
[Resolve To Eternity] : Only I Am Supreme

Hello there, Newbie trying create a good world for his reincarnation Attention!!! Mc is Neutral Evil so be warned if Incase you find any gruesome scene to you distaste. Expect a moderate Harem where MC's wife's are capable, powerful and Scheming. -[Expect atleast 3 chapters per week] -Also the real story starts later on from chapter 17, the rest is just mild info dump and can be skipped. Sorry but I had to do it. -My description is just Meh!!! so expect the first 16 chapters to be pure crap to some of you....maybe -Story gets way better afterwards, trust me

DaoistTempest619 · Huyền huyễn
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30 Chs

Wandering Around (2)

After my discussion with Light, the recording jade lost it's power and crumbled to dust leaving me contemplating my future journey but first I needed a good rest

First I created a fire in the dim lit environment to fight of the cold because even though I'm powerful,it's only when soul and mental strength is considered

He took out a fur blanket, laid it down next to the fire, and slept on it.

It didn't take long for him to fall into a deep sleep.

Physically, today's experiences hadn't been too draining. But mentally, fatigue was unavoidable.

Waking up after a long rest,I extinguished the fire first before setting off in search for a human habitat,only can I know where I am,who I am and why  I was sent to another dimension for

After thinking about it, he stood up and started walking with steady steps towards the dim light presenting an outer opening to the cave.

The weather was gradually getting colder with the departure of the shining sun

In the mountains and forest, roars from wild beasts could be heard almost every minute


A sharp sound broke the silence in the mountain forest disrupting the grazing of a mature deer, the spear pierced through its stomach breaking its thick skin and passing through the inner muscles, emerging from the other side amidst the bushes


Intense pain surged from its neck, and the deer could only let out a weak whimper expressing it's agony

The deer struggled a couple of times but soon its suffering came to an end.

"I finally have something to eat after walking so long"

He wiped the sweat from his forehead and looked around surveying his surrounding

There were dangers everywhere in this forest and poisonous insects and wild beast could be lurking anywhere. If one is not vigilant enough, they could easily lose their life

Just this morning,he got pursued by a pack of Giant wolfs with the weakest member being at Tier 6

Of course he could defeat them,but what if his fight alerted other big bosses

Though he was powerful, anyone will get tired if besieged by numbers of ferocious wolfs and death will be the only outcome

"Huh... What is that?"

Suddenly, as Zephyroth's gaze swept across a the forest, his eyes instantly became focused.

He saw a group of people dressed in white sect robes armed with various types of weapons weapons walking through the forest about a mile ahead.

With the enhancement of his abilities, his eyesight had also improved, so even from a mile away, he could even spot a tiny fly if he concentrated

Zephyroth faintly guessed the identity of this people , but was confused: "What could sect disciples be doing in the mountains? And it seems like they're looking for something rather than casual training."

After noticing this, he hesitated for abit before turning around and leaving the area

No matter what those sect disciples were looking for, one thing is certain, it won't be of any benefit to him and might even bring him trouble

So it's better to avoid them if possible

Taking a detour,he continued his journey heading North,where he thought might find any human settlement

After spending more than 3 hour and covering nearly 40 miles of the dense forest, he finally found a water source where he could replenish his energy and rest before continuing


In the cold stream, he grabbed a handful of fresh water for a drink and took the opportunity to wash away the bloodstains and sweat accumulated on his body

The freezing water from the melting early snow merged into the stream, bringing a bone-piercing chill. The exhaustion from his long trek through the mountain was immediately relieved by this cold sensation, and he instantly felt much more refreshed

Closing his eyes he attempted to take a short nap only to here a faint noise everytime he closed his eyes

Furrowing his brows, he activated the power of his eyes to the maximum but still he couldn't find any living soul near him so he started following the sound relying on his acute hearing

'Sigh curiosity always kills the cat, but it's not the cats fault it's curious' he thought swimming against the heavy current

Few minutes later he discovered a hot stream hidden just above him,if not for his acute hearing he wouldn't have found it

"Sigh it's not bad resting from time to time like this,when I'm powerful I might even sleep to my hearts content without worries" he said in a joking tone to alleviate his present boredom while sinking his body into the pool

Relaxing himself, he let his exhausted body rest while going into a short nap

Waking up, he was rejuvenated and was ready to continue his journey

After briefly cleaning himself up,he looked neat as compared to his former self

Looking at his reflection on the water,the young man was over 1 meter tall possessing a thin and slender build on his slightly dark and tanned skin and a mane of flowing crimson hair that shone like a blood moon,a pair of glowing red eyes with faint swirling runes flashing in them looking to trap anyone who looked it to them in an eternal bliss...

"Chk this kid really really looked like a handsome devil sigh at least he's not much far from my first appearance "

He wore a smug expression despite complaining

Getting done, he started leaving taking a few steps only to Sense the presence of a faint shadow a slight distance away from him

The distance between the spring and the cave was very short and so he was able to see clearly through the rising steam

This a person? Zephyroth lifted his head and was immediately stunned when an exquisitely beautiful face came into view. He felt a burning sensation in his heart for the first time in his life and became utterly immersed within the entrancing visage.

Near the hot pool, one man and one woman exchanged gazes. Both were stunned.

The man was enraptured in the woman's beauty.

The woman was shocked by the man's sudden appearance.

Both of them remained motionless for a few seconds, but then there was an alarming cry. The girl had finally reacted, and it was in the most normal reaction possible—she released a shrill cry.