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What is 史上最强猎头

Đọc tiểu thuyết 史上最强猎头 của tác giả 九宫格夫妻 được xuất bản trên WebNovel.啥叫史上最强猎头? 当你还在为找个ceo而兴奋的时候,我已经把诸葛亮签下来了。当你还在为五百强客户欣喜的时候,我已经穿越时空跟各个皇帝签约了。最低价的人才大甩卖,文臣武将英雄美女,总有一款适合你。赵云卖给隋炀帝,荀彧卖给崇祯,不管你缺人,还是缺老板,史上最强猎头秦浩,倾情为您服务。 建了个群,群号532037754,小九两口子逗闷子群,一起来吹牛聊天啊。...

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啥叫史上最强猎头? 当你还在为找个ceo而兴奋的时候,我已经把诸葛亮签下来了。 当你还在为五百强客户欣喜的时候,我已经穿越时空跟各个皇帝签约了。 最低价的人才大甩卖,文臣武将英雄美女,总有一款适合你。 赵云卖给隋炀帝,荀彧卖给崇祯,不管你缺人,还是缺老板,史上最强猎头秦浩,倾情为您服务。  建了个群,群号532037754,小九两口子逗闷子群,一起来吹牛聊天啊。

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Dont look at meeeeeee

THIS HAS BEEN REPOSTED IN THE CORRECT SECTION. Alan Oblivion meets the Goddess responsible for his death. He is giving a once in a lifetime opportunity to reincarnate in whatever world he chooses. Will he get rid of the shadows hunting his past and become the next big hero? Alan: "Nahhh I will do what I want" Arthur's Note: Read the tags if you don't like or are uncomfortable with things like harem, rape, evil mc then I guess you came to the wrong place. It's okay just slowly walk out and pretend you never saw this. Btw new arthur here with my second attempt at a fanfiction sooo yeah its probably gonna be straight trash. Like garbage dumpster trash so you've been warned. And if you haven't noticed its the world of dxd. I personally have a strong hatred for issei? (That's how you spell his name right? lol) But yeah I hate him for no particular reason so don't ask. If you like it or hate it drop a review good or bad I don't really care. Unless it's something about the tags. Then I'll say really? Remember new arthur don't expect gold expect cheese. (Not the good kind) *Also im doing the whole thing on my phone.* Without further ado?( Hope I spelled that right) Enjoy!! Wait!!! I also have never written a smut or lemon (Watever you call it) In my life so again its gonna be one hell of a bumpy ride. I apologize to those expecting something better or more but it is what it is. I'll just use this as a practice for the future(Hopefully) Ohhhh yeah and I don't own DxD pr any of the characters that originally appeared. I only own my Oc Alan and any others I might add. (Not many though cuz I want Alan to interact with dxd cast not someone who was never apart of the show yo begin with) Okay now enjoy. Seriously.

Lord_KronosxX · Kỳ huyễn
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风轻,齐国安定侯嫡女,一朝登上后位,以为是两情长久,却不想遭到枕边人的算计,命魂归天,侯府满门皆斩! 十八嫁与皇子,十九身死,一年之间,变故横生。可幸,游魂之时,她看见,有人血洗宫墙,替她报了仇。 再次睁眼,她重生于碧玉年华。 今世,她要复仇,也要报恩。 可命运弄人,那一切原本已经沉浮的真相却再次隐现出来,让本就不平静的深海再起狂澜! 慕容离,齐国冷宫皇后之子,十岁遭遇大火,灼伤双眼,请离皇宫,自立府院。 别人说皇后是南国的奸细,他信母后是清白的;别人说她不会再来了,他说是他不够强大;别人说他是个眼盲的弃子,他说残局亦可扭转乾坤! 他想要的,只是河清海晏,只是她一世无忧。 比别人多活了三年的她,面对重来一次的人生,又将如何?她明白,在这熟悉又陌生的世界,没有先行者,只有在路上的行人。 或许,有人曾在她耳畔轻声说过,只要她有半分回应,他定倾身相待! “此生只护一人。” “此生只为一人!” “逍遥快活,无拘无束,得知己,游天地,最是无憾。” “搞不懂啊搞不懂,走,喝酒去。” “天下人都容不得,便与天下人为敌又有何惧!” 眼盲皇子×重生贵女 一段被遗忘的桃花缘。

星浅长空 · Tổng hợp
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100 Chs

Adventurer's Strife."

In the world of Ellides, a horrific occurrence has caused monsters to proliferate at an alarming rate throughout the nation. Humanity is on the verge of extinction as these horrifying creatures multiply and become more powerful. Only one remaining bastion remains as humanity's last hope after ongoing clashes with the monsters caused extensive destruction and fatalities. This final fortress, appropriately called "Last Hope," stands as a beacon of defiance against the overwhelming forces of the monsters. It's a fortified city with high walls around it. The last of the human race has congregated within its walls, seeking safety from the unrelenting assault. The protagonist of this story, Eric Meryl, is a little child who, although living in poverty, wants to be an adventure. He is aware of life's challenges because he comes from a modest, impoverished family, but he still has dreams of adventure and travel. Eric finds comfort in myths and legends about intrepid explorers who traverse the unknown in search of riches and answers outside the confines of his realm. As Eric's adventure unfolds, he discovers the true essence of bravery and the harsh reality of the adventurer's life. Along his perilous journey, he grapples with fear but remains steadfast in his pursuit of greatness. Amidst battles and trials, Eric's character evolves, becoming both jumpy and endearing, yet resilient and unwavering. Each encounter tests his emotions, as he learns to balance kindness and strength, not only for himself but for those he encounters along the way. "Adventurer's Strife" weaves a dark and action-packed tale of growth, sacrifice, and the pursuit of hope amidst a world teetering on the brink of collapse As Eric faces the challenges that lie ahead, the novel takes readers on a thrilling journey through a world of both wonders and terrors, where the fate of humanity hinges on the bravery and resilience of one young adventurer. And the other and world around it.

Unknownnm · Kỳ huyễn
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12 Chs
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