

Rosalind Realm :

Situated in the south of human kingdom.

The chatting of two middle-aged woman could be heard, whining the bread for the royal family, one cleaned her hand with the white apron she was wearing upon her brown frock reaching the knees. Which was sweaty with the heat in that small round kitchen. The hot topic was THE MARRIAGE OF THE PRINCESS !

"Have you heard King Salvatore is marrying his daughter to the first prince of wizardry kingdom."

She spoke to her fellow worker with the tone of informing her.

"Yeah I've heard the rumour too. Every person in Rosalind Kingdom knows so something must be valid about this."

She replied without caring about the princess's marriage. Neither she was excited nor feeling sorrow.


The first woman became quiet, lifted the pot of milk and poured in the dough she'd prepared earlier.

But then while punching it she murmured again.

"Don't you think our princess is ill-fated ?"

The second woman frowned and replied.

"Aye, why so ?"

The first woman was shocked upon the question. She tucked her one fist to her navel and tilted her left side a little moving her pelvic-girdle in such position so that it could be noticed.

The other woman stood still gazing at her face.

"I wish the second king of our kingdom had a daughter so she could be used as a bait instead of our princess ! "

The second woman took a deep breath inhaling the warm gusts of air present in the kitchen and sighed.

"But unfortunately our whole kingdom has only one princess. The second king is child less."

The first woman looked upon the fire which was burning and it's heat was cooking the eatables. Her expressions showed as if she was mourning upon someone's death !

"Somehow I don't want the princess to get married to our rival's son !"

She pouted and was firm in her saying.

"But the king doesn't want the war to start. Thus the princess had to sacrifice herself for us, for her kingdom !"

The second woman was still expressionless.

When the thumping of boots and NEIGH of horses sounded loud nearby the kitchen. The ladies kept their tongues shut in their mouths.

The wizardry kingdom:

King Drakos is full of rage upon the disappearance of his only son, the prince which was going to be married !

"You're still unable to find the prince , general. What should I do with you ?"

The king's rage was on peak. The only son which was supposed to be get married to the daughter of King Salvatore, princess Helena was missing !

Did he disappeared on his own will ?

Or someone conspired ?

"My lord please spare my life though I'm unable to find the prince. But I've been informed that the prince disappeared with their master (teacher) !"

"What ? You mean my most trust man Mr. Valos kidnapped my son, the prince ?"

The king clenched his fists and was sending spades through his eyes upon his general !

"You know what you're saying general ?"

The king questioned.

"Y.....yes my lord. I'm aware of my tongue. Please spare my life I'll do my best to find the prince. "

The general pleaded.

The king waved him to disappear out of sight !

The deadly silence lurked in the magnificent hall.

King Drakos sighed upon what was going on.

What will he do ?

Marriage was about a month later. Where should he find the prince ?

Back to Rosalind kingdom:

The whole palace was decorated with golden shiny lights, flags of the kingdom was placed higher at the tower. The streets were cleaned and the citizens were strictly told to keep the lanes neat. The bakeries were informed of the sweets, cakes and other cookies. A schedule was given to them and the knights were put on duty to wander along the city to watch over the citizens.

The fruit venders were supposed to provide fresh fruits directly from farms to the palace for the royal guests. Which would come from the wizardry kingdom about next month.

The interior of the palace was renewed, the vast hall was elegantly decorated with ribbons royal blue & blood red in colors hung along the four walls of the hall in the pattern of arches. The throne was rebuilt in elegant golden shade and jewels were tucked to it for beauty. A long carpet was placed in the middle of the hall with a seating of 200 people on the sides. A bit lower to the throne.

The Rosalind kingdom is situated in the south of human kingdom. While the Wizardry kingdom relies in the north. Both the kingdoms have two kings. Every kingdom is divided into two parts for an easy rule. The second king of Rosalind kingdom is childless yet a good friend of king Salvatore, the first king. Moving to the other kingdom. King Drakos the first king has only one son. While the second, king Snape has also a son of marriagable age.

Both were involved in ancestral rivalry , "the cause "which the present generation doesn't remember.

Now the both kings decided to end this bloodshed by marrying their children.

The people of Rosalind kingdom are very good with plants and are known for their floral abilities. They can grow plants with their magic powers, various types, various sizes and other unique plants.

But their powers are confined to only plants and flowers. The speciality of this kingdom is "roses" as guessed by name. The colors and sizes varies in every area.

While the powers of people of Wizardry kingdom are not bound they'd variety of powers. The part of king Drakos uses light magic while of King Snape uses black ones.

The palace of

King Snape :

An intense atmosphere was in the hall. The king was speaking with a grin.

"General you know you're my most trusted person. Moreover you've done SOMETHING  for me."

The general was kneeling with his head lowered.

"Y....yes my lord. I'm at your service till death & I'll be faithful."

The king gave a laughter. Came closer to him.

"Well.....well general one out of hundreds are like you and I'll not be able to find again someone most trusted like __you "

"My lord !"

The general felt something fishy.

The king draw his sword out and placed it beneath the general's chin.

"But if you'll stay alive someone will definitely find out that I was involved in the disappearance of  the prince."

The king finished and sliced his neck. The drops flew on king's face which he cleaned with a smirk.

Back in human world:

It was almost evening when Saavi woke up and __ found HIM floating in the air, crossed legged and folded arms. His posture was like a Buddha and yes stardust was floating all around him.

She thought it was an illusion, blinked and lowered her head again.

But after a second looked up again and __

Jumped onto him.

Hugged him as he lifted her up and gave a swing.

"Oh you're finally__here"

She gave a laughter.

"Yeah__my lady missed me so much that I'd to change."

He teased while gripping her around waist & settling her hair strand behind right ear.

Saavi blushed with her gaze glued to the floor.

He lifted her chin and __

Kissed her gently on forehead.

With love and desire of want !

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