. Love isn't about sacrificing your happiness and settling for second place. You deserve someone who's willing to put you first, no matter the consequences."

Mia nodded, a mixture of determination and sadness in her eyes. "I hear you, Mike. I'll have to see what Brian does and how it makes me feel. Thanks for being honest with me."

Mike gave her a supportive pat on the back. "Anytime, Mia. Just remember, you're a strong woman, and you deserve to be with someone who respects and cherishes you. Now, let's get back to fixing up this awesome car."

At this early stage, their bond wasn't strong enough to withstand the complications brought by Mike's involvement.

Helpless and disappointed by the unexpected turn of events, Mike reluctantly turned to the system for solace, checking his progress.


Current Favorability Ratings:

(The Big Bang Theory)

Sheldon: -50

Leonard: 0

Howard: -20

Penny: 100

Rajesh: -10

(The Fast and the Furious)

Vince: +20

Dominic Toretto: +80

Mia Toretto: +65

(John Wick)

John Wick: +40


To his astonishment, Penny's favorability score had reached 100.

He rubbed his eyes in disbelief, confirming that it was indeed true. Additionally, Penny's game talent had skyrocketed to the highest level.

Confused by Penny's sudden change, Mike wondered what had caused her favorability to increase without reason.

He pondered whether he should avoid her in the future, not particularly fond of her calculating nature.

Mia, observing Mike's bewildered expression, questioned him about his odd behavior. "Hey, Mike, what's going on? You seem a bit off. Is everything okay?"

Mia's eyes widened in surprise. "Wait, Mike, you're saying you're scared of Penny's advances? Like... romantically?"

Mike nodded, his face pale with genuine fear, as though the thought alone was unsettling to him. "Yeah, Mia, it's hard to explain. There's something about her that makes me uneasy like she's fixated on me. It's uncomfortable."

Mia's heart skipped a beat upon hearing Mike's words and observing his expression.

Her mind raced with comical misunderstandings, imagining Mike making unwelcome advances on her unsuspecting brother.

'Holy shit, I never saw this coming! Poor Dom, he has no idea what kind of danger he's in! I gotta warn him, like, right now! I'm going to have a serious talk with Dom. I'll tell him, 'Bro, beware of Mike! He's got the hots for you and he might pounce when you least expect it!''

Mia looked at Mike with a mix of concern and confusion. "Well, I trust your instincts, Mike. If Penny gives you bad vibes, it's better to stay away from her. Your safety and well-being are important to me. Just let me know if there's anything I can do to help."

"Don't worry, Mia. I'll make sure that woman doesn't stand a chance. I'll stay hidden and keep myself out of her reach. She won't succeed in her advances, I promise you that," Mike reassured Mia with determination in his voice.

He wore a determined expression on his face, ready to fend off any unwelcome romantic pursuits.

Mia looked at Mike with a perplexed expression as he muttered to himself, further deepening her curiosity about his true nature.

Later that afternoon, Mike informed Mia that he was heading to a friend's house for help and bid her farewell.

Mia inquired if it was his "Frankenstein" friends, referring to his eccentric acquaintances.

"Yes," Mike replied, adding that they were quite interesting.

He proceeded to recount the events of the morning, but Mia simply stared at him with a blank expression, failing to comprehend the significance.

"See you tomorrow," Mike said before getting into his 1968 Dodge Charger and driving off towards Sheldon's place.

Shortly after, Vince arrived as well. Mia shared the events of the day with Vince, causing his favorability towards Mike to plummet from 20 to a pitiful 1.

Vince, visibly surprised by Mia's revelations, furrowed his brows and leaned in closer. "Wait, Mia, are you serious? Mike has been making advances on Dom? That's... unexpected, to say the least."

Mia nodded, a mixture of concern and confusion on her face. "I know, Vince. It's hard to believe, but that's what I gathered from Mike's words. He's genuinely scared of Penny's romantic interest in him, thinking that he might be targeted."

Vince let out a sigh and shook his head. "Man, this is messed up. Dom is completely oblivious to all of this. We need to have a serious talk with him, make sure he's aware of the situation and can protect himself."

Mia's eyes widened, and a mischievous smile formed on her lips. "Oh, you have no idea, Vince. I'm thinking of warning Dom in the most outrageous way possible. Something like, 'Watch out, bro, Mike's got the hots for you!' It'll be hilarious!"

Vince chuckled, shaking his head in disbelief. "Mia, you never fail to surprise me. But, jokes aside, we have to be careful how we approach this. We don't want to create unnecessary drama or hurt anyone's feelings."

Mia's smile faded, replaced by a more serious expression. "You're right, Vince. We need to handle this delicately and make sure Dom understands the situation without causing any harm. Let's talk to him together and support him through this."

Mia, realizing that Mike might be gay, found her own favorability towards him increasing instead of decreasing.

She reasoned that she lacked a male best friend, which led her favorability score to surge from 80 to its current level.

While driving, Mike was startled by a notification from the system. He pulled over and glanced at the sudden increase in Mia's favorability score to 80.


Current Favorability Ratings:

Sheldon: -50

Leonard: 0

Howard: -20

Penny: 100

Rajesh: -10

Vince: 1

Dominic Toretto: 40

Mia Toretto: +80

John Wick: 40

Extractable Skills:

𝙈𝙞𝙖 𝙏𝙤𝙧𝙚𝙩𝙩𝙤

[Top-level car skills]

[Heroine among women]

[Good Wife]

[Loving Mother]


Perplexed, he accessed the system for answers.

To his surprise, Four skills appeared: top-level car skills, the status of a heroine among women, and the ability to be a good wife and loving mother.

Without hesitation, Mike chose top-level car skills for Mia, believing that when her favorability reached 100, she would automatically become a god-level car skill.

Mike looked at Vince and saw that his score had dropped to 1.

He couldn't understand what was happening and felt confused and frustrated. "WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING HERE?" he grumbled, trying to make sense of the situation.

It seemed like every woman had her own secret plan, and Mike felt like he was being played.

Baffled by his current circumstance, Mike resumed his journey, questioning what awaited him next.



[Cooking]: Culinary skills specializing in Chinese cuisine.

[Top Game Talent]: Innate ability to understand and excel at various game mechanics, strategies, and tactics.

[Top-Level luck]: You are the fortunate one, chosen by destiny itself to overcome impossible odds and emerge victorious in the face of adversity.

[Top-level car skills]: Expert driving prowess and mastery of automotive mechanics and techniques.


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