
[My Significant Other's Cruelty]

"Sin" is in my name, darling. How could you expect me to be a gentle one!!! He said grinning like a devil while she cried in pain. P-Please d-don't do this, it hurts! She pleaded while crying. "I know wifey! That's why I am doing it" he said grinning demonically. "Which sin you're punishing me for?! She screamed. "Your sin? "You, being my wife is enough of a sin!" He snarled at her and flinched badly in fear. .... A normal teenage who got married with a cruel heart person who's gonna turn into a psycho gradually. There won't be any to escape for that poor girl. Every weekend will new punishments and torture for her. Join the story to know it in detail .

Bonobonoya_95 · Thành thị
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24 Chs

"Open Your Mouth"

"Hazel, Will you get up and take your medicine or you want me to try any other way????He asked clenching his jaw!!

She snapped open her eyes as she heard his fierce voice, he was looking straight into her eyes.

A wave of anger was clear to be seen in his eyes.

She just glared at him for a moment and than again tend to sleep, turning to the other side.

This made his blood boil.

"Aish!!!....This girl is really testing my patience!! He mumbled moping his hand over his face.

"Okay then!!!"

Hazel screamed. Because she was being locked in Sinclair arms.

"What The Heck", she yelled.

"What are you trying do Sinclair!!?" She asked struggling to gain her freedom but his grip was much stronger than she had expected.

"In simple words...I am helping you to take your medicine"!!!,"Now...open your mouth AAA", He said holding a pill between the two fingers of his one hand and Hazel's both arms in other hand.

She knitted her brows in anger. But as Sinclair moved his hand near her mouth, she bit it with her full strength.

"Ah, Fuck!!" Sinclair rapidly pulled his hand away and cursed in pain.

"Hazel!! He groaned.

"Well that was a very "INSANE" thing to do! Are you satisfied now??? He said unexpected words with coldness.

"Now, take your medicine"!!! He said in a commanding tone. She turned her face to the other side still shutting her mouth while resisting like a child.

Sinclair Pov:

"At this time, feeding her medicine seemed the difficult task of the world to me but it was important, so, i plotted a scheme!!!"

"Oh, now I get it! "I am "holding" you right now, you're really liking it no??? "So you want me to hold you longer that's 'why you are not taking your medicine right??? "Oh Hazel dear, you could've just said!!! I can fulfill something more than that! He said smirking at her.

But hearing this she turned her face to me and said hatefully smirking.

"In your dreams..." Sinclair Grace "!!! After this she shut her mouth again.

"Okay....this was very more than ENOUGH!!! She was still struggling to free herself, so, I trapped her arms between my knees and held her nose tightly so she wouldn't be able to breath through her nose. First she didn't breath and tried to hold her breath in. But when she felt suffocated she hurriedly opened her mouth to breath in and taking it as my opportunity I literally throw that pill into her mouth and without wasting anytime, I attached the glass of water to her mouth literally pouring the water into her mouth (lol)"Some water got spilled on her shirt as well and now she was coughing hardly"

I could see her fair skin under that wet area of white shirt. Her bra line was clear to be seen.

"I like black tho!" I nonchalantly said to her.

"She instantly covered her chest with the blanket as soon as she got what I said and glared at me with those dagger eyes of hers.

"I...*cough*....h-hate*cough cough*...you Sin-*cough*-clair! She said between coughing.

Well, I don't care as pill was down to her throat!!!

"How dare you *cough* to do this!!! She asked yelling.

"Well.....I...am sorry, Hazel. But you left me no choice and for now my responsibility ends here so...."Good Night"!!!

Hazel Pov:

"Than he walked out of my room. I was angry on him, but some side of my heart was happy that...at least he care about me!!! So, I need so show him as well that I am way better than his bitc*!!!

"It seemed as she was sleeping but she was thinking about her beautiful future with her eyes shut.



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