
อ่านหนังสือนิยาย hermione draco ออนไลน์ - WebNovel


  • Guild Wars

    Draco had risen to the top of the world through his exploits in the legendary FIVR game, Boundless. After years of intense conflicts between his guild, Hellscape, and the guild of his former infidel lover, Darkrow, things came to a head when Draco conquered all. Now, nothing stood in his way of total conquest within the highly acclaimed second world of mankind, as he intended to fortify his new empire. Unfortunately, a timely assassination sent him back into the wheel of time for reincarnation, but not even the Gods gave him peace of death. Thrust into the past, Draco realized he'd been given a second chance at life to start from scratch, with all the knowledge of over fifteen years of almost absolute power in Boundless. Now, his path to glory will be far shorter and filled with more bloodshed than Hades could handle. ___________________________________________________________________________ WARNING: If you're the type to be triggered easily, please do not read.

    Kotario · เกม
  • Chaos Evolution: Only I Was Granted 3 Wishes

    "Why aim for a world when I can conquer the entire universe?" Draco Valenstein was the kindest human alive, a young man full of ambitions. One day, by some unknown means, he died. Not knowing how or what happened, he was granted 3 wishes before transmigration. In such an unforgiving world brimming with powerhouses, kindness was a weakness. But for Draco, who had been reborn as a demon, such a past was long gone. Evil is the only way! ------------------------ Discord: https://discord.gg/WkPT4GXk2E Release Rate: 2-3 Chapters Every Day. The Cover is Mine & Original. ----------------- Author Offers(September-2024): You give: 150-400-800 Power Stones I Give: 1-2-4 Total Bonus Chapters. You give: 100-200-400 Golden Tickets. I Give: 1-2-4 Total Bonus Chapters. You give: Any SuperGift I Give: 3 Bonus Chapters Per. -----------------

    StellNem · แฟนตาซี
  • Alpha's Bite Between My Legs

    [ WARNING: EXTREMELY MATURE CONTENT ] "If I see you again, I'll ravish your body while you bleed, Prince!" Rosina, a woman haunted by a dark past, developed a dangerous obsession that led to a trail of blood and corpses. A predator that liked to enjoy her prey before taking their lives. She has always despised the idea of having a mate until she was compelled to attend the annual mating season. Harboring a deep desire for freedom, she detested any association with royalty. During the mating event, she encountered a mysterious man wearing a blood-red mask. Draco was portrayed as a carefree Third Prince who sought only amusement and avoided the responsibilities that came with the crown. However, his encounter with Rosina ignited a change within him. He realizes that in order to win her hand in marriage, he must become a King. That transformation set Draco on a path of self-discovery and growth as he strived to prove himself worthy of Rosina's love. Would their encounter change their fate or push them to ruin? _____ Volume 2: "My duty is to find a nobleman to lead my Pack, but you conquered my heart, commoner." Felissa was responsible for searching for a mate worthy of status and fulfilling her duty as the only daughter of an Alpha, which led her to revolve her life to become a perfect future Luna of the Midnight pack. She was known as gentle as a fragile flower, or so they thought. Behind her cheerful smile hid the darkness that wanted to ascend and take over her body. A personality born due to the use of magic. As Felissa hunted for a noble mate to satisfy her parents. She met a commoner with two identities. Vicenzo was a man living different lives to keep his mother safe from the abusive Pack. He was willing to sacrifice the mate bond to destroy the New Monarch as his task, but his heart slowly broke apart and yearned for his mate's touch. Would they prioritize their duty or give in to what their body desired?" _____ Volume 3: "I will accept you despite everything you have done, my dearest." Gastone lived in the human world as his punishment but was called back to the Werewolf realm by Rosina to find his mate. He didn't want one because of his living situation and pride as a fallen Prince. Along the way, he saved a troubled woman named Lucia and brought her to the realm after begging him to save her. That caused problems since Werewolves were myths to humans. With the help of Draco, Gastone and Lucia settled in a secluded place temporarily for security. Lucia had escaped from the Orphanage that worked in the black market. She aimed to stop its business to save many girl's lives but failed after years of planning. After meeting Gastone, she intended to use him to her advantage since she needed milk to survive the curse. Would their love blossom after finding great differences between their races? __ [ WPC #301 - Gold Place Winner!!! ] . . Official Commissioned Cover. __ Contact me: IG: mona_milku Discord: https://discord.gg/XqbVZffGbv __

    youneedsomemilk · แฟนตาซี
  • The Devil's Warrior Queen

    [Warning: Mature content] {BOOK 1 OF THE BOOK SERIES, ALLURE OF THE DARK} {BOOK 2: PREY TO THE DEMON KING}  "You're right feisty princess, what fun will it be if it was forced? It'll be more delighting if you gave it willingly." He whispered darkly.  "I would never give myself willingly to you!" She snapped.   "We'll see about that feisty princess." He drawled in a low tone as his crimson eyes glinted with dark amusement and a mixture of devilishness. --------- When Rama, a fierce queen encounters her greatest rival, the vampire king, it is apparent death is sealed on her, but when the vampire King changes his mind and instead seizes her as his captive to torture her for her defiance, the fate of Rama is obscure and her future as her Rival's prisoner is sealed but unforeseen. Rama finds herself ensnared in the cold, unforgiving clutches of Draco, the ruthless vampire king. As captive and captor collide, the lines between predator and prey blur, unveiling a world where forbidden desires intertwine with the mysteries of Draco's dark existence. In the nocturnal embrace of Draco's realm, Rama discovers a desirable undercurrent that challenges her very essence. Unraveling the enigma of Draco's secrets, she is drawn into a dance of power and passion, where every step she takes is both unpredictable and inevitable. Rama, once a beacon of strength, now navigates a treacherous path fueled by both defiance and a lingering allure she cannot deny. She walks down the obscure path of sinful temptation, steamy romance and burning hot desires led down by the alluring devil and her immortal enemy, will she be able to resist this alluring devil or will she succumb to his dark and enigmatic world as he lures her with his wicked charms? The devil takes the warrior queen captive, but his sadistic pleasure is not satisfied to its peak, soon, he desires total captive of her body, mind and soul, but what if he captures something else both of them never predicted, something not even the seers could have foreseen? Disclaimer: Book cover is not mine. //////// I'm a newbie author, please support the book if you want to see more of my stories in the future XD {Volume 1 and 2 of this book are complete, Volume 3 is ongoing, support the book for Volume 4, sneak peak: Volume 4 is all centered on their offsprings} Ps this is a slow burn romance novel, very slow.....Read and enjoy

    Mel_goddess123 · แฟนตาซี
  • A Mordida do Alfa Entre Minhas Pernas

    [ AVISO: CONTEÚDO EXTREMAMENTE MADURO ] "Se eu te ver novamente, vou devorar seu corpo enquanto você sangra, Príncipe!" Rosina, uma mulher assombrada por um passado sombrio, desenvolveu uma obsessão perigosa que levou a um rastro de sangue e cadáveres. Uma predadora que gostava de saborear sua presa antes de tirar suas vidas. Ela sempre desprezou a ideia de ter uma companheira até ser obrigada a participar da temporada anual de acasalamento. Abrigando um profundo desejo de liberdade, detestava qualquer associação com a realeza. Durante o evento de acasalamento, ela encontrou um homem misterioso usando uma máscara vermelha-sangue. Draco era retratado como um Terceiro Príncipe despreocupado que buscava apenas diversão e evitava as responsabilidades que vinham com a coroa. Entretanto, seu encontro com Rosina incitou uma mudança dentro dele. Ele percebe que para ganhar a mão dela em casamento, ele deve se tornar um Rei. Essa transformação colocou Draco em um caminho de auto-descoberta e crescimento enquanto ele se esforçava para se provar digno do amor de Rosina. Seu encontro mudaria o destino deles ou os levaria à ruína? _____ Volume 2: "Meu dever é encontrar um nobre para liderar meu bando, mas você conquistou meu coração, plebeu." Felissa era responsável por buscar uma companheira digna de status e cumprir seu dever como única filha de um Alfa, o que a levou a girar sua vida para se tornar uma futura Luna perfeita do Midnight pack. Ela era conhecida como gentil como uma flor frágil, ou pelo menos era o que pensavam. Por trás de seu sorriso alegre escondia-se a escuridão que queria ascender e tomar conta de seu corpo. Uma personalidade nascida devido ao uso de magia. Enquanto Felissa caçava por um nobre companheiro para satisfazer seus pais. Ela conheceu um plebeu com duas identidades. Vicenzo era um homem vivendo vidas diferentes para manter sua mãe segura do bando abusivo. Ele estava disposto a sacrificar o vínculo de companheiros para destruir o Novo Monarca como sua tarefa, mas seu coração lentamente se partia e ansiava pelo toque de sua companheira. Eles priorizariam seu dever ou cederiam ao que seus corpos desejavam?" _____ Volume 3: "Eu te aceitarei apesar de tudo que você fez, minha querida." Gastone vivia no mundo humano como sua punição, mas foi chamado de volta ao reino dos Lobisomens por Rosina para encontrar sua companheira. Ele não queria uma por causa de sua situação de vida e orgulho como um Príncipe caído. No caminho, ele salvou uma mulher problemática chamada Lúcia e a trouxe para o reino após ela implorar para salvá-la. Isso causou problemas, já que lobisomens eram mitos para os humanos. Com a ajuda de Draco, Gastone e Lúcia se estabeleceram em um lugar recluso temporariamente por segurança. Lúcia tinha escapado do Orfanato que trabalhava no mercado negro. Ela tinha como objetivo parar o negócio dele para salvar a vida de muitas garotas, mas falhou após anos de planejamento. Após conhecer Gastone, ela pretendia usar ele a seu favor, já que precisava de leite para sobreviver a maldição. O amor deles florescerá após descobrirem grandes diferenças entre suas raças? __ [ WPC #301 - Vencedor do Lugar de Ouro!!! ] . . Capa Comissionada Oficial. __ Contate-me: IG: mona_milku Discord: https://discord.gg/XqbVZffGbv __

    youneedsomemilk · แฟนตาซี
  • Bride Of The Shadows

    # Arranged marriage #Paranormal Romance -She was his sweet peach. His wish. His eternity. His redemption. His to corrupt and his to command. He has and would never love any the way he loved her- Hermione Barclay, an attractive princess suffered a tragic past which caused her to isolate herself, frightened by the presence of people, poor constructions of words... The memory of the vampire boy whom she had once felt safe around remained etched in her innermost self and she fantasized about nothing but him. Years later, a marriage proposal arrived and she was to wed the same man she had always dreamt about, unfortunately, her expectations of him were crushed. He only cared for her because he was asked to, not because he wanted to. Dark and Tragic twists awaited her in her new home, how was she going to survive?

    Author_Zia · แฟนตาซี
  • La Mordida del Alfa Entre Mis Piernas

    ``` —Si te vuelvo a ver, me saciaré con tu cuerpo mientras sangras, ¡príncipe! —Rosina, una mujer atormentada por un oscuro pasado, desarrolló una peligrosa obsesión que llevó a una estela de sangre y cadáveres. Una depredadora que disfrutaba de su presa antes de quitarles la vida. Siempre había despreciado la idea de tener una pareja hasta que se vio obligada a asistir a la temporada anual de apareamiento. Albergando un profundo deseo de libertad, detestaba cualquier asociación con la realeza. Durante el evento de apareamiento, se encontró con un hombre misterioso que llevaba una máscara roja sangre. Draco fue retratado como un despreocupado Tercer Príncipe que buscaba solo diversión y evitaba las responsabilidades que conllevaba la corona. Sin embargo, su encuentro con Rosina provocó un cambio en él. Se da cuenta de que para ganarse su mano en matrimonio, debe convertirse en rey. Esa transformación puso a Draco en un camino de auto-descubrimiento y crecimiento mientras se esforzaba por demostrar que era digno del amor de Rosina. ¿Su encuentro cambiaría su destino o los llevaría a la ruina? _____ Volumen 2: —Mi deber es encontrar a un noble para liderar mi manada, pero conquistaste mi corazón, plebeyo —Felissa era responsable de buscar una pareja digna de estatus y cumplir con su deber como la única hija de un Alfa, lo que la llevó a girar su vida para convertirse en una perfecta futura Luna de la manada Medianoche. Era conocida por ser tan delicada como una flor frágil, o eso creían. Detrás de su alegre sonrisa se ocultaba la oscuridad que quería ascender y apoderarse de su cuerpo. Una personalidad nacida debido al uso de la magia. Mientras Felissa buscaba a un compañero noble para satisfacer a sus padres, conoció a un plebeyo con dos identidades. Vicenzo era un hombre que vivía diferentes vidas para mantener a su madre a salvo de la manada abusiva. Estaba dispuesto a sacrificar el vínculo con su pareja para destruir al Nuevo Monarca como su tarea, pero su corazón se rompía lentamente y ansiaba el toque de su pareja. ¿Priorizarían su deber o cederían a lo que sus cuerpos deseaban? _____ Volumen 3: —Te aceptaré a pesar de todo lo que has hecho, mi querida —Gastone vivía en el mundo humano como castigo pero fue llamado de vuelta al reino de los hombres lobo por Rosina para encontrar a su pareja. No quería una debido a su situación de vida y orgullo como Príncipe caído. En el camino, salvó a una mujer problemática llamada Lucía y la llevó al reino después de que ella le suplicara que la salvara. Eso causó problemas ya que los hombres lobo eran mitos para los humanos. Con la ayuda de Draco, Gastone y Lucía se instalaron temporalmente en un lugar aislado por seguridad. Lucía había escapado de un Orfanato que trabajaba en el mercado negro. Su objetivo era detener su negocio para salvar la vida de muchas chicas pero falló después de años de planificación. Después de conocer a Gastone, tenía la intención de usarlo a su favor ya que necesitaba su esencia para sobrevivir a la maldición. ¿Florecería su amor después de descubrir grandes diferencias entre sus razas? __ [ ¡WPC #301 - Ganador del Lugar de Oro! ] . . Portada Oficial Encargada. __ Contáctame: IG: mona_milku Discord: https://discord.gg/XqbVZffGbv __ ```

    youneedsomemilk · แฟนตาซี
  • Burning Heat

    It was supposed to be a simple, innocent hug of a boy offering comfort to his distressed best friend. But somehow, I found myself astride Ash’s thighs, with his arms firmly wrapped around my body and his face squished against the curve of my bare shoulder. I could feel the moment he started to nose at the expanse of my throat, it had only taken a tiny brush of his nose against my skin to make me tremble against him and I instinctively tightened my hold around his broad shoulders as a small whimper slipped out before I could think. It must have been a mistake, I said to myself, but then he did it again, and again– his hot breaths fanning against my sensitive scent gland along with each firmer drags of his nose. _____ Andy Draco is a gay, nineteen year old Omega with a little bit of warlock magic in him, who can't seem to choose between friendship and lust. Andy is best friend and roommate to Alpha Ashton who is straight or at least believes he is. One moment of heat blinded by lust leads to a night that couldn't be erased from both their lives. With their friendship at stake and Andy's sudden unleashed powers and never before seen enemies, will Ashton come to realize his feelings or will he let the most important person in his life leave his life and the world?

    Josephine_Ivy1 · แฟนตาซี

    [Warning: Mature Content.] "You are indeed a stubborn one, are you not?" Servyn taunted. "I don't understand your complaints, Your Highness." She was goading him intentionally. Servyn nodded slowly. His smile now lengthened into a mischievous grin. "One day." He began, looking straight into her gloaming eyes. "I will make you say my name." It was not a promise, it was a threat and Hermione could feel it in her bones. The intensity of his gaze on her. The drumming sounds that burst from her chest banged her ears. "I want to go back home." Hermione brought down her eyes to her hands which subconsciously fidgeted with her dress. . . . In a kingdom called Avalon, far, far away from the creatures they fear, lived an innocent beauty. She was rumored to be a witch. She was spited and hated upon by the people of Avalon because of her own misfortune. There was no one who wasn't aware of her past, a past she herself could not clearly recall, which was now imposed on her as a witch. Fate played a very dirty trick on her when the Crown Prince of Avalon intruded her life without an entrance pass. Bringing alive all the dead desires in her that she had decided to bury. Oh, no! they were never there to begin with. Will this life of hers remain sad forever? Time will tell, and oh! time did tell when certain revelations pushes them farther away from each other, imprinting more pains and sorrows to her already broken heart. Remember, it was a dirty trick. His life revolves around her, and hers around him. He cannot breathe when she's not near. Despite the obvious warnings and consequences of their union, he obstinately declared. “Hermione Larabee, I will never let you go.” _______ A/N: It's a tale of forbidden Love and a forbidden romance, goes on its own pace. Don't hesitate to give it a try and your wonderful support.

    Moon_light16 · แฟนตาซี
  • Hermione's Secret

    Hermione Granger and the golden trio won the war. As time went on the three young adults got wrapped up in their own lives, slowly drifting apart. Harry and Ron were as close as ever, but as for Hermione. She hadn't been heard from in a year. What happened to her? Keep reading to find out.

    LiaIsCrazyUwU · แฟนตาซี
  • Runaway Male Bride: Tell Me Your Secret

    When Riley's brother informed him one evening that he would be auctioned as a bride and married off to the highest bidder, he did not think twice and vaulted out of the house and escaped. On a moonless night, while still on the run, the wounded Riley met the enigmatic Draco. The cold and aloof head of the Sy Business Empire. Then everything changed from the moment Riley's clear watery hazel eyes collided with Draco's cool grey ones.

    MsKimpossible · LGBT+
  • Hermione and john

    so far this might be a one shot a new mysterious boy name John has joined Hogwarts is past is a unknown to even the great Dumbledore how will John change the story is he a hero or a villain and who else would he take with him down his own path I don't own anything related to the harry potter franchise or the photo used

    lonebook · สมัยใหม่
  • Reincarnated as Draco Malfoy in HP World

    A person from earth is reincarnated in the Harry Potter World as Draco Malfoy. Armed with future knowledge, he tries to defeat all obstacles while protecting his family, fighting Voldemort and figuring out how to deal with teenage girls.

    NeerajMehra · แฟนตาซี
  • Hermione Heeler:The sincreek diaries

    The mysteries of the world unknown ,were only truth burying her behind the sin creek minute Vampires, werewolves, witches and angels, Tribrids. Nothing made perfect sense especially when reality didn't begin to describe the situation where trauma and human distrust had preyed on her life. Sin creek was raw evil. Hermione wanted to get out and pretty fast. But fate had adorned her with the finest, Jace Wayland, the only man who made her feel whole. Hermione did find him attractive, everything about him called to her and she was pretty sure the only way to overcome her desire was to sate it.... Her caged heart was losing guard, she was willing to let it go. However with her life on the hunt, uncertainty gave the ultimate description to everything.No room for life . No room for love. Just plenty of secrets, pretense , lies and death threats One thing was outright, Jace would never be just a page in the story she was remaking...at-least she wanted to believe in much more..

    rhinasiimire · แฟนตาซี

    My path is full of fire and blood... My enemies will seem by my sword... I Kaiser Von Draco will choose my path... Get ready because I'm coming for you bastards...

    MachoSpartan047 · แฟนตาซี
  • Love Hurts - Draco Malfoy

    Mariposa Ackerman is a witch, her life hasn't been easy. Always being forced to be like her family, except her maniac brother. Mariposa has never had a choice, being made to do things she dreads. At first, she believed Draco Malfoy was the worst person to ever live, until that one day. Mariposa found out that they have much in common, it frightened her. Mariposa had never experienced love, around her was always hatred. Will this known to be obnoxious Slytherin boy, change her ways? ( I do not own any of the Harry Potter characters, and some characters are just made up )

    bruisedbutterflies · วัยรุ่น

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