

Tác giả: 马上将军
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What is 都市神话

Đọc tiểu thuyết 都市神话 của tác giả 马上将军 được xuất bản trên WebNovel.  【本故事都是真人真事,绝对没有胡编乱造,真的!】  ——BY马上将军(眼神镇定ing)  平生只修善缘,匆匆不是神仙。若要忙里偷闲,我有生命之泉  如果有一天,你拥有了一个神奇的war3生命之泉,它能够让你跑的更快,跳的更高,变得更强,受伤后还能慢慢修复身体……这时,你会怎么办?  一双铁拳打尽不平事,一口豪气激励忠义坛。虎战群狼亦刚强,不是猛龙不过江!  逆天?神话?妖孽?怪兽?奥特曼?  ...

Tóm tắt

  【本故事都是真人真事,绝对没有胡编乱造,真的!】  ——BY马上将军(眼神镇定ing)  平生只修善缘,匆匆不是神仙。若要忙里偷闲,我有生命之泉  如果有一天,你拥有了一个神奇的war3生命之泉,它能够让你跑的更快,跳的更高,变得更强,受伤后还能慢慢修复身体……这时,你会怎么办?  一双铁拳打尽不平事,一口豪气激励忠义坛。虎战群狼亦刚强,不是猛龙不过江!  逆天?神话?妖孽?怪兽?奥特曼?  “从此以后,我是神话!”成为人形怪兽的某个铁男张牙舞爪地对天大吼……  生命之泉,洗洗更健康……  都市神话群:1914632【满了】  都市神话群月水提供:108528921【不怕死的就来】  都市神话群老高提供:79298299【这里的人很纯很天真】

Bạn cũng có thể thích

Princess Cultivator

What to do after being sucked into a novel? “Learn about the world and disregard the plot~” How about when it’s a cultivation novel? “Do that and become hella strong since in those type of novels, the strong beats the weak but also be hella cunning since two-faced people are everywhere.” What happens if you meet the leads aka the power couple of the world? “Nah~ who cares about them? Wait….. of course mess them up and create drama.” Will you try to go back in your world? “I mean~ not really since I don’t have any attachment except for the people in the monastery but they also have no attachment in that world sooo, ultimately, no” If you got transmigrated before the novel starts and into the body of Feng Lixiu who is a villainess among many and who will also be disgraced and humiliated? “What are you on??? Of course be a different kind of villainess who will not be disgraced nor humiliated~ plus the novel haven’t even started so might as well tweak a few things or maybe a lot of things~” Why not live peacefully? “I’ve thought of that and it does seem fun and all but drama though, yeah? You get me??? Drama~” Okay, then. Have Fun!!!~ “Of course, I will~…… and thanks~” … Wait?!!??! I forgot your present, here is a persistent guy who will chase to the edge of the world and will continue to involve himself in your life even if you are annoyed and will always try to kill him~ “…Ah, thanks but I don’t need it~” You don’t but he’ll probably ignore what you said “I’m sorry, who?” “My wifey is truly beautiful just like you said” That’s a given since I’m the one who gave birth to her “What are on about?!? I don’t even know you!” How could you say that?! Well since you two have met, toodles~ “Hey! Wait!?” “Wifey, running away?” “Wifey your a**!?!!!?”

cayleena · Kỳ huyễn
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妈妈说,时空穿梭都是有机缘的,而她的姻缘就在这个艰苦的年代里。 所以,她跨越时空而来,就在他危难之际。 ** 秦亦灵意外开启了妈妈的时空隧道,一朝身穿就处在逃难的路上。 很好,是时候展现真正的技术了。 本人自带寻宝特质,山里来海里去,想要啥就有啥。 只要闻一闻嗅一嗅,配方就到手,高超的制药技术了解下。 啥?未来险阻重重? 天灾人祸都不怕,她可是气运之女,锦鲤都得听她的。 男主版: 听村里人说,谁跟他亲近就会被克死?还听说他对女人很残暴? 某男:谁稀罕啊,他的心里早就住着一个小仙女了。 谁都不知道,在他八岁那年遭遇意外时,他身边出现了一个小仙女,那曾是他年少最美的时光。 他承诺会娶她,不管过去多少年,他都会等着她再次来到他的身边。 ** 某大佬委屈脸:“媳妇,又有人打我主意了!” 秦亦灵挥了挥鞭子:“谁?站出来,我让她了解下花儿为什么那么红!” 某大佬星星眼:媳妇威武,爱老虎油! 众属下:老大,能要点脸么?你心狠手辣的形象呢? 【娇美护短强悍女汉子vs专情力大霸宠男】 1,双处,姻缘天定,强强联手,互宠。 2,架空,架空,架空,一切设定以本书为准则,勿代入现实,近代新背景。

倾卿慕颜 · Tổng hợp
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598 Chs

Blue Moon Academy

Ezekiel Carter had no idea how even more special he was. Living the life of a born teenage werewolf was not very easy for him or his brother Aleko especially being raised by a Beta wolf, Aleko's mother. His pack of course would always change for the full or blue moon, yet Ezekiel was different, he would only change partial but never fully into a wolf. He had idea what made him different from any other and he couldn't find out because both of his parents were dead. Confused, lost, and irritated, Ezekial begins to uncover many other secrets about himself, such as abilities that are not from werewolves. Ezekial manages to cause a little damage with his newly discovered abilities and Aleko's mother contacts a family friend, Constatine Lachlan, who is the headmaster of Blue Moon Academy for werewolves. She sends Aleko and Ezekiel off with him to train to become Sentinels for their kind to fight rogue vampires. Vampires were their enemies and they hated them with a passion. They were the cause of their father's death, and they wanted their revenge. Alessa Valentina and her family were royalty amongst the vampire races. Her parents were killed at a very young age by what her brother, Amer, tells her by rogue dangerous werewolves. All her life she grows up hating werewolves, hunting them, and killing them. Yet, on a fateful day she meets Ezekial, and she is instantly drawn to him. No idea what or who he is, Alessa allows herself to feel once alive again only to discover that he is her enemy. Does she kill him? Or should she allow her heart to once again awaken after so long of being dead since the loss of her parents. Meanwhile in Germany, Omar Werner is obsessed with power. He is the most powerful warlock, and he craves the destruction of mankind. His daughter hid the most precious prophet and gift from him, one that could catalyst everything. He would destroy anyone and anything in his waking path to get what he wants, even his own flesh and blood.

Lycantes · Kỳ huyễn
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1 Chs
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