
อ่านหนังสือนิยาย fallen el comienzo ออนไลน์ - WebNovel


  • The Fallen Vampire

    Tayar is currently embroiled in a brutal war. The races of light are on the verge of exterminating the races of the fallen. Led by humans with fearsome powers from another world, their victory becomes more and more assured with every passing battle. But when the last member of a now extinct race of fallen suddenly appears, the entire world will be turned upon it's head.

    AnathaShesha · แฟนตาซี
  • Fallen Chronicles

    "Ah... Finally done," Renji leaned back in his chair as the game he had been playing for many years reached 100% cleranse, with all achievement and none of his waifus or people dying. "Hm... there is still one final scene left. Is it my victory ccg or smt like that!?" "I'll check that later," He stretched, feeling his stiff muscles craking. and shut down his computer. "Guess I should go get some snaks ... Or at least a drink." Without changing out of his t-shirt and sweatpants, Renji headed out. He slipped on his sneakers and stepped into the evening air. The setting sun caught him by surprise. "... Wait... how long did i play this time!? Sigh... i need to stop playing that hard or my death will be on that chair." Renji walked towards the convenience store while his mind was still half in the game world. Halfway there, he noticed a woman standing on the sidewalk. Something about her made him stop and stare for a long time. Her golden hair seemed to shimmer in the fading light, and her eyes... there was something familiar about them... 'Heh!? is that elves ears!?' The Woman came closer to him and before passing him, she said in a sweet voice, *Good luck Ash...* Renji: "?_?" Before Renji could process what was happening, she was gone. He blinked and rubbed his eyes "Am I seeing things?" he mumbled to himself. "Ah... they say gaming for too long drives you crazy... i need to lessen them..." After sighing helplessly, he continued to the store. In the brightly lit store, Renji grabbed an energy drink and paid without a word. As he walked back to his apartment, he couldn't shake the strange encounter from his mind. Back in his room, Renji paused. His computer screen was still on, and the game was still running. "That's weird," he said. "I thought I closed it." *Thanks for Playing!* As Renji looked at the screen showing a "congrats" message with fireworks, and a side note near the inbox, icon, "Hmm!? a gift for finishing the game!?" [Congratulations, You have fulfilled the requirements to unlock ******* Would you like to proceed?] Renji: "?_?" ----

    Hail_The_loli · แฟนตาซี
  • Elegido por el Destino, Rechazado por el Alfa

    Trinidad, de dieciocho años, es diferente a cualquier otro hombre lobo en su manada. Para empezar, hubo circunstancias inusuales en torno a su nacimiento, y además, ella es el único miembro de la manada que nunca ha adoptado una forma de lobo. Así que ahora no encaja en ningún lado. No es completamente humana ni loba. Pensó que podría vivir su vida como quisiera cuando cumpliese dieciocho años. Ir a la universidad, hacer amigos, divertirse. Pero, ¿qué debe hacer cuando el peligrosamente sexy Alfa cae literalmente en su regazo? —No soy humana ni loba. No pertenezco a ningún lugar... —...ambos sabemos que nadie se emparejará conmigo, y aunque lo hicieran, me rechazarían de todos modos. —¿Qué hará el sexy y hosco Alfa? Los mayores lo obligan a realizar ridículas fiestas para buscar una pareja. No quiere una compañera, pero sabe que necesita una para completar el Círculo Alfa. Sin una compañera, una Luna para la manada, su gente sufriría. ¿Y qué va a hacer cuando se encuentre con la chica con la que el destino tiene ex esposa del Presidente Embarazada, Ex Esposa para él y descubra que no tiene lobo? —¡Esto no puede ser! —rugí—. No hay forma de que pueda emparejarme con una chica que ni siquiera tiene un lobo. Será demasiado débil. Será inferior. No será lo suficientemente fuerte para ser una Luna. —Simplemente no podía aceptarla como mi compañera. No completamente. No era seguro para ella. Se pondría en peligro. Y arrastraría a mi manada con ella. —Cuando estos dos se encuentren, seguro que saltarán chispas. ¿Pero serán de pasión, o de sus constantes luchas? Ninguno quería una pareja. Ninguno quiere la compañera que el destino eligió para ellos. Y ninguno puede hacer desaparecer ese vínculo de pareja. ¿Qué van a hacer ahora que están literalmente atrapados el uno con el otro?

    Deni_Chance · แฟนตาซี
  • The return of the fallen king

    In a usurped kingdom , amid a war-torn and blood-soaked Italy, Conradin's battleground is set. To reclaim his birthright the crown of Sicily, he must tread a path paved with blood, learning that he must do whatever it takes to ascend the throne. --------------- In the year 1266, the tale of Conradin, the last scion of an ancient imperial dynasty, unfolds. His once-great kingdom, Sicily, has been ruthlessly usurped first by his own uncle and now rests in the hands of the cunning French Count Charles. Through a treacherous plot involving the Pope, Charles managed to oust the Hohenstaufen from the Kingdom of Sicily and crowned himself as its king. In the East, powers such as the Despotate of Epirus are keenly observing the instability in Sicily, poised to seize any advantage that may arise from the chaos. Meanwhile, the small Italian communes are caught in the political crossfire, aligning themselves with one side of the conflict or the other based on the prevailing political party in power and their vested interests. These shifting allegiances turn the Italian peninsula into a powder keg, where all-out war seems inevitable. As the shadows of history close in around Conradin, the world watches with bated breath. Will he emerge triumphant, his name forever etched in the annals of Sicilian glory as the rightful king who defied insurmountable odds, toppling both the Pope and the usurper? Or will he, in his valiant struggle, become a tragic figure, a symbol of lost opportunities and shattered dreams? The future of Sicily hangs in the balance, and Conradin's destiny remains uncertain, poised on the precipice of history.

    Allevatore_dicapre · ย้อนยุค
  • Rebirth: The Return Of The Fallen Heiress

    “Don’t you understand? You are stuck with me and I will never let you escape me.” Her eyes flickered to his intense gaze and she straightened herself and sneered at him arrogantly, determined to cut him down to size. “You would need to be a real man to be able to make such bold claims.” He took two steps which brought him right in front of her and before she could push him away he placed a hand on the wall and tilted her face away from him then she felt him move closer until his lips were at the side of her neck where her pulse jumped erratically from his action. “look,” he said mockingly. “I am yet to touch you but see how your body betrays you.” * Zhi Nitzan was the princess of the Zhi Luxury hotel chain’s fortune. Admired and respected by everyone, she had everything that she could ever want, privilege, wealth and beauty. And now, she was going to get married to the man she had loved ever since she had been a teenager, Cheng Jie who was Osmanthus City’s most eligible bachelor. And when she thinks things can’t get better she discovers that she is going to have a baby. However when everything seems perfect, her life comes crumbling without warning and it starts with the discovery of her best friend Ran Bing having an affair with Cheng Jie then she almost loses her baby. She barely has enough time to deal with her heartbreak when she discovers that she has signed away all of her family’s fortune to Ran Bing and there is a smear campaign against her. She goes from being the town’s darling to being hated and having to hide from society but at least she still has her baby. … or that is what she thinks, when she goes into labor she discovers a plot to kill her and steal her baby but is able to escape with the help of a nurse and is forced to leave her daughter behind while swearing revenge on them all. Years later, when a successful company from another city invests in the failing Cheng group of industries, the Cheng family is relieved but what they fail to realize is that they have signed a deal with a devil, a devil who is determined to get not just a pound of flesh but who wants to decimate everyone who ever did her wrong and crush them into dust. She will not rest until she has had her revenge.

    SukieWrites · สมัยใหม่
  • Despertar del Talento: Yo, el Despertado más Débil, Comienzo con el Hechizo de Fuego de Dragón

    ``` ¡Actualización diaria! 9 a. m. PST ---------------------- En la era del Despertar Universal en la Esfera Azur, conviven infinidad de razas y dioses. Diablos, dioses oscuros y monstruos descienden al reino mortal, solo para encontrarse con los Despertados. Howard, durante su Ritual de Despertar, descubre talentos duales: Recuperación de Maná de rango F y el talento supremo: Síntesis Suprema. Mantiene un perfil bajo, ocultándose como un magus común. ¡A través de innumerables actos de síntesis, forja artefactos supremos, habilidades supremas y clases supremas! Síntesis de Bola de Fuego... ¡Ding! Síntesis exitosa, obteniendo habilidad de rango D—Serpiente de Fuego. Síntesis de Serpiente de Fuego... ¡Ding! Síntesis exitosa, obteniendo habilidad de rango B—Pitón de Fuego. Síntesis de Pitón de Fuego... ¡Ding! Síntesis exitosa, obteniendo habilidad de rango S—Fuegodragón. Cuando los diablos invaden y los dioses oscuros descienden, se quedan boquiabiertos ante la Esfera Azur que tienen frente a ellos. —No, esto es una trampa... ¡una trampa disfrazada de un simple cupcake! ---------------------- ¡Entrada WSA 2023! ¡Por favor, muestra tu apoyo si disfrutas de la historia! ¿Cómo puedes mostrar tu apoyo? ¡Regala Piedra de Poder! 150=1 capítulo extra 200=2 capítulos extra 500=3 capítulos extra ¡El lanzamiento de bonificación será la siguiente semana! ```

    Red_Skin_Duck · แฟนตาซี
  • Fallen Fate Online

    Fate has long been something magical, almost non-existent, but praised by many as the greatest power capable of anything. Zayne has always lived hard, in poverty, and seemingly innumerable problems following him. However, with the launch of the first virtual reality game - Fallen Fate Online - his life began to change beyond recognition. It was a shock to the whole world. For many, the seemingly normal game became almost a second life, causing massive changes for everyone. Zayne had never been on good terms with luck, let alone fate, and he had no experience in games, but somehow he became the one for whom fate was an ally as he rose to heights, unavailable to anyone before. Fate is in our hands.

    Arlemit · เกม
  • Fallen Conqueror

    Gods were slain… Devils were vanquished... Worlds clashed into oblivion! Bilim Vladir was the hope of humanity, the great Flaming Conqueror. Finally, after years of war and battle, Bil created an empire and could start a family. Unfortunately, Bil was betrayed and his family was assassinated. However, Bil secretly survived along with his newborn children, a brazen, ambitious boy named Jash and a calm, collected daughter named Nelphy. After eighteen years of secrets and hiding, Bil settles down by the city. Finally, Bil can retire and enjoy life as best as he can while living in the shadow of society. But the journeys of Bil’s two children, now official citizens and adults, have only just begun. They no longer have to wander and travel aimlessly. Finally, they get to live life as they’ve always dreamed of! Jash rushes into the world of veita and training! With a grin on his face, Jash has the determination to leave his mark on the world, no matter what he has to do. He’ll train with experts, decimate the battlefield, and… secretly destroy the empire?! Nelphy, however, accidentally learned Bil’s identity and now seeks to learn EVERYTHING that Bil has kept secret. She scours books and legends for every hint available. She’ll search for the aunt she never knew she had. She’ll… be hunted by her own brother!? And Bil… may be forced out of "retirement" to try and clean up the mess. ---Book 3 of 10 in the Quillverse--- ** PAUSED (till the end of DBA, at the latest) ** Discord: https://discord.gg/akzn9SM5k9 Art by @itsjustfroggy, found on Youtube, Twitter, or Twitch! **Note: You do NOT need to read my "Quillverse" series in order, but some books will have tie-ins or shared characters further back or further forward on the cosmic timeline.

    TheSilverQuill · แฟนตาซี
  • Reincarnated as a Fallen Angel

    https://discord.gg/kZs9PE2 Join :) Waking up suddenly screaming, Alice looked around in a panic. The last thing she remembers is a devil like creature ripping her wings off and killing her. Seeing that no one is around and that she is fine she tries to feel her wings. Instead of what should be there, she feels like a part of her body has been stolen, noticing that she no longer has wings. In fact, she doesn't remember having white skin or her hair being this long. Forcing herself to stay calm, Alice tries to think about the situation calmly. 'I don't seem to be hurt other than the fact I don't think this is my body' Standing now she looks around finally realizing she's in an open field with nothing around except for a forest to the north and an ocean to the south. ______________________________________________ Will Alice manage to find out the truth behind her reincarnation and get revenge on the devil that took her wings as he killed her?

    Slewis · แฟนตาซี
  • The Fallen Consort

    Cursed with a beautiful face, Losing loved ones till left with no one by her side. Yi Ling vowed not to ever let anyone see her true self. She believed that she was a curse. A face that can topple Kingdoms and Countries. So, she dressed up like a man. Not until, Mu Xin came along. Letting her realize that she was part of a bigger world. -------- This is my 1st Novel and English is my 3rd language. Sorry in advance, for my grammatical errors. Reviews are greatly appreciated! Thanks for reading. ^U^ -------- Also Read my other novels : The Wretched Mistress & Phoenix Rebirth : The Unruly Empress -------- JOIN THE DISCUSSION & Updates !!! Discord : discord.gg/hAJDepT My Website : Happyprincess.wordpress.com Updates : https://happyprincess.wordpress.com/tfc/ ---- Also please support me by buying me a coffee! buymeacoffee.com/ElleJaye

    ElleJaye · แฟนตาซี
  • Fallen Lightbringers' Return

    One day, a mechanical voice appeared in all of humanities head: [survive]. Dungeons started to surface, Historical Figures reappeared, Gods had turned real, and ordinary people gained the supernatural ability to rule the new era. However, they could not beat The Shadow. In such world, The Lightbringer, Lee Dojin had sacrificed everything... and perished right on New Year. Upon his death, the dungeons called him once more, and he warped to another universe where the apocalypse hadn't sarted yet; a universe 20 years ago. This time he would not be The Lightbringer, instead, he'd walk the path of shadows. --he'd become a controller of parallel universes. Only he knows the end of this world. Only he has seen the end of a universe. With this new chance, can he turn around the life he had once forfeited? "Child of The Shadow, there is another world waiting for you." ------------------------------- For chapters not yet released here, news of updates and future merch, character art, and discussions with either readers or writers, please follow this link: https://discord.gg/RnRQD73j8b or write me on Rafuk#5512.

    Hyowha · แฟนตาซี
  • Blue: Fallen Star

    This is not some random story, this is the story of my life. Me, a complete average guy who's also kind of a spineless guy but face it everyone is spineless deep down. The question is whether or not you have gotten to the point where you became spineless. Haha but this same spineless guy is going to conquer everything. "Why are you British?" asked Hyla "I'm not British I just like the way they sound" replied Blue as he took a drag from his pipe usually other people would be driven near madness when they find out they have an alien in their body but I could barely stay strong What kind of Masochistic Alien System is this? This training method is insane "You want power? Then do it or you'll definitely die" A star came crashing down from outer space Creating ripple after ripple as it tried to destroy us and I have to save us all by using the same power from the Fallen Star Join Hyla as he embarks on a journey to survive and protect the world at large

    Hila · แฟนตาซี
  • El comienzo Envy

    Envy Es como lo conocen desde ahora, un error hizo que fuera transportado a otro mundo, ahora iniciará de nuevo, pero los problemas no tardaron en llegar

    astera · แฟนตาซี
  • Odyssey Of The Fallen

    Haunted by his clan’s brutal murder and destruction, Lucius forsook any forms of morality or logic and dived head first into the world’s darkest pits of madness with a single goal in mind. Revive his family. Rebirth after rebirth, death and death, tragedy after tragedy, sacrifice after sacrifice, his sanity and sense of self slowly slips away as he ventures into existence’s deepest and most dangerous worlds for he knows no rest. The heavens, Hells, Origin realms or even the Myriad expanses, he burnt it all to ashes just to be able to see them again. Just to hear them laugh, see them smile, feel their touch. “I’ll do…anything.” His quest for salvation knew no limits. But this all changes when he discovers who he truly is and the truths of his origins. “There is no fairness in this world my child for suffering is the only path to ascension.” ——————————————————————————— A new age is upon the Myriad Creations. The heavens have been shattered and the land is infested with the sorrow of its fallen angels while the sultans of hells rejoice at the prospect of a new war. A new beginning, Another chance. The sealed abominations of the first war of creation are rampant as the dormant gods of past ages awaken with the intention to rule. As the restrictions that regulated existence are erased and the veils of the beyond are lifted, watch as a young boy forges his myth through blood and tears and discovers the plaguing taboos of reality. This is the Odyssey of The Fallen. ————— One chapter everyday for the next 3 months then we’re back to the regular schedule. 4 chapters a week; Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.-> Currently on a break, go read my other novel while you wait. Join the discord: https://discord.gg/ZYDZbmtrMn

    Orclion · แฟนตาซี

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