
Ōetsu Nimaiya - The Crafter

The classic set-up. Death -> Wishes -> Reincarnation -> Lots of drip and cool crafts and the like. The plot follows Ōetsu Nimaiya who has the two Meta Essences: the Crafter, for obvious reasons and the Mad Doctor, to spice things up. He will craft and show the world what it truly means to be the Number One Zanpakuto Creator!!

Cedric_7512 · Tranh châm biếm
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25 Chs


I find it hilarious how readers jump to conclusions and don't read very closely what I write. I made sure to choose my words very carefully in the last chapter. But there was no one who noticed. At least not of those who commented and told me their dissatisfaction.

Hahaha, OMG that was very funny. I was expecting some of you to understand and notice but apparently not. I stopped caring about what others think after I was a bit sad with the comments on my Hades story. So that is the reason why I can laugh about it. 


Did anyone notice that in the last part, it was 3rd Person POV? And there is a very important part that says: The body's name was no longer Oetsu Nimaiya. It was now 'Obedient Oetsu'. Notice how it says: "the body" instead of Oetsu ...

I thought you knew that I love to use the evil technique called: Cliffhanger.

But still, you all thought it was all over. I hope you are ashamed of yourselves. 


(Oetsu POV)

"Master Oetsu ... are you alright? Is there something that I can help you with?", I hear Kikimaru's voice say. I still can't believe this. I must say ... I am starting to understand what it feels like to be above everyone and so many steps ahead. 

"... would you like something to eat or drink ... maybe a bath? Should I leave you here, Master Oetsu?", Kikimaru says. 

I am not paying attention to him right now. I have other things that need to be decided on. It should happen any moment now. 



Oh there it issss ---



(3rd Person POV)

"AAAARRRRGGGHHH....", the body of 'Obedient Oetsu' screams out and falls to the ground. In the same moment something... begins to move in his stomach area and then ... crawls out of the stomach. 

A small head is visible. The head grows larger and the body grows larger until a new and improved Oetsu Nimaiya stands in the lab ... nacked. 



"Sooooo ... this happened.", Kikimaru said.

"Indeed it did. Oh my, that was fascinating. But what an interesting experience that was. This calls for more research. I am truly turning into Rick Sanchez at this point. The higher my intelligence gets, the less I care about what others would call normal. Funny how that works."

"Ahhh ... sir? Some explanation, please."

"Oh right. Well, you see I knew that my decoy's chances to succeed were so small that it would make a microbe look big. I also knew that the Monk was suspicious of me for a while now. And the time it took for me to go through with my fusion with the EHW and then getting used to it, would not be something he would overlook.

So in anticipation of this, I decided that instead of waiting for the inevitable 'check' that he was going to make, I would take the more aggressive approach. So I asked him for a 'spar'. That was the best way."

"I ... I don't understand sir.", Kikimaru said.

"That is ok. You see the Monk functions differently than you and me, but his mentality is the same as every man in power ... they don't want to lose it. I knew that he saw me as a threat. So I created the decoy-Oetsu to go and ask him for a spar. Knowing that he would of course notice that that is not me and instead a decoy."

"And why would you want that sir? And why would you create a decoy for that purpose?"

"Because I wanted him to come to the conclusion he did. The conclusion was that I was preparing for the day that I would have to 'fight' him. He guessed that I was collecting his ink to create something that could fight against it or be immune to it.", Oetsu explained.

"So you are ... not doing that?"

"Oh no, I definitely am doing that."

"Then why would you let him come to the same conclusion? Wouldn't it have been better if you had just taken some time off and made it seem like you weren't doing anything?"

"Oh no! On the contrary. That's the worst thing I could have done. It would have made him more suspicious and he would have thought that I had already created something that could fight him. This was the best course of action."


"I see ... then why did you even create a decoy for that? Why not go and ask him yourself? What was the reason for a decoy?"

"The decoy was in its truest sense just that ... a decoy. It served as a multidimensional decoy. Not just physically but also mentally. I wanted Osho to think that I was using a decoy to collect some ink. 

That would in turn make him come to the conclusion that the real me, was in my lab somewhere either controlling the decoy or just waiting for the decoy to succeed. 

So he would then do what he did. He came straight here and used his powers. Like the twisted and sinister man he is, his humour is the same. In a funny twist, he used the powers of his Ichimonji to take away that body's name and then give him a new one."

"That body ... sir?"

"Yes, that one that is all covered in black and white ink. The one I just crawled out from.", Oetsu said and pointed at the body on the ground.

"So this ... was not you?"

"It was me. It had to have been me. Otherwise, the Monk would have noticed that it wasn't me due to the True name not being Oetsu Nimaiya and he would have searched for the real me.

But I had prepared just before. I had created a special potion and another cool thing I call the DNA-implanter. The potion was a special one that was supposed to add about 100 layers to my 'stratum corneum' of the epidermis. 

That's the dead cell layer that is the topmost layer of the skin. In doing so I essentially created multiple 'skins' that should take the brunt of the ink from Ichimonji. 

I was not happy with that however and added something else. The DNA implanter does literally what it says. I took my DNA, after scanning myself and all of my knowledge and then implanted it into myself."

"That's... special, sir. Quite ... something."

"Haha. Don't worry. I am still the same. In fact, I am the exact same as before but only now evolved. This little experiment was 100% worth it and I am very glad.", Oetsu said.

"So then ... all of this, this entire plan you made was only to ... get the ink and to evolve?"

"Well that and also to give the Monk a false sense of security. Now he only knows me as the 'Obedient Oetsu' who does whatever he says. He won't care about me anymore and my absence will be put off as depression from him. 

He won't know that I am far beyond him until the moment when it's far too late. And he even left me samples of both of his inks. The black and the white one. Truly generous. Hahaha."

"I am impressed, sir. Allow me to say that you are truly a mad genius, sir."

"Thank you Kikimaru. Now I would like to take you up on the offer for food and drinks. I could use it now."

"Certainly sir. Would you like to take it in the garden or .."

"No please bring it here. I still need to finish the things I got right now and then I'll come out."

"Understood sir."




(Oetsu POV)

After Kikimaru left the lab I took a moment to realise what just happened. My plan worked. I had it all figured out. The only thing that was unexpected was the speed at which Ichibe destroyed the decoy and then came here. I hadn't finished making the DNA implanter. But it worked out so that's that. 

I can't fully grasp how smart I have become. This would not have been possible a few years ago. I think the fusion with the EHW, also increased my intelligence by a large margin. I was getting smarter constantly but this is a noticeable jump. 

Now let me get to work. I should use decoys for more things now. There should be a way to make it seem like I am still the 'Obedient Oetsu' when I am with Ichibe. I'm not sure when exactly but since the war with the Quincy is over, Tenjirō Kirinji should be coming in the next couple of centuries. And after him comes Kirio Hikifune. So I'm going to have to see him on those days at least. 

This can only mean that I will have to find a way to ... hmm ... I have an idea. 

Consciousness transfer. That is an interesting concept. Transfer my consciousness into this body whenever I have to see Ichibe and then transfer it back when I'm here or with Senjumaru ... 

... why did I think of her? Her value has gone down in the last few years. That weird thing she has been doing is not sitting well with me. I wonder if I can even fall in love anymore, now that I have gotten this intelligent. Quite bothersome honestly.

I guess I'll cross that bridge once I get there. Now let me work on the important things. The consciousness transfer device. And also ... the grand price of why I did all of this. Ichibe Hyosube's ink. Not only his Shikai but also his Shin'uchi/Bankai one. That is the jackpot.


I work inside the Hyperbolic Time Chamber right now. I don't have that much time to do this. I have a few weeks to maybe months that I can put off as 'depression' but after that, I'm going to have to put on a show. So that's why I am currently inside the HTC.

The 'Consciousness Transfer Device' was ... easy honestly. It wasn't that hard, to be honest. For a topic that I haven't ever researched, I am impressed at how fast I got it down. 

As for the other thing ... I am making interesting progress. The black ink takes away all the names of something. Or better yet. It wipes out the True Names of anything it touches. It was very hard to even touch it. But after I developed gravity tools, it worked out. 

Understanding the ink was ... hard, to say the least. It was very hard. It was unlike anything I had ever researched. But that's what made it so interesting. I already made a few major breakthroughs and that is after about 4 months inside the HTC. 

After I used the DNA implanter on myself and then came out of my body, I tried to see whether I had adapted to the power of Ichimonji. And the answer ... yes and no. The reason for the no part is simple ... I didn't even give my body the time to fully adapt to it. I 'ejected' myself too fast. 

So I did it again. I extracted some of my cells and mixed them with the ink. The result? The cells lost all their power and died. Yes, it is not my cells that have the overpowered adaptation and evolution powers. It is something different. 

It is my soul. My being is the thing that has fused with the Eight-Handled Wheel and not my 'cells' in particular. I then tried to do it again. First I created a backup in case I lost all my powers. I used the DNA implanter and made an emergency protocol to have it injected into a living organism to 'spawn' again if you will. 

Now here's where it gets interesting. I sprayed the black ink on my arm to see the effects. 

This time, the results were different. I upgraded the Med-Scan to include real-time observation and interventions. This meant that it could intervene if something bad happened. The scan could notice any sort of change that happened. 

As I sprayed the ink on my arm, I noticed something amazing. At first, it seemed that my cells were about to shut off and die, but something stopped the process. I felt a warm current through my soul and then the Med-Scan picked up on my tattoo which began to spin. 

After that ... my cells began to change and ... they were aggressive. The ink was slowly starting to be devoured by my cells. They changed slowly and then I could feel instinctively that I was now not only immune to the ink ... I also absorbed it and was able to secrete a similar substance. 

It was not clear yet, how this would affect the things around me, but I was sure that the possibilities were nigh endless. I wanted to adapt to this power of Ichimonji and the Hogyoku picked up on my desire, activating the Eight-Handled Wheel. 


I had evolved to new heights. God I love myself.