

Challengers from all corners of the world came seeking her downfall two weeks after Valaine's ascension to the status of World Enemy.

However, their challenge was met with swift and decisive defeat. 

Valaine had transcended her previous limits, and it was awe-inspiring. Challengers were quickly squashed, their efforts futile in the face of her overwhelming strength.

But it wasn't long before a familiar face approached her. 

It was none other than Houlong.

Houlong's surprise was evident as he looked upon Valaine, who had now absorbed the essence of Gluttony and become a Hybrid. 

He couldn't help but laugh, his eyes reflecting a mixture of disbelief and admiration.

"Well, I'll be damned," Houlong exclaimed, his voice carrying the weight of respect. "You did it, Valaine. You truly did it."

Her ascension had sent shockwaves throughout the game, and her name was now synonymous with World Enemy. No one knew it could happen.

Momonga, the Guild Leader of Ainz Ooal Gown, seemed particularly anxious. He knew the risks involved, not just for Valaine but for the entire guild.

Some guild members expressed their concerns, fearing that this challenge might extend to the guild and be more than they could handle. 

Momonga understood the implications of her newfound power, realizing that her connection to Ainz Ooal Gown, their guild, could make them a prime target. 

Players from far and wide might challenge them, seeking to test their strength against the guild that harbored a World Enemy player.

"We must be vigilant," he cautioned, his voice is stern. "Valaine's ascension has made us a target. Players will come, seeking to test their strength against us. We must be prepared to defend our guild's honor."

Momonga's concern proved justified sooner than expected. 

A thousand-player raid, a grand coalition, gathered with the singular purpose of taking down the guild and, by extension, Valaine. 

They thought their sheer numbers and combined might would be enough to overwhelm Ainz Ooal Gown and its members.

They underestimated the strength and unity of the guild. 

The raiders were no match for the combined might of Ainz Ooal Gown. Valaine's enemies fell before her, defeated and demoralized. 

The news of their victory spread far and wide, serving as a warning to those who dared challenge the might of Ainz Ooal Gown.

Valaine have a sense of guilt, something that was building inside of her.

Valaine approached the 6th level of Nazarick, A vast sky and a brilliant sun overhead created a surreal atmosphere. Momonga was alone, tending to a large worm hidden within a hole. 

Valaine hesitated for a moment before stepping forward, her expression a mix of determination and regret.

"Hey, Momonga," she began, her voice carrying a note of apology. "I should've consulted with you before facing the World Enemy alone. I'm sorry if I overstepped."

Momonga looked up from the worm, revealing no trace of anger. "It's alright, Valaine," he said calmly. "I trust your judgment. You're strong, and I know you can handle yourself."

Valaine frowned slightly, her curiosity getting the better of her. "But why? Why are you treating me differently from the others? Is it favoritism?"

Momonga shook his head, a faint smile playing on his lips. 

"It's not about favoritism," he replied, his tone sincere. "You're not just a guild member, you're a friend. In this game, the guild is everything to me. But friendship, genuine connections, they matter too."

He paused, his empty eye sockets fixed on her. "We're not just players here. We're a team, a family. And in a world like ours, having people you can trust, people you can call friends, is more valuable than any loot or power."

Valaine's eye swelled a bit, understanding dawning on her. 

It wasn't about being the strongest or the most skilled. In Yggdrasill, they were more than just avatars and abilities. They were individuals bound by a shared purpose and, more importantly, by friendship.

She smiled back at Momonga. "Thanks for trusting me, Momonga"

Momonga's smile widened slightly, "We always trust you. How about we do a raid together? as a guild, as friends."

She wouldn't mind it.

As the days in Yggdrasil passed.

Valaine found herself caught in a whirlwind of monotony. 

The thrill of battle, the camaraderie with her guild-mates, even the rush of new challenges, all of it had become a routine, a predictable pattern that she could navigate with her eyes closed. 

Four years of playing the game had turned what was once an exhilarating adventure into a mundane existence.

While the world of Yggdrasil continued to evolve with the influx of new players and content, Valaine felt disconnected. The once-familiar territories now seemed bland, the quests repetitive, and the battles lacked the adrenaline that had once made her heart race.

She longed for the days of discovery, for the feeling of stepping into the unknown, not knowing what formidable foe or hidden treasure awaited her. But those days seemed like distant memories, buried beneath the weight of routine and familiarity.

She found herself questioning her purpose in the game. The sense of accomplishment she had once felt had dulled into a mere echo of its former self.

Valaine sat atop an owl-shaped player, who struggled and protested, bound in chains that held him firmly in place.

His cries for release fell on deaf ears as Valaine continued her monologue, seemingly lost in her own thoughts.

"What's the point of it all?" Valaine mused, her voice tinged with frustration. "I've climbed ranks, faced legendary monsters, but it all feels so empty now."

The owl player, clearly irritated, retorted, "Look lady, I don't care about your existential crisis. Just let me go!"

Ignoring his plea, Valaine continued, "You see, my Bloodbound Knight class is unique. I obtained it by reading the Necronomicon Book in a weird castle I stumbled upon in Helheim. It granted me this rare class."

The owl player's eyes widened in curiosity despite his predicament. "A unique class, you say?"

Valaine nodded, her expression a mix of fascination and frustration. "Yes, but there's a catch. To call forth the children of my eldritch patrons, I have to summon and defeat them in a fight. And I can only summon one at a time."

She rambled on, her words pouring out in a torrent of frustration. "And the worst part is, it's all random. You don't even know if you're getting a Level 100 summon or a Level 15. I've been at this for ages, and I've never gotten a Level 100 summon."

The owl player couldn't help but sympathize with her plight, but he was growing increasingly impatient. "That's all very interesting, but can we discuss this after you release me?"

Valaine finally seemed to register his presence and his plea. 

"Thanks for letting me vent," with a sigh, she loosened the chains binding him, allowing him to stand and stretch his wings.

With a wry smile, "I know you're stalling. Waiting for your party, perhaps?" she inquired, her tone tinged with a hint of amusement.

The owl-man's feathers ruffled in shock, his eyes darting around as if searching for an escape from her probing gaze. "N-No, that's not it at all! I just... I wasn't expecting to run into anyone here."

Valaine's boredom seemed to grow, and she sighed dramatically. "You know, I've been playing this game for years, and it's all become so predictable."

"Time to die Duolingo man" She brought her hands together in a prayer-like gesture.

"[Bloodbound Summoning]" she intoned.

"Great Moon Eater, Bakunawa"

As she uttered its name, the very ground beneath them began to liquefy. The dirt they are standing on turned into shallow water that is black in color.

The owl-man's panic was palpable as he struggled to escape the rapidly spreading liquid, but it was too late. 

From the depths of the liquefied terrain, a colossal, carnivorous whale emerged with a thunderous splash.

In an instant, the massive creature devoured the owl-man whole, its gaping maw closing around him with a bone-chilling finality.  Valaine watched impassively as the whale floated in the now liquefied ground, the remains of the owl-man eaten within.

With a satisfied smile, Valaine scanned the surrounding area for any signs of the owl-man's friends, her eyes narrowing as she remained on guard.

She then felt a subtle rumble in the nearby bushes, her senses picking up on the disturbance. She turned her attention toward the source of the sound. 

Through the dense foliage emerged two figures, each being level 100.

The first was Zeke, with a stereotypical Plague Doctor outfit, his long coat billowing slightly in the wind. His mask obscured most of his face. In his gloved hand, he gripped a katana with a deadly elegance, a weapon that spoke of skill and precision.

Beside him stood Rotud, a devil, exuding an air of confidence and nonchalance. His devilish features were complemented by a fur coat, an extravagant touch. With his hands casually tucked into his pockets, he seemed almost bored, as if the impending battle was nothing more than a passing amusement.

Rotud spoke up first, his voice carrying an air of confidence. "Hey Zeke, I think he stalled her long enough for us to buff. Time to get this show on the road."

Zeke, the Plague Doctor, merely grunted in response, adjusting his grip on the long katana he held in his gloved hand.

Valaine, unimpressed, raised an eyebrow. "Another challenger, huh? get in line," she said, her tone laced with a hint of boredom. "I hope you're at least more entertaining than the last one."

Rotud chuckled, his devilish grin widening. "Oh, don't you worry, we'll give you a run for your money."

Zeke remained silent, his cold, masked gaze fixed on Valaine. There was something unnerving about his silence, but Valaine was undeterred. 

"Well, then," Valaine said, a smirk playing on her lips. "Let's not keep the entertainment waiting."

With a mere point of Valaine's hand, Bakunawa moved with a terrifying grace. 

The massive creature's jaws opened wide, swallowing Zeke in one swift, fluid motion. The monstrous whale's maw closed around him, the echo of his struggles muffled as he disappeared into its darkness. 

The shallow water rippled as Bakunawa floated after a fulfilling meal, leaving no trace of Zeke's existence.

Meanwhile, Rotud barely had time to react before Valaine's hand connected with his face with a resounding slap. The force of the impact sent him flying sideways, his body hurtling through the air like a ragdoll. 

He crashed into the ground a hundred meters away, skidding to a stop in a cloud of dust and leaves.

"And cut" Valaine said, her voice carrying a note of finality. "I'm not even trying."

She stood there, her expression calm. The clearing fell into an eerie silence, broken only by the rustling of bushes and leaves from the trees.

She turned away, ready to move on.


She stopped.

Valaine felt a strange tremor beneath her feet. 

She turned back just in time to see Bakunawa, the massive whale that had devoured Zeke, convulsing in agony. 

"Bakunawa?" she asked with concern.

Then, in a deafening shockwave, the once-mighty moon eater was reduced to minced meat, leaving behind a gory spectacle.

Her eyes widened in shock, she found Zeke standing atop the remains of Bakunawa.  He rests his katana on his shoulder, His mask hid his expression, but his posture radiated an unsettling confidence.

With the death of her summon, the now black shallow water turned back to dirt.

Before Valaine could react, a deafening thud echoed through the clearing. 

Rotud had landed behind her with tremendous force, sending trees flying in every direction. Dust and leaves filled the air as he emerged, his devilish grin back in place.

"Round Two" Rotud declared, his tone dripping with determination.

The battle was far from over.

With lightning speed, Zeke sprinted towards Valaine, his movements as fast as a jet, breaking sound barriers in his wake. His katana sliced through the air, aiming for her with lethal precision. 

Yet, Valaine's reflexes were just as remarkable. 

With casual ease, she blocked the strike with her left arm, absorbing the immense force of the blow, creating a web of craters beneath her.

Before Zeke could recover, Rotud dashed towards Valaine, his fists ready to strike. 

Valaine, undeterred, swiftly swung her arm away from the hold of the katana, simultaneously grabbing Zeke by his trench coat collar. 

With a powerful motion, she hurled him towards Rotud, their bodies colliding in a spectacular clash of strength and speed. Rotud was sent flying meters away, the impact sending him skidding across the ground.

As the dust settled from their previous clash, They wasted no time regrouping. Zeke, like a phantom, darted through the dense forest, his movements erratic and unpredictable, as he attempted to disorient Valaine amidst the tangled foliage.

Meanwhile, Rotud closed the distance between them in swift bounds. 

He unleashed a barrage of punches, each strike creating small shockwaves that rippled through the air. 

However, despite his relentless assault, it seemed as though none of his blows were landing on Valaine. She deftly dodged and weaved through the flurry of punches, her movements graceful and precise.

Zeke, perched on a tree branch, watched the battle unfold below. He assessed Valaine's speed and agility, his analytical mind calculating the best course of action. It was clear that this battle wouldn't be won through brute force alone.

Zeke's eyes narrowed as he formulated a plan. He knew he had to exploit Valaine's vulnerabilities, find a way to outmaneuver her, and create an opening for his Rotud.

"You remind me a lot of him," Valaine remarked, as she faced Rotud. 

She swiftly reached into her inventory and pulled out a pair of silver bells that hummed a bit. With a single swift motion, she rang the bells together, their chimes resonating through the clearing.

"What-" The space around Rotud began to warp and twist, reality folding upon itself in a disorienting spectacle. 

Within seconds, the very space around him was erased, as if it had never existed, leaving behind a void where Rotud once stood.

Zeke, witnessing the abrupt disappearance of his comrade, surged forward from the trees, his eyes filled with fury. His katana glinted in the dappled sunlight as he aimed for Valaine's neck, intending to strike a lethal blow.

But Valaine was faster.

With reflexes honed through countless battles, she caught Zeke's swift attack with her hand, her grip unyielding. 

As the tension in the clearing hung in the air, Valaine's words cut through the silence like a knife. "It's about time you show up," she said, her tone both calm and confident.

With an effortless motion, Valaine redirected Zeke's force, sending him hurtling away from her, crashing through the trees.

Valaine's expression apologetic, "I'm sorry, but I have something I need to test," 

She explained, her voice carrying a sense of urgency. "I obtained a new summon just a week ago, and I need to understand the extent of its power."

She gestured with her hand in a praying gesture. 

"[Bloodbound Summoning]" she intoned.

"The Nameless General," she continued, her words echoing in the clearing.


With a word, a disturbance in space occurred behind her. 

A black hole tore through the very fabric of space and time, and for a moment, a nightmarish entity materialized. 

The Nameless General stood at an imposing 12 feet, its form a grotesque amalgamation of limb-wings and eyes. Its two wings, crafted from countless hands, stretched out menacingly. 

Its head resembled that of a rhino, and twin blades protruded from its forehead. The creature's upper body floated eerily apart from its lower half. Around it, two large Ji spears, The Spear of Betrayal and The Spear of Treason. 

Zeke, his eyes filled with determination, found himself at a loss. 

Uncertain of how to face this nightmarish entity, all he knew was to fight, to press forward despite the overwhelming odds against him. With a deep breath, he sprinted towards Valaine.

However, before he could reach her, Lu-Bu appeared in his path, a towering and terrifying figure. 

Lu-Bu's massive hands gripped the Spear of Betrayal and the Spear of Treason, two powerful weapons that seemed to hum with malevolent energy.

The clash of the spears against Zeke's katana echoed through the forest, metal ringing against metal in a symphony of battle. 

Zeke fought with every ounce of strength he possessed, attempting to create distance between himself and the relentless assault of Lu-Bu. 

Every strike, every hit that Zeke managed to land, was swiftly regenerated, as if the damage inflicted upon Lu-Bu was inconsequential.

Zeke's frustration grew with every unsuccessful attempt to break through Lu-Bu's defenses. The ancient general seemed impervious to harm, his form flickering and regenerating with an eerie, supernatural speed. 

With each failed strike, Zeke's confidence waned, and a creeping sense of hopelessness settled over him.

As the battle between Zeke and Lu-Bu reached a fevered pitch, Valaine's calm voice cut through the chaos.


With a command, she halted Lu-Bu in his tracks, freezing the entity in place. This also made Zeke stop and regain his bearings.

With a casual yet chilling tone, Valaine inquired, "How do you kill a disloyal person like Lu-Bu?"

Zeke, his mind clouded with tiredness, stammered, "I... I don't know."

A small, knowing smile tugged at the corner of Valaine's lips. "You decapitate or hang them," she replied coldly.

With a swift, deliberate motion of her hand, Zeke's head was suddenly severed from its body. A simple [Reality Slash] attack. 

His headless form crumbled into virtual fragments.

The battle was over.

Valaine's gaze turned to Lu-Bu. The nightmarish entity stood motionless, as if awaiting her next command. She contemplated the reasoning behind such a design choice. Was it a tribute to the real Lu-Bu's fate? 

According to the summon's description, Lu-Bu possessed the fragility of a level 50 player but wielded offensive power on par with a level 90 player. 

His unusual regeneration abilities made him a formidable opponent on any field. The developers had, in Yggdrasill, mirrored the historical truth. The only way to defeat this summon was by severing his head from his body, or suffocating it.

She remembered the day she had first summoned him. 

It was a stroke of pure chance, a random slice that had somehow formed a pact between them. The conditions were so specific, decapitation being the only means to defeat him and seal the pact.

"Wait, wasn't the real Lu-Bu hanged?" Valaine questioned aloud

Indeed, in history, Lu-Bu had met his end through execution for treason. Yet, in Yggdrasill, he had become something more. As one of the children of the Outer Gods, he is seeking redemption and forging a new name for himself through battles. Hence, The Nameless General.

The incorporation of such an unusual yet historically grounded element intrigued her. 

"Recall," Valaine said.

In response, Lu-Bu melted away, dissipating into nothingness, returning to the void from where he came.

The grand halls of Nazarick were once filled with the echoes of laughter and murmurs.

It now grew quieter with each passing day. 

The vibrant energy that once permeated the air had gradually dissipated, leaving behind an eerie silence that hung like a heavy shroud over the guild's stronghold.

In the Throne Room, where guild members had once gathered to discuss plans and revel in their victories, now stood empty. 

The training grounds, once alive with the sounds of combat and the shouts of guild members, now lay deserted, the training dummies standing silent witness to the passage of time.

Even the NPCS, loyal and dutiful, moved with a solemn grace through the corridors.

Sebas Tian's meticulous care in the gardens of the 6th level seemed to be a futile attempt to breathe life back into the surroundings.

The flowers wilted faster than before, as if mirroring the fading spirit of the guild.

DYK: Bakunawa is a mythical creature in Philippine folklore, depicted as a gigantic sea serpent or dragon.Bakunawa was believed to be the cause of lunar eclipses, as it was said to swallow the moon whole.

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