
"Limiting arms trading, I'm a civilian product, okay?"

Wang Ye was reborn back to 1982. As a graduate of Huqing University, he voluntarily took on the role of director at the Red Star Military Factory to carry out military-to-civilian reform. "We agreed on military-to-civilian conversion, so what's with this gas cylinder?" When Wang Ye's superiors saw the first product he developed for the Red Star Military Factory, they were stunned! And all of this was because Wang Ye was very clear. In that year, China's reform and opening up progressed in an orderly manner, making way for economic construction. Countless military projects were shelved, and it was said that selling tea eggs was more profitable than making rockets. In that year, Eagle Sauce and Bear Fur were engaged in fierce competition internationally with their lackeys, little did they know that a few years later, Bear Fur would collapse, China's pressure would reach its peak, and the need for weapons would be sorely felt! "Economic development is crucial, but military industry cannot be neglected! Since the country has no money, then we in the military industry will earn it ourselves!" From that day on, the Red Star Machinery Factory, undergoing military-to-civilian transformation, embarked on an unprecedented path of development. It merged military and civilian aspects, treating customers as gods in military matters, while maintaining military quality in civilian use. Finally, when more and more Red Star Machinery Factory products appeared internationally, Eagle Sauce and Bear Fur were utterly dumbfounded! "Internal threaded steel pipe? Flammable and explosive gas cylinder? Gyroscopic tricycle? Multi-tube fire-fighting rocket launcher? Pickup truck with rainmaking artillery? Tracked tractor? Cruise self-destructing drone?" "And you call these civilian products? Rabbit, you have no sense of honor!"

sckyh · Lịch sử
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
84 Chs

Chapter 82: Quite Interesting!

Wang Ye's voice echoed through the entire sky with the help of the loudspeaker, accompanied by the lively melody of the welcome march.

On the grandstand, as they listened to Wang Ye's affected voice, the expressions of the crowd varied, creating a spectacle.

Wei Qingshan directly started pounding the table, unable to contain his laughter as he leaned back, while nearby, Zhou Jinlie wore a bewildered expression, then began to pinch his brow with a wry smile. As for Director Liang sitting beside them, he covered his face and turned away, unable to bear the scene.

As for the other accompanying personnel, some were astonished, some bewildered, some suppressed laughter, and some simply grinned at the absurdity of it all.

If Wang Ye had only arranged a small-scale military parade or even displayed some of the factory's weapons as a show, these people wouldn't have reacted so strongly. However, the sight of the two banners held by the four young men and the gas cylinders coming out of the factory directly caused them to burst into laughter; it was just too ridiculous!

A firefighting parade would have been forgivable, but leading with gas cylinders? Who could endure such a sight!

Meanwhile, as Wang Ye continued his introduction, the first formation was approaching the grandstand. They were all bare-armed, with muscular bodies exuding a strong aura of masculinity, perfectly illustrating the strength of our workers. Each of them carried a gas cylinder, striding past like strongmen.

Seeing this scene, everyone on the platform restrained their expressions and saluted the "soldiers" below.

"Leaders, officials, please!"

At this moment, Wang Ye handed the microphone to the two leaders. Zhou Jinlie was momentarily stunned, while Wei Qingshan next to him immediately understood what was happening and stood up, waving his hand and shouting, "Comrades, hello!"

As the formation reached the grandstand, the sound of "Salute" rang out, and the sturdy workers carrying the gas cylinders turned their heads to look at the grandstand, giving the salute.

With Wei Qingshan's voice, the thirty strong men shouted with vigor, "Hello, leader!"

Then Wei Qingshan passed the microphone to Zhou Jinlie, who had already stood up, and hastily shouted, "Comrades, you've worked hard!"

Instantly, the thirty sturdy workers carrying the gas cylinders shouted with vigor once again, "Serving the people!"

This time, Wang Ye didn't need the microphone. Holding a megaphone, he shouted loudly, "The formation passing by the grandstand is carrying our star product from Red Star Machinery Factory: the heavy-duty firefighting mortar. This firefighting mortar is low in cost, easy to assemble, and convenient to launch. It has an effective range of up to one kilometer and a firefighting radius of up to two hundred meters."

"It has already earned the country $4.4 million in foreign exchange, with significant firefighting effects and good customer feedback. It has already gained a good reputation in Africa."

"It's our Red Star Machinery Factory's flagship product for opening up foreign markets!"

At this moment, the two leaders stood there, watching the formation move away.

As for the accompanying personnel from the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Aerospace, if they hadn't received special training, hearing Wang Ye's solemn voice and seeing such a scene in front of them would probably have made them unable to suppress their laughter.

"Tsk tsk!"

"Doing business to this extent, I'm impressed!"

"Why don't we sell gas cylinders too!"

"It's more profitable than selling tanks!"

During the pause, Wei Qingshan couldn't help but sigh to Zhou Jinlie beside him. Although Wei Qingshan's statement that selling gas cylinders is more profitable than selling tanks is somewhat exaggerated, there is indeed a certain truth to it.

Currently, the most exported tanks from China are mainly based on the Type 59 tank and upgraded to the Type 69 tank. The selling price of these tanks on the international market, such as to customers like Tanzania, is just over $1 million each!

In other words, while Wang Ye can sell one thousand gas cylinders for $400,000, the Department of Defense and the Fifth Machinery Department only earn just over $1 million for each tank they sell!

Such a comparison reveals a glaringly obvious problem: the profit from tanks is actually very meager. After all, producing a tank requires at least thirty to forty tons of steel, not to mention other equipment, making the cost much higher!

Of course, the reason for the low price of tanks exported by China currently has three main factors. Firstly, the technology is not advanced, and the tank performance is not particularly strong. Secondly, there are fewer countries buying tanks, so they have to be sold at a cheap price. Thirdly, it's to maintain the domestic tank production line. As long as the price doesn't lose money, they can still sell them!

Even if they lose a little money, they still have to sell them!

Otherwise, if the domestic forces don't purchase tanks or purchase fewer tanks, do you want both the Baotou Second Machinery Factory and the Luotuo Factory to go bankrupt? If these two factories go bankrupt, and suddenly there's a war, who will produce tanks?

After all, once the production line stops, the equipment will age, aging will lead to scrapping, workers will have to relocate, relocation will lead to unfamiliarity, the upstream and downstream industrial chains will have to transition, and once they transition, it will be extremely difficult to transition back. When they want to start production again, they might have nothing left!

But looking at the situation from the perspective of the factory...

Whether it's gas cylinders or steel pipe rockets, the costs are quite small, yet they can be sold at such terrifying prices with astonishing profit margins!

"That's right!"

"It's just a pity that this business is too tricky; we can't just open it up for everyone to do!"

"Otherwise, we'd all be rich, wouldn't we?"

Agreeing with Wei Qingshan's statement, Zhou Jinlie nodded in approval while expressing his own thoughts.

Just as the two were conversing, the third formation also approached. Overall, this third formation appeared to be the most normal and serious so far. The thirty people in this formation were each holding a set of special firefighting grenade launchers.

However, all these grenade launchers had been spray-painted red overnight by Wang Ye's people to match the common color of firefighting equipment, with white stripes neatly painted on them, removing the intimidating look of weapons.

"Next, our grand finale formation will make its entrance, equipped with the highest-end, most complex, and most expensive firefighting equipment currently produced by our factory!"

"They are the Forest Fire Prevention Patrol Aircraft Formation!"

With Wang Ye's roaring voice, the workshop's large doors slowly opened once again, and to everyone's surprise, one by one, rotary-wing aircraft, accompanied by the roar of their engines, emerged from the workshop, moving as gracefully as elephants.

At that moment, everyone on the observation platform involuntarily stood up!

Liang, who knew the factory best, looked at the rotary-wing aircraft moving as if they were helicopters, his eyes showing shock and disbelief. He had no idea when Wang Ye had secretly developed such a thing!

But in the next moment, a thought flashed through his mind like lightning!

"That production line! The motorcycle production line!"

"Wang Ye used motorcycle engines to make airplanes?"

As this thought flashed through his mind, Liang felt as if he had been pulled out of drowning, unable to help but gulp down air, because this scene had completely exceeded his imagination!

After all, Liang was well aware of that production line. It could only produce ordinary motorcycle engines, and to him, the gap between motorcycles and airplanes was like a chasm!


In the next moment, Wang Ye made a strange gesture of bending his legs and waving his right hand.

With his voice, the formation in front made way, and the leading rotary-wing aircraft suddenly began to accelerate. In just twenty meters or so, accompanied by the roar of the engines and the whirring of the propellers, the rotary-wing aircraft lifted off directly into the air!

Once again, everyone present was stunned by the scene!

After all, rotary-wing aircraft were still unfamiliar to everyone in this era. Not just to the factory, but even to leaders like Wei Qingshan and Zhou Jinlie, they were unfamiliar!

Because rotary-wing aircraft were still a very rare type of aircraft. There were hardly any commercial or military applications and market shares internationally!

"Is this... a helicopter? No, it's not!"

"What kind of aircraft is this?"

At this moment, Wei Qingshan, who had stood up, looked at the rotary-wing aircraft taking off one by one and gradually ascending into the distance, and couldn't help but exclaim in amazement.

For Wei Qingshan, who worked in military affairs, coupled with China's past seclusion, being unfamiliar with rotary-wing aircraft was normal.

"It's a rotary-wing aircraft!"

"The upper rotor provides lift, while the rear rotor provides power."

"So, it can't take off vertically like a helicopter, nor can it hover in the air. It needs to glide to take off."

However, Zhou Jinlie, who worked in military industries, immediately recognized what was flying in the sky. In just a few words, he explained the basic working principle of the rotary-wing aircraft to Wei Qingshan.

"Does the Red Star Machinery Factory have the capability to produce aircraft?"

Hearing Zhou Jinlie's voice, Wei Qingshan asked incredulously, and at this moment, Zhou Jinlie looked at the rotary-wing aircraft flying in the sky and then turned to look at Wang Ye, who was looking enthusiastic. He couldn't help but sigh in amazement:

"Of course not. But how did you come up with this?"

"We have just been startled by the grenade launchers a few days ago, but we didn't expect you to hold back such a big one!"

"You've even made airplanes?"

Under the complex gaze of Zhou Jinlie, Wei Qingshan, and many others present, Wang Ye explained with a smile:

"We initially made $400,000 in profits and hoped to use the Industrial Bureau's channels to purchase a diesel engine production line, intending to officially start producing agricultural machinery like tractors."

"But unexpectedly, none of the units were interested in our $400,000. They wouldn't even consider loaning us money."

"In the end, Director Liang intervened and arranged for us to purchase a motorcycle engine production line from Quancheng with $300,000."

"The production line arrived, but we were in a dilemma about what products to manufacture. We haven't dealt with motorcycles before! Besides, we hadn't investigated the market, and entering the market recklessly could lead to heavy losses."

"So I made the decision to produce high-displacement motorcycle engines and manufacture rotary-wing aircraft."

"Then our Forest Fire Prevention Patrol Aircraft project was approved."

Upon hearing Wang Ye's explanation, Wei Qingshan and Zhou Jinlie exchanged a glance, then Zhou Jinlie couldn't help but laughingly retort, "You haven't dealt with motorcycles, yet you've managed to handle rotorcraft?"

"You didn't conduct market research for motorcycles, but suddenly you did for rotorcraft? And now you think they'll sell?"

Facing Zhou Jinlie's remarks, Wang Ye solemnly nodded and said, "You're right. I never engage in battles unprepared. I conducted thorough market research."

"According to my investigation, eighty percent of African countries currently lack an air force or any aerial capabilities. Faced with such a huge market gap, it's worth a try."

"As per the original plan, we'll equip them with our firefighting grenade launchers and attach fireproof shells to the side racks."

"With such a set, we can sell for a couple of thousand dollars each. It's a great value for money."

"Hey! Can you guess how our forest firefighting patrol aircraft will definitely have a market?"

"It will definitely sell well on the African continent!"

After Wang Ye finished speaking, Wei Qingshan and Zhou Jinlie couldn't help but exchange another glance, and the others around them also looked at each other, unable to resist fantasizing about the scene. It seemed intriguing!