
[DC] Watch The Fire!

It was a simple day, the people sauntering about their mundane, that is until it shifted to fire and brimstone. Collapsed upon her knees, a young Suyeong watched as the world around her collapsed. The sky was painted in blood, screams filled the air as the world crumbled and shrieked. Fire spiraled into the sky, smoke billowing after it. This was all a forthcoming event, and it was orchestrated by one individual, a spiteful man, a man who took the life of her dearest friend, a man she would hunt for the better half of her life. The hunt after the man had led her to this moment, ascended into the sky, a dragon that dwarfed all present slithering in the skies behind her while her golden eyes glared down on the collective heroes of justice, the Man of Steel, Wonder Woman, and the Caped Crusader stood tall at the forefront, staring her down. Her eyes shook in confusion, but she still roared lightning wrapping around her, "You've decided to stand in my way, so I will do what I must."

Pasithea_Midnight · Tranh châm biếm
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8 Chs

7. Assault on Intergang #1

Taking in a deep breath, Suyeong listened as the flight attendants informed them of their descent and began ushering them off the plane. 

Throughout the entire flight, the plane was relatively quiet, a godsend for her ears, that was thankfully a gift given to her from being seated in what she was told was first class. There were others in the area with her, all giving off semblances of wealth.

Seeing how she received a few glances when she stepped on the plane, Suyeong reconned she might look relatively well off. Especially with the polite attitudes the attendants regarded her with.

Stepping off the plane, she welcomed the fresh breeze, taking note of the cars and company of security waiting for her as she stepped down the ramp.

A large man in shades came towards her with his hand out. "Ms. Suyeong, correct? The Boss sent us to receive you!" 

Blankly staring at his outstretched hand, she looked up at him. "Then I thank you. Take me to the hotel." 

"Of course, this way." He nodded and opened the back seat door.

As she entered the car, Suyeong felt eyes on her. Looking out the tinted windows, her gaze moved to the top of the airport, the figure of the red-haired sorceress sat there, waving at her before fading away in a spectacle of light.

Sighing at the interaction, her thoughts shifted to the conversation they had the night before. For the Sorceress to come to visit her was a surprise. Though she wouldn't say it was unpleasant, she hadn't seen the woman in a long time.

"Still as lovely as ever," She chuckled.


Time had passed quickly, time which Suyeong spent simply observing a wayward warehouse in silence.

From the information given to her by Dubloque, the Intergang was using the building for something they wished to keep on the hush.

The sun was setting, and fewer people were moving about the streets, but having watched the building and its vicinity without rest for the past few hours. Men wearing worn-out clothing sneakily scanned the perimeters at every corner of the street.

She reckoned they were sentries in disguise. Watching for any Super threats, perhaps.

Other than them there were also marksmen perched out in windows surrounding the building. One such sniper was right in front of her. Suyeong sat on a recliner chair watching as the woman was lying prone looking through her scope with her sniper peeking through the cracked open window. 

She was astonishingly unperceptive, it baffled her, not that she would ever acknowledge how she moved as quiet as a mouse when intruding into the room.

Seeing as the sun had finally set and a blanket of darkness settled onto the city, Suyeong decided it was time.

Time for what exactly? She had no idea. There was no plan made before coming here, she simply decided to toss a rock and see how the herd would react.

Getting on her feet, she deliberated over her next actions, on one hand, she'd rather deal with everything with words, on the other, she was told the Intergang were quite violent individuals.

... She also didn't care.

Going the simpler route, definitely not out of annoyance due to having to wait so long to simply meet one man; she quickly grabbed the woman by the collar, pulling her off her stomach and striking her a multitude of times in the face.

She couldn't see her face, but the grunts of pain before the following silence were enough to confirm her attack results. Not even a second later, her helmet began crumbling from the assault.

Looking at the bloody face before her, she felt blood drip onto her hand. Her features scrunched up at the sight. She did not enjoy the brutality of it.

Ignoring the person's face, she looked over her gear. Compared to the men at Dubloque's fighting ring she was wearing advanced tech, different from anything she had seen in her short time in society.

Her tech only seemed subpar in comparison to Iron Eagle, the mercenary guard Dubloque. She shrugged at the technology. Opening the window fully, she dropped out of it without a moment's pause. 

Landing with a resounding boom, she launched forward, ignoring the now alerted sentries, she rushed to the warehouse.

Vaulting over the large walls, before she could move to the building door, she was repulsed by a sudden energy field.

Crashing into the wall, she covered her face with her arms as it crumbled on top of her. Following her repulsion, guards pooled into the area. 

Pushing the rubble off, Suyeong stood, brushing herself off, unaware of the many weapons pointed her way.

"Who are you!? What are you!" The person in charge pointed his electric staff her way, cautiously watching out for her next moves.

Shifted the dragon scale, twin daggers slid from her sleeves. Twirling them in her hands, she dismissed his question, "That hardly matters now, does it?" 

Not wasting a second, she blitzed the nearest person, slicing his rifle in two, almost tripping the blast that it caused, cutting up his arms and legs, she moved around him, to the next soldier.

Her momentum was lost as they were no longer surprised. The soldier she attempted to assault generated an energy shield on their arm, her daggers bouncing off it, causing her to swiftly duck as a blade swung over her head.

Sweeping a leg, she knocked the shield wielder off his feet, raising her daggers to deflect another blade coming her way.

As she attempted to move once more a blast hit her in the side, forcing her to slide away, tumbling into a crouched position ready to pounce towards them.

Putting a hand to her side, she marveled at how the attack made the dragon scale vibrate aggressively. 

Running low, she moved forward once, dodging a multitude of beams in a blur and slipping under the shield wielder's legs, slicing at his calves before stabbing her blades deep into his shoulders. Kicking off of his back, she dislodged her blades and dodged the strike from their leader.

The shield wielder fell to a knee with a pained grunt, "Careful, Commander. Urgh, she's fast."

"Noted." Shifting into a stance, the Commander, slowly moved around her in a circle. "Again, I ask, who are you?"

Staring the man down, she kept her eyes on the other guards around them, watching as she and the Commander faced off. It seemed they were honoring it? Suyeong found it strange what they were doing. Perhaps, if they didn't do it before, now, they were informing their superiors.

She didn't mind if they did, she wanted the attention on her, attention meant that the intergang might turn some of their focus on her, and that meant a higher chance of her meeting Deathstroke.

Suyeong hummed, "I am... A traveler. In search of someone." She answered, bemused at the words leaving her mouth.

The Commander scoffed, "Then tell me, "Traveler". What brings your travels here?"

Returning a dagger up her sleeve, she sighed at the question. "Quite a lot, the world has pointed me in this direction. I could tell you, yet it is not your business."

"Why talk then?"

"I am humoring you." As she said this, she rolled off to the side, dodging a blur of yellow that smashed into the Commander and a multitude of other guards. Following the blur were swift projectiles that attached to the remaining men and shocked them unconscious.

Humming once more, she pointed her chin, "I was not the only person stalking this building."

Looking to where she pointed, the Commander caught the sight of a blinding metal fist crashing into his face, knocking him out cold. The person responsible, stood in his spot as he turned towards Suyeong. "Yo! Who are you?"'

Raising her brow at the half-man-half-machine young man in front of her, she turned to the sky, watching as a caped person with an S on his chest landed beside him, dropping the bodies of the marksmen to the ground.

Only for another to appear beside them in a blur of yellow, the lightning bolt on his chest being familiar to her. 

Shifting her body to the side, she dodged a gadget thrown at her, a net popping out of it. Scrunching her brows at the young man who stepped out of the shadows with a glare.

She noted the R on his chest and waited a second longer before two people floated down from above, a woman with red hair, orange skin, and glowing green eyes, the other with red hair and green skin.

Moving her gaze from one person to another, she recognized the wary glare on the young man who threw things at her through his mask.

"Hey, lady! What are you doing here!? The area is dangerous." The yellow one zipped in front of her, uncomfortably close.

"I'm sure she knows that Flash. If you didn't see her fighting them off, quite well, earlier." The one with the R on his chest said.

"Distance! You don't know if she's dangerous."

"Dangerous, hah, you're dangerous, I saw how hard you hit those guys."

"It was necessary."

The yellow boy responded by mocking him, zipping around him in flashes of yellow.

Watching the two bickering, the cyborg and the two girls sighed. Looking at all of them, Suyeong shook her head and dismissed her other dagger.

"Children." She muttered.