
(BL)Obsessive Over You

There's nothing Levi Winchester doesn't know about the guy he's been in love with, Tyler Moss. His deepest secrets, what he likes to eat, how he sleeps at night...and even the scent of his underwear. But even being unable to find himself truly, he would do anything to protect Tyler.....ANYTHING.

Sakakibara9300 · Kinh dị ma quái
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88 Chs

Tyler Moss

Kanstantinos Barros was dead.

It's been a week already but a lot has changed. People began to lose interest in the murder story that went viral. The "whistleblower" and "soccer coach" Coach Nichols left a Will after he "committed suicide."

My grandmother survived the fall but was in critical condition.

That day Levi found me at the hospital sitting outside the operating room with uncle Rhys, mom and dad.

I remember dashing to him because he was covered in blood and bruises. I told him that grandma was injured. She rolled down the stairs and I couldn't reach her nurse. I was also worried sick about him. I asked him what the hell had happened and he could only say "Kanstantinos is dead." Before he broke down in my arms.

Levi looked dead inside ever since.

Dad, Rhys, mom and I insisted Levi come with us. And he's been living in my room and not attending school.

"Liam, should we see an exhibition together? I saw it's a lot of video game stuff," I begged Liam as we left our classroom. "It's this Sunday. Or we can go for a walk to train your legs more."

"I don't think I'll have time," since I updated Liam, even he's been weird with me.

"Then do you want to hang out after school a bit?"

"I'm busy today as well."

"I see."

"I'm being nice about it, maybe once things settle down for me a bit."

"Did I do something wrong Liam? You don't want to be around me at all lately."

"If I tell you, will it truely be ok?"

"I promise it will."

"Collective punishment."

"That only exists in comic books!" I retorted.

"It's a real thing. Though it's not a law, people really feel it. Regardless of what my dad was going thru, he still helped Levi's dad, and that man committed unforgivable crimes. Because of my dads support, Jay's death was possible. So my dad deserves to be punished, and do do I for not speaking up." Liam looked at his hands. "I have to pay for not stopping him even though I knew."

"But you didn't know anything about it!"

"Or maybe I just turned a blind eye to it." Liam sighed. He looked like he was really struggling. "Since I found out about his involvement, I've felt this way and I've been thinking about it. Even though I tried to help, I can't stop feeling guilty."


"Tyler, I honestly feel like a piece of shit and uncomfortable around you. Let's not talk to each other for a while." Liam told me before going on to completely ignore my existence.

Ah, I lost my best friend too.

After everything, we were back to square one. Actually, we were in a worse position.

Kanstantinos is dead

I couldn't shake it from my mind. Jay was also my friend, I cared about him a lot and he was a part of my life in a bigger way than he would know. Even Coach Nichols has impacted my mood like crazy.

Ugh! I need to snap out of it! I can break down right now if all times. I'm the only one left that can help Levi and protect him.

"I'm home," I announced after walking home from school by myself. Quickly I was engulfed in a desparately sad hug.

"Welcome home, Tyler," Levi nuzzled his face into my neck. He showered today, so at least he got out of bed. "What'd you do today?"

"You know, I stuck around Liam. He's at the arcade now," I lied. I couldn't look Levi in the eye and tell him what was really up. It just wasn't important enough.

"Rhys is in the kitchen waiting to speak to you," Levi took my bag.

"Can you wait for me upstairs then?" I smiled and gave him a kiss. He nodded and took my bag upstairs. He didn't look ok at all.

"Hey Tyler."

I made my way into the kitchen and sat across from uncle Rhys. "Levi looks like he's constantly drowning. Like he's already given up on everything."

"Tell me."

"I keep bringing him food...But he keeps refusing to eat. He only eats if I'm around and sometimes I catch him laughing at nothing. And when there's a loud noise, he reacts with extreme discomfort. He often stares into space, even when the TV is on he just dead stares. He doesn't talk much anymore and he only answers my questions. And...." I think he's trying to have sex with me to forget. It doesn't feel right to do it now.

"And what?"


"Everything is still fresh in his mind. Slowly, he'll come back to normal. I'm sorry there isn't much I could do for you two. Ten years ago and now."

"Don't say that, Uncle Rhys. Because of your help, we were able to get as far as we did. We've done everything we could but there's obviously still more to do, so don't give up please."

Levi please don't give up!

"Will you be able to understand him?" Uncle Rhys asked.

"I'll try, I'll wait, I'll do whatever it takes to understand him." I declared. I knew what he was implying about Levi's mental health slipping away.

"Want something to eat? I made something because your mom and dad are on a date," Uncle Rhys said. "It's make your own sandwich night."

"You didn't make anything then."

"See the eggs in the pot? If you want eggs on the sandwich, they're fresh."

"They're cold and burnt."

"Shut up and eat brat."

"I'll make one for Levi too, he has a more simple taste palate like me. I'm feeling extra lonely today, I'll cuddle with him more after I eat."

"Will you be able to handle it?" Rhys asked.

"One sandwich isn't enough when your lover is waiting for you at home secretly." I Half smiled.

"I meant about what I asked earlier. About how much you understand Levi."

"Yes, I'll understand everything he does. I love him so much more than you think," I stated. "The bond we have is so strong that it's come to point, that I can't live without him. He's everything to me and if I lost him I would die. It sounds selfish and like I want to hold him back.....but love is inherently selfish."


"He's mine uncle Rhys. End of story. No matter what he does, there's a reason behind it! I'll understand him even when nobody else can! I can handle it!"