

Tác giả: 乙玄
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What is 智能密码

Đọc tiểu thuyết 智能密码 của tác giả 乙玄 được xuất bản trên WebNovel.  美国耗资上千亿美元研发的第一台超级人工智能计算机,在进行最后的测试时突然失控了!  美国中央情报局(CIA)和美国国家安全局(NSA)调动大批精兵强将组成联合调查组,对事件展开调查。  而引发失控事件的林晨,却想带着他无意中创造出来的人工智能,从CIA和NSA的眼皮子底下逃离美国!  谁拥有创造人工智能的方法,谁就掌握了打开智能时代大门的密码!  ——智能密码使用说明书——  成分:智能科技、...

Tóm tắt

  美国耗资上千亿美元研发的第一台超级人工智能计算机,在进行最后的测试时突然失控了!  美国中央情报局(CIA)和美国国家安全局(NSA)调动大批精兵强将组成联合调查组,对事件展开调查。  而引发失控事件的林晨,却想带着他无意中创造出来的人工智能,从CIA和NSA的眼皮子底下逃离美国!  谁拥有创造人工智能的方法,谁就掌握了打开智能时代大门的密码!  ——智能密码使用说明书——  成分:智能科技、机械制造、特种作战、异术超能、各类美女、硬汉猛男及大量汽车舰船飞机大炮等杂质  初始密码:3316850  研发人员:乙玄  使用方式:点击左侧按钮,成为智能密码正式用户后方可正常使用!  客户服务:433685855

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Hate To Love You My Billionaire Lover

Arianna’s family was falling apart and facing a tragic demise, however, her heart sank when she clearly saw Travis Cooper’s name on the acquisition papers. She had no choice but to negotiate with him. Arianna lowered her head and relaxed her shoulders to ease the tension. She should show him gratefulness to make him happier, she thought, but she just couldn’t do it. “How would you be willing to leave my grandfather alone?” He casually poured her a cup of tea and placed it in front of her before replying, “I think the correct person to ask is the judge, no? The offenders are usually punished. This is a matter of justice, isn’t it?” Arianna was beginning to grow tired of his mood swings. “He is old, and his body is failing him. He would not last long in prison.” Arianna continued to try to sway him. “What can I do? I always admire devoted children.” His voice carried some ridicule, “But I’m not a charity. I only do transactions with interests. What would you do in exchange for the freedom of your grandfather?” Travis intertwined the fingers of his one hand with the other and rested his hands on his stomach as he leaned back in his chair once more. His expression was a bit lazy, “Since you entered this door, I’ve been waiting for the drama of you selling your body and soul to me in order to save your family member.” When Arianna didn’t reply, Travis explicitly said, “Maybe I’m just bored. I’d like to try something fun.” Arianna’s stomach felt like it flipped. She looked at the handsome face that was now showing evil.

AnnaShannel_Lin · Thành thị
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