

Tác giả: 离月上雪
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What is 抗击者

Đọc tiểu thuyết 抗击者 của tác giả 离月上雪 được xuất bản trên WebNovel.父母离异的李天明,大学毕业后成了一名中学教师。在很长的一段时间里,贫寒、隔阂、轻视与迷茫如蚕茧一般包裹着他,可他却一次次不屈地朝自我命运抗击……在此过程中,李天明深刻体会到时代需要与个人发展的矛盾与冲突,中国传统文化与西方文化的碰撞与相融,家长与教师的客观束缚与主观自由,以及经济崛起与文化传承的博弈与补充。普通人几十年对自我命运的抗击,正是一个国家从弱到强,艰难发展的缩影。唯有不忘初心,砥砺前行,...

Tóm tắt

父母离异的李天明,大学毕业后成了一名中学教师。 在很长的一段时间里,贫寒、隔阂、轻视与迷茫如蚕茧一般包裹着他,可他却一次次不屈地朝自我命运抗击…… 在此过程中,李天明深刻体会到时代需要与个人发展的矛盾与冲突,中国传统文化与西方文化的碰撞与相融,家长与教师的客观束缚与主观自由,以及经济崛起与文化传承的博弈与补充。 普通人几十年对自我命运的抗击,正是一个国家从弱到强,艰难发展的缩影。 唯有不忘初心,砥砺前行,才能把民族的变成世界的。

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The device that sent me into another world

(THIS BOOK IS ON HOLD, I MIGHT CONTINUE WRITING THIS BOOK AFTER COMPLETING MY CURRENT ONES) THANKS They force me to seat on the broken chair in the darkroom that can hardly lift my weight, except a yellow light bulb, I can't even see their faces as they started to questions and answers with me that obviously, I don't understand. For a moment, I feel like I am in the jail of Pakistan as they are speaking Urdu or maybe Arabian from their accents. But How I came here? As I refused to let out a single word from my mouth because I failed to reckon their language and I received uncountable punches and slaps in return. 'I will give you water and food if you behaved nicely' one of them said, even I can't see his face I can say he is their general from his clothes and finally, I got someone smart here who knows my language. "Fine, I want water first" I replied while trying to stay conscious as I gulp the whole jar of water within minutes. Name? "Jared Alberto" Age? "32" Height? "6.2" Eye color? "green, but I don't think its matters" 'It does, Alien' (Why the fuck they are calling me alien?) Are you married? " Not yet but I have a beautiful fiancee" Where are you from? "My family belongs to Italy but I live in America for more than a decade...I guess" Where this place exits? "Like Seriously, guys? *laughs* It's on Earth " As I joke of them, again, I reserve the tight punch on my jaw, I slightly spit the blood from my mouth. 'Shut the fuck up and just answer our questions, Alien!!' He yelled at me. "For god's sake stop calling me alien, I am human from planet Earth just like you all" I rudely spat as they laugh crazily at me. 'No planet with that name exists in our world ' he replies and my jaw dropped on the ground in confusion. Where I put myself in? Who are they and what they want from me? ************** I am thirty-two years old Jared Alberto, My family belongs to one of the richest and famous families of Italy, and I grow up in complete luxuries, When I was a kid, I was very fond of video games soon it becomes my passion than a profession means my career. After the years of struggle I owned the world's most popular video game company Jared Alberto entertainment after my name, of course, no one supported me in my ideas not even my parents but year's of dedication and self believe made me who I am today. A billionaire. But one day I found My enemy company developed the game that can be played on Xbox as well and soon it becomes popular among teenagers. I got frustrated, I needed to do something so I decided to build the game that no one can ever think of, it took me few months and I created such a game but during the launch party, one of my team members said there are some troubles in the game and My one silly mistake and I came inside of my video game that the first thought I got. Or I mistakenly created the device that sent me to another universe? but the main problem is I am stuck here.

Ashh_m_23 · Khoa huyễn
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