
|Juliet never reaches her Romeo|

Romeo died because of Juliet, Jack died because of Rose, Stay single if you want to live

ADDISIYN · Kỳ huyễn
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4 Chs

Break up letter?

Days passed and Darius hadn't come to see me, He didn't send letters either. So i guess it's a break up. I heard a bird next to my balcony. It was beautiful. "Oh god, you are so beautiful... What's your name?" i asked. It handed me a letter. OH NO! IT MUST BE A BREAK UP LETTER! I opened it and it was from Darius! YAY!

Hi My love, This bird is a special gift... and it gives our letters to each other. I'm sorry that i couldn't come to see you these days, it's been really hard for me to get out of my house, I've been locked up by my soldiers... This bird is for showing my love for you, You can name it anything... i hope that i kill this soldiers and come to see you Juliet, i really miss you Juliet...

Your love,
