
모나코카지노 1

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(本文爽翻天,男女主颜值炸裂苍穹!武力值颇高!1v1,宠文齁甜!微玄幻+无逻辑) 夏知微——在异世活了几千年突然重生的符箓界老祖宗。 司晔——自出生就被断定活不过25岁的天煞星。美强惨课代表,最爱扮猪吃老虎。 夏知微重生成豪门夏家从小被抱错的真千金。 从小养在乡下,粗鄙庸俗,不学无术的草包美人。 假千金多才多艺,柔弱善良,乃B市备受赞誉的第一名媛。 就连夏知微的父母兄弟,都对她弃如敝履,只宠爱假千金一人。 夏家父母:虽然你是我们的亲闺女,可双双同样是我们的闺女,凡事你让着她点! 夏家大哥:我只有双双一个妹妹。 夏家小弟:我只喜欢双双姐姐! 顾大少:我的未婚妻只认双双一人! 豪门圈的好事者纷纷在看热闹。 人人嘲讽她不如假千金乖巧懂事,优雅大方! 夏老祖冷冷勾唇:你们在座的老祖宗,见了我都得给我磕头! 呵呵…… 乡下村姑? 粗鄙庸俗? 让你们见识一下什么才叫人上人,天上天! 后来。 当夏老祖的惊人身世浮出水面…… 她的多重马甲一一被扒开! 被所有权贵世家奉为座上宾,又被顶级权贵的当家人强势揽入怀中时,所有人差点把眼睛瞪瞎了…… 原来真千金才是最强大佬!

陈的陈 · Tổng hợp
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794 Chs

Harry Potter , Pursuit Of Magic

The story Of the Greatest Wizard ever . One who surpassed all known norms. ========================================================== Arvic , intelligent, talented , born in rich family , loving parents ,good friends ,academics etc . died due to rather unfortunate turn of events at the age of 19 , perhaps luck was the only thing he lacked as the the way he died can only be blamed on some circumstances . yes as you would have guised he had ample knowledge about various movies (harry potter ), anime ,manga etc . well he was not an otaku or a loner .rather he he extravert in various occasions. and his reason for all that knowledge would leaved you quite shocked . besides that he was talented and hew had completed studies of various fields enough to rivel famous professor. now a that very same person who had insane talent and learning capabilities as well as keen interest in magic is reborn in the wizarding world of HARRY POTTER with a system with only basic appraisal and status feature. Follow as he discovers the secrets of the wizarding world , truth about , the reason for his reincarnation and is the system really as simple as he thinks He will make use of his initiate talents and learn magic , surpass the common sense of the people , make impossible possible and lets not forget girls he will discover the secrets of magic and learn the true magic . let us join in his journey in his pursuit of magic and becomes true definition of OP ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This is my first time writing so do not except much . i will try my best the story will not revolve much around harry . as he is NOT THE MC OF THE STORY . i will try to make it as logical as possible , but do not except much as you really cant really on logic when there is magic in the world . I will try to make the mc OP but not that he will suddenly becomes the strongest or gains power ups all of a sudden , i will make him op compared to his peers . and slowly he will he will becomes more op . hopefully a god by the end . HOPE IT END UP WELL ===================================================================

One_For_None · Phim ảnh
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18 Chs

The Author Is Speechless

The book he wrote wasn't some ordinary book, nor was he an ordinary person. He holds the ability to see the future unknowingly and writes it down as great stories.  Little did he know, he would wake up in a different body in a world where he finds out the characters in his book…A world of magic, swords and monsters.  'Wait, this isn't a world from my novel. It's a real world and the novel is just my prediction of some people just like the guardian said. So I will just enjoy the show as an audience and leave after the story ends. I have a whole new world to discover in front of me.' But what awaits him was something he could never imagine. In front of the world, in front of the whole universe, his assumption was just a grind of sand. The truth of the world made him rethink his life and the life he lived back in another world.  Viktor North, the author, finds himself in the middle of the whole universe where he was nothing but an extra later in his life as he kept living. An extra who was abandoned by his mother, his brother who was an elemental guardian and also a demigod, his race and the God.  'But I prefer to sleep than going against these unwanted people and unwanted problems. I want to sleep. I just want to shut my eyes and sleep under my warm blanket, probably forever if it's possible.' This is the story of an author, a grand magician, a guardian who somehow became a god and the only thing he could think of was sleep.  He is the definition of what a 'Shut-in' is. ... ... The cover is not mine so if someone have any prob. ..Ask me right away.. :p [ If you wish to contact me, DM on instagram -- @miami_rin ]

Matsuba_Kuroe · Kỳ huyễn
289 Chs


It cant be explained, it cant be described. It can only be expressed amongest those who have gotten a chance. I have lived all my entire life trying to understand this feeling but till date i have failed out. Though i want to give it a try, am still afraid, afraid of being hurt. Hurt because its in record that nothing hurts much more than it can take in this whole world. It is just an experience. An experience that has hurt 99.99% of the human kind nature that has lived on and on for ages. But still its un avoidable. An avoidable because it has the power to choose you even when you try to avoid it. I was least aware when i found myself in the same situation. And by that time there was no turning back. That is when I understood that this world has its ways. Just like the existence of darkness, light takes it away. Just as the stars occupy the empty sky, the moon does too. Flowers blossom, in the same way they wither. The magic of a river flow also has its end to the sea. Same to this feeling when it begun i never thought it could come to an end. But who knows, at its own wish it ends. For always and forever, all that has a beginning has an end. LOVE !!!! Having alot of meanings to different people. To some it is PAIN, it is SORROW, it is MADNESS, it is STUPIDITY, it is that feeling that drives the living kind to the ends of the world. To scientists, it is a fantasy that arise as a result of hormonal changes in the human body. To philosophers, it Is something that is triggered in human consciousness when two souls meet and connect. To some it is just an ecstasy. Yet to some it is simply an emotion, a feeling that can not really be explained. Something meant to just be felt. What makes it more complicated is that it has no garrant that you are to be loved back in return. I had no choice but to love him and he had no choice but to love me. This is my love story which is the strangest but also the most beautiful ever told in this existing world. *THIS IS MY CHOSEN LOVE TO TELL.* PLEASE BARE WITH ME TO THE VERY END.

Namusiitwa_Gloria · Kỳ huyễn
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2 Chs

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