
Chapter 54: Xie Bi'an Is Like A Woman!

Biên tập viên: Dragon Boat Translation

Xie Bi'an was the White Impermanence and the supreme commander of the underworld's Hell Office.

He was one of the ten Ghost Marshals of the underworld who were in charge of supervising the tens of thousands of White Impermanence Soul Reapers of Hell Office. 

Fan Wujiu was the Black Impermanence and the supreme commander of the underworld's Hell Office.

He was also one of the ten Ghost Marshals of the underworld. He was in charge of supervising the tens of thousands of Black Impermanence Soul Reapers of the Hell Office. 

One was always smiling, while the other often had a stern and hostile expression. 

The two of them had always been inseparable.

After making sure that Ji Younai's soul had entered her own body without any problems, Xie Bi'an immediately returned to report to the First Great Hall. 

However, he was flabbergasted! 

He had been tasked with an impossible mission, and he knew he was finished. 

"You and Fan Wujiu will be in charge of Ji Younai. Make sure you train her well before the Hungry Ghost Festival, so that she has the ability to fight with the other nine. My expectations are not high; I just want to ensure that she will be able to qualify for the final assessment."

His cold and ruthless voice echoed in the empty First Great Hall.

'Isn't that a high expectation?'

'Final Assessment! That's no place for a crybaby!'

'Don't even think about it, okay?'

With a sulky face, Xie Bi'an exclaimed, "King Jiang! That crybaby can't do anything! She doesn't even have any spiritual power!"

"She's also afraid of ghosts!"

"She loves crying too! If you give me and Lord Black such a task, you might as well be throwing us into the frying pan!" 

"I only have one thing to say: if you can't train her well, or anything happens to her, you will lose a thousand years of your cultivation each and be demoted to catching little ghosts."

"I will obey your orders," Fan Wujiu acknowledged coldly.

With a straight face, he cupped his fist and bent over. 

"Lord Black, why did you accept? Do you know the background of the other nine? They're all brazen and ruthless!" Xie Bi'an exclaimed.

Continuing, he said, "They're descendants of the Master of Maoshan Black Magic! They're rare psychic geniuses! They come from a lineage of Taoist priests and exorcists! How can that little crybaby compete with them!?!

"Can she defeat them in crying? All she does is cry for two months? King Jiang, I'd rather you throw me into the frying pan!"

"Shut up!" Fan Wujiu hollered coldly.

Grabbing Xie Bi'an, who was going to reason with Jiang Ziwen, he dragged him away, putting him onto his shoulders to take him away. 


In the Third People's Hospital, the smoke alarm in the ICU room went off several times.

The sprinklers on the ceiling were even triggered once.

The entire ward was in chaos, as if a downpour had occurred inside the ward. 

Not only was the medical equipment damaged, the white paint on the walls was also ruined due to the dampness.

The police and firefighters were all there as well. 

Normally, the people involved would have been taken to the police station for an interrogation.

However, Gong Siyu was obviously not an ordinary person. 

He paid a few million yuan in damages for the equipment and donated a new multi-million-yuan hospital building to this public hospital without even batting an eyelid.

He only had a few minor requests.

First, he wanted to keep the incense burning. Second, the smoke alarms had to be switched off.

No one could get in his way! He refused to leave, and he wasn't going to go anywhere.

He wanted to watch over Ji Younai, who was lying on the hospital bed, until she woke up.

The police and doctors all thought that Gong Siyu, this handsome and extremely wealthy man, was out of his mind.

They were certain that Ji Younai was already dead and could not be resurrected. 

All the soul-summoning tricks were simply lies!

They moved her to another ward, which was cleaner and much more spacious

The following afternoon, the soul-summoning incense burned out. 

The moment the incense went out, the girl named Luo opened her eyes, leaped off the couch, yawned languidly, and walked barefoot to Ji Younai's bedside.

"Luo, don't walk around barefooted! You'll fall sick!" 

Feng Jinxuan was taking a nap when he heard the noises.

He squinted with some hostility in his chilly eyes. 

The young girl pouted and snorted. 

"That only applies to normal people like you! Ever since I was a child, I've been walking around barefoot in the Immeasurable Mountain, and if I hadn't gone out of the mountain, I wouldn't have known that it's a common practice for people to wear shoes."


Feng Jinxuan grabbed Luo's embroidered shoes, walked towards her, squatted down, and dragged her slender ankles towards him in an effort to force her to put them on.

He couldn't control Luo at all. 

For a moment, Feng Jinxuan was envious of Gong Siyu.

His little one was gentle, mild-mannered, and obedient, though a little feeble and cowardly. 

Unlike her, Luo was as wild and rambunctious as a monkey. She was fearless, liked throwing her money at others, picking fights, beating others up into a pulp, and summoning a bunch of wild ghosts to scare them.

The first thing Luo noticed was that the paleness of Ji Younai's face was slowly subsiding. She looked much more vibrant and her lips had become rosier. 

"Her soul has returned. She's just sleeping now, and she'll be awake in no time." 

Hearing her words, Gong Siyu blinked his bloodshot eyes and the frown on his forehead eased up. He smiled calmly and glanced at Feng Jinxuan before taking a look at Luo, nodding gently at her. 

"Feng Jinxuan, I'll take the little one to visit you and thank this girl personally some other day." 

His slightly deep and alluring voice was composed and full of certainty.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, the girl named Luo gently jumped up to the edge of the window and waved to them, her long hair fluttering in the wind. 

"I've heard that the sharks in the sea are very fun to play with. If you want to thank me, catch a female one for me some day and let me raise it. Feng Jinxuan said that he's going to catch a male one for me someday. They can make a pair!"


Gong Siyu and Feng Jinxuan watched Luo leap down from the window on the sixth floor.

Based on her posture and the arch of her back, they could tell that was an expert at jumping off of buildings! 

"There's an elevator that you could have boarded properly, and yet, you jumped out of the window once again!" Feng Jinxuan furrowed his brows and chastised her.

"Siyu, I'll get going now. Contact me if there's anything you need!" He then chased after Luo. 

Gong Siyu watched as Feng Jinxuan hurried away, frowning in bewilderment. 

'Who is this girl who came in with my best buddy?'

He felt that the young girl, who seemed to be just as old as Ji Younai, was definitely a tough nut to crack. 

Little did Gong Siyu know… The young girl named Luo would become the first person to lead Ji Younai astray in the future!

A devilish and mysterious young girl, coupled with a gentle, meek, and obedient crybaby… They didn't seem to be a match! 

Not long after Feng Jinxuan and Luo left, the person whom Gong Siyu absolutely did not want to see unexpectedly appeared in the hospital.

She showed up at Ji Younai's ward.

Dressed in a snow-white gingham dress, with her long tresses draped all over her face, she looked extremely haggard.

Her beautiful eyes were red and swollen from excessive crying, giving her delicate, Eurasian-looking face a hint of vulnerability and pitifulness. 

The back of her hand was bruised and wrapped in bloodstained gauze. She was bandaged after getting an intravenous drip. 

As soon as Gong Siyu saw Wen Yu, the gaze in his eyes turned menacing and he hollered, "Bai Feiran! Didn't I tell you that I didn't want to see her? Didn't I tell you I wanted her to scram back to Gong Siyu's place!?! Why is she in the hospital! Who let her in the ward?!"

Upon hearing Gong Siyu's angry growl, Bai Feiran sighed and quickly entered the ward to explain. 

"Young Master, Lin Feng and the others have been standing guard outside the room all night. I told them to get some rest, and the guards who are outside now are all newcomers who don't know what happened last night."