

Now there are two different types of people in this world. Those that are special and those that are not special. The special ones possess different mindsets unlike the the normal and bland irrelevant people but..... sometimes there are exceptions.

Like... Me.

You see I was a normal child from the moment I was born, I was bland, no interests, I had average looks and my parents were average, everything screeched normal about me, at least... that's what I thought.

Yes that's what I thought but around age of 3 I discovered it was all lies, ALL LIES. Around that age everyone I knew died, and me? well I was taken in by scientists who killed them and were working on super soldiers. That's where it all got fu**ed, they experimented on me constantly and each day just got worse and worse.

It went from simple serums to torture and then back to serums.

I always hoped it would end and it did at one point, at least temporarily but when it did end.. they forced me to kill... they forced and ingrained every way they could find on how to kill someone into my mind through merciless torture. If I did it incorrectly I got tortured, if I didn't listen properly they tortured me into listening, if I fell asleep they tortured me back awake.

Eventually by the age of 6 I turned numb to it and learned every way you could kill someone. Remember how I said there's two kind of people? The special and non-special and how I thought I was always the bland and irrelevant type then take that sh*t and shove it up your a*s, I found how I'm special and very special as I monstrous talent in killing and its ways and the scientists picked up on it and used it to its fullest advantage.

By the age of 8 I was about 1m and 34cm tall had a toned body and had already fought people nearly twice my size and defeated them. I had learned every single way to kill someone from poisons to bombs and had nothing more to learn except how to handle weapons and get more super soldier serums injected into me to get a stronger physique.

At age 10 I had already reached a shocking 1m and 67cm, quite big for my age (in more places than one ) thanks to the serums. I had also mastered all the martial arts there is and could put the best of the best in the world to shame.

Now at age 12 I am around 1m and 74, have a lean swimmers body and unorganised white hair and black bangs. I have mastered everything they have, they are now going to put me into action and they have collected other children as well considering I was a success. (A.N:Honestly speaking I wanted to chnge the pov here but I didn't think it was appropriate)

4 years have passed and now I am 16, I have killed thousands upon thousands of people and slowly become numb to death and blood. I have even got my own nickname 'Addai' which means Man of God(AN:confirmed I researched this, it's in hebrew) as the scientists are the ones who control me would be the Gods who kill whoever gets in their way of tge inhuman experiments.

They are thinking of using cyrostasis to preserve me so I can be used in further exper. They are currently nullifying all of my emotions through a rather painful process but nothing i can't endure thanks to the thorough torture when i was younger.

As I began to be frozen over i looked aeound and saw other experiments that although did succeed but not as much as me. I guess I really am one of a kind killing machine.

(Pov:3rd person)

As he was getting frozen in cryostasis the people watching were thinking different things. The scientists were extremely exited because if they can make more soldiers like 'Addai' (AN:I'll call him Addai because i dont want him to have a name until he reincarnates) they will rule the world while the other experiments were in awe because he was like a role model to them, they wanted to become like him, a person who helps others through killing though what they did not know was that they were just brainwashed.

And so time moved but no one ever forgot what that monster did. He killed, assassinated and massacared without restraint and was a one man army. He could handle hundreds of soldiers and still live, so every country was scared of him setting his sights on them.

As time kept moving everyone stopped fearing him and thought he was just fake and soon there was a child born in the facilities where he was raised he was name '47' because of his number of birth, as the child grew older the scientists discovered he had killing talent like 'Addai' so they woke 'Addai' to teach him how to kill.

When woken he asked what his assignment was and they explained everything about what he has to do and how he has more people to get rid. So after he awoke he taught the child everything he knew and kept killing while at it.

And the world? They were terrified because he was fake and here he was killing millions of people without restraint. Soon 40 more years passed and he was 56 but still retained the looks of a teenager with white hair and lean swimmers body. The child, '47' as he was called was just as good at killing as he was if not better.

But not everything lasted as he was frozen again. And he was again forgotten but was unfrozen hunderds of years later because of another talent and while killing when he had the chance and this process continued for about a thousand years.

But as all good things must someday end so does he, during one of his routine space travels (yes space travels, humans achieved space travel) through the milky way he accidently sucked into a black hole killing his body.

The scientists now Gods were saddened because of their loss but still that real gods should not exist so they reported him MIA and so.... this is how our story starts!

My first ever book please don't bully me too much??????

SnifeADoodlecreators' thoughts
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