


Heavenly_Demon007 · Thành thị
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35 Chs

Chapter 34

"Grandpa, you are waiting for us, tia replied to the old patriarch,

yes, I was waiting for you the whole night" You brat where did you take my granddaughter, You better not try to do any funny thing to her, otherwise, I will chase you at the end of the world...Old patriarch said

Hey arthour, ignore my grandpa, he becomes old so he is talking bull shit, Tia said.

old patriarch face becomes pale to hear that, but arthour found it funny. he chuckled. and said "Don't worry I didn't do any funny things to her, Arthour replied to the old patriarch.

Well, I have something that I wanted to give you old patriarch.

What? the old patriarch said, curiously? arthour nodded and 17 shining stone appeared in front of the old patriarch and Tia's sight.

Looking at those crystals old patriarch eyes become widen and at that point, Thomas arrived with victor and Shasha following him.

This is lord tier beast stone, I found 7 stone in the dalmus dungeon, and the other 10 was I found when I cleared the abyss dungeon. arthour said

Looking at those stone everyone mouth was open, " Lords lavel beast stone was Rare, even the royal family don't have many of them...1 lord lavel stone approximately value in million of gold coin. and to get those stone people didn't hesitate to attack them. they are treasures. but when they heard "Abyss dungeon" They started to sweating, they heard about the abyss no one came alive if anyone go to on that abyss.

Who are you? only those words come out on old patriarch mouth.

"But he suddenly Takes out the extra-dimensional ring to his Token ring and handed to the old patriarch,

What is this now? the old patriarch asked.

In this ring, there are 80 million magic stone's Are stored, you can take those as well arthour replied.

80 million? with those 17 lord tier stone, we will become the no. 1 family in the whole eastern Martha kingdom?

but suddenly, Tia said " no Arth we are not going to take those stone, you already give me soul eater, it's enough for me. you don't have to do that.

Arth? huh, hearing those word, Thomas and Shasha smiled secretly, but the old patriarch didn't notice that, his focus was on the "Soul Eater".

What is a soul eater, old patriarch asked along with Thomas, Shasha, the victor was also curious, what is the soul eater?

Looking curious faces " she suddenly summons the sword, when soul eater appeared in tia's hand, the hall becomes chill and extreme aura released by the soul eater, and apart from arthour, Tia and old patriarch, everyone was on the knees. Thomas was struggling against the aura but he failed And he was on his knees with the rest of them.

What kind of sword is this, Thomas asked while puffing, a Few seconds later tia succeeded to control the aura soul eater. and they regain their posture but they are intimidating in soul eaters presence.

to their surprised this time "old patriarch was the one who started to talk " This is a Legendary class weapon, I have heard them, They are the weapons that can easily massacre the whole millions of man's army single-handedly. if they can utilize it properly. they have their own will and they form a contract through the blood ritual if Anyone who's not bound to that legendary weapon, try to touch them without the permission of the owner, they become insane and died a horrific death. These are the legend, but no one able to confirm them, because these are treasures that no one easily finds.

Everyone face become pale after hearing the old patriarch words, but arthour chuckled and said"

You guys hear that don't try to touch the soul eater, out of curiosity, because Tia's command on soul eater is not perfect yet.it will take years to form a relation to that sword, and Tia these stones are useless for me, you can use them for your people sake, arthour said those words to tia.

after few seconds of hesitation, she finally nodded her head and smiled towards the arthour.

This weapon is that kind of powerful, Thomas was surprised, and Shasha and victor were delighted that the young lady tia, is holding that kind of we open.

but suddenly Shasha asked arthour in doubting gaze and said, what is the class of your sword? hearing those words old patriarch, Thomas and victor were looking arthour with a deep gaze, arthour looked the all curious faces were staring him expect tia because she knows about it.

"Its mythical class sword, her name is blood eater," and I was using its .5 per cent power back there when those assassin attack tia, arthour said casually

Mythical class? They are just fairy tale I thought, old patriarch sigh.

whatever, I am going to sleep, tomorrow is a big day for me, arthour said and next second he was vanished, leaving wide-open faces,

mythical class, the old patriarch was mumbling, Tia chuckled and said, Grandpa, please train me, I wanted to become stronger and capable to hold the soul eater.

hearing those words everyone was surprised because tia always, find excuses to train, and she was not serious about that kind of stuff.

but old patriarch face becomes shiny, and he said, I will train you so you can become worthy to hold that legendary weapon, and no one able to dare to attack you. and mess with our clan.

That arthour brat is something else, he was happy to say those words,

And arthour appeared in his room, let's a level up, its time to use 30 million exp