
Jump Over!

My knees are trembling, my throat is dry, the surroundings were too dark. I can't see a thing but I somehow knew that there's a cliff right in front of me. I heard a voice from afar, shouting "Jump over!". I tried tapping on the ground in front of me, I broke into a cold sweat as I could only feel the air, there's nothing there. "Jump over!" the voice repeated, I snapped back to reality and replied with "I can't". The voice did not give up and tried to reassure me "it's okay, don't be afraid I'm here for you", that, however, did not work as I sat down and hugged my knee, I realized that I was trembling all this time.

I tried to compose myself and took the necklace I had from my neck and dropped it, it has been quite a while and no sound was made. "Just how deep is this cliff?" I muttered when I fell on my back. With tears forming on the edge of my eyes, I looked forward and shouted "I can't jump over! it's impossible there's nothing but darkness down there". Hot tears started flowing gently on my checks when the voice suddenly replied, "it's okay don't worry, take your time and I'll be here for you". "Thank you, I"m sorry", I whispered while sobbing, "I can't trust myself just yet".

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