
Review Detail of TribeOfOne in The Prince of Military Academy Is Actually A Girl!



This novel is far from perfect. Its main selling point is a fairly well done overpowered female protagonist. On the other hand, its main weaknesses are a terrible sense of blind Chinese nationalism, the weirdly stupid mind games that all the characters face, as well as the complete lack of research the author has done on any of the subjects presented in the novel. I first began reading this novel both because of the amazing review score it had, as well as for a cross-dressing protagonist. The story starts off quite well, with a female lead who dies in her own world but is pulled into reincarnating into a future world because of a "grandpa teacher"-like spiritual entity inside her mind. It continues on to quite hilarious descriptions of her mother and the other characters around her as she slowly progresses through life pretending to be a boy in order to be able to inherit her father's inheritance and legacy. The characters in the novel, up to the point I've read, are quite interesting. They're all varied in personality and working through their own motivations as they interact with our heroine Ling Lan. We have an overbearing mother character, a kind grandpa figure who's also a hidden ninja, a stupid yet competent AI assistant, as well as a wide range of friends that collect around her. Yet the most interesting character is still the MC Ling Lan, who despite being an incredibly talented girl pretending to be a boy, only has the single objective of having a normal life and ultimately giving birth to the most talented child possible. Another aspect of this author that I really like is her skill in describing battles. The author has a natural talent for describing and directing melee fights between individuals. While there isn't much focus on any actual martial arts or actual techniques, the author still does a good job with understanding the capabilities and physical limits of the human body and expressing the fights as a natural and fluid manner. However, at the same time, the author is quite terrible at understanding the limitations of non-human entities. This brings me to one of the main areas where the author has been negligent - her research into science fiction. This is undoubtedly a science-fiction work, but this novel does nothing more than throw around the jargon without understanding what any of it actually is. Ling Lan's "AI Assistant", named Little Four, is more of a little kid than an AI. At times he's smart and competent, but most of the time he's nothing more than a little kid throwing a tantrum (though this adds to the comedy). As things go, this is a terrible trait for any AI assistant to have. Next, there are the mechas. While I congratulate the author for adding the detail that the main obstacle for a mecha pilot is being able to withstand the G-forces of the constant accelerations the vehicle has to face, at the same time I also have to blame the author for not understanding the slightest bit about the mechas themselves. When faced with a complicated system like a humanoid robot, she believes that it's only possible to completely control such a robot using hand motions to individually manipulate each joint of the robot, causing a huge amount of stress on the hand-speed of the operators. She has completely refused the idea that such systems might use computer assistance to automate the processes, and views AI in controlling robots as a bad thing. This is only annoying when you consider that any AI system as advanced as the ones in this story should be able to pilot these mechas far better than any human operator ever could. In addition, there are several instances where weapons are magically enhanced by the addition of an AI into them, breaking out of physical limitations that they should not have ever been able to break out of. Ultimately, while this is a science-fiction story, it's also a terrible example of the science-fiction genre as it completely fails to understand the implications, uses, and limitations of the very technology it introduces. On a related note is the idea that kids mature much faster than in the past. In the story, it's completely understandable that kids are much more physically developed because of the various gene-stimulating agents and chemical therapies that they undergo from a young age. However, at the same time, there is no explanation for why 6-year-old kids have the same level of mental maturity and genius as a grown man. Right from the beginning, we see 6-year-olds engaged in mind-games and politics against each other. This would be okay if the story presented some form of explanation for why these kids have such mental stimulation, but if we just look at the experiences of the MC Ling Lan, there is no instance where the kids undergo any kind of mental augmentation at all. Even for Ling Lan, there is no explanation for why the "learning space" provided by her AI assistant expects 6-month-old children to be able to understand the human language and also start playing mind-games against trained military instructors in order to obtain training. One of the more annoying aspects of the story is the author's obsession with Chinese nationalism. Right from the beginning, we are made to understand that the new Federation is just the author's idea of a Chinese space empire. Later on, we learn that their main enemies are the Empire, which is overtly declared to be a Japanese colonial space empire, signaled by their use of the rising sun as their symbol and how their commanders all use childish Japanese words in the middle of the military talks to further clue the readers to that fact. The author also makes it clear of her vehement hate for the Japanese in several passages where she references the Nanking Massacre. The Japanese troops are always dressed in black, have black mechas, and are blamed for a lot of the faults in the government because of their agents who have infiltrated the Chinese government. In addition, the Japanese commanders are portrayed as incompetent egotistical maniacs who know nothing about their own troops and have to rely on their subordinates to make decisions for them. The Empire is very clearly a stand-in to express the author's own rage against the Japanese. The author also has a terrible habit of releasing spoilers in the middle of the story. It's as if the author is constantly afraid that her readers can't understand the implications of things, as she often reveals what will happen in the later chapters as an implication of the decisions that are taken in the current chapter. For example, very early into the story, in the middle to talking about Ling Lan's father's legacy, the author directly tells us that her father is not actually dead and will return in a later chapter, directly spoiling a major part of the story for us. Overall, this story is cute and humorous. It fits into the standard trope of female-oriented CN novels where we see an overpowered female lead who plays mind-games to defeat all her opponents. However, don't come into this story expecting to find any actual science-fiction elements, competent villains, or extremely consistent internal logic.

The Prince of Military Academy Is Actually A Girl!

Madam Ru

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Wow, that's a detailed review!




I completely agree with you. I'm 500 chapters in and it's really distracting every time I read over a tasteless paragraph written by a chauvinistic author. It doesn't fit in the story in the slightest, and just goes to show how stupidly brainwashed and obsessed with nationalism Chinese people are. There are many more things that make me frustrated with the novel, but in the interest of time I won't write a long list of small grievances. As for the spoilers where the author explicitly spoils the plot years down the line, while it can sometimes be tasteful, I agree that the author uses it way too much and on certain plot points which should not be spoiled.


Good review. You summed up my thoughts completely.


Thank you! This was quite informative.


Im really just asking. Except for the chinese natonalism which i can understand is annoying. The other main thing you didnt like about this novel is that the made up science fiction thats slightly different in every singe no el out there. Doesn’t work as you think it should? Its made up. Not real. Why would it have to abide by your rules. It only has to abide by the authors rules because it was written by them. Not you. Science fiction. Fiction


Hey thanks for reading through the whole review. While I agree that every author is allowed to make up their own fictional science fiction, it's still possible to say that some kinds of science fiction are worse than others. In this case, I found it severely lacking because: 1) the author does not seem to have any level of understanding of science or technology, 2) the "science-fiction" parts of the novel aren't really new or interesting, i.e. the author hasn't added any unique new ideas of her own into the mix, 3) a lot of the story elements would have much more serious consequences on society and structure and the plot if the author had bothered to think them through clearly, 4) the author isn't entirely consistent with what science fiction elements she does add to the novel. On that note, if you want to see a really good science fiction novel that I could recommend, try our Forty Millenniums of Cultivation. It's a very different kind of novel from this one, so I don't know if you'll like it, but I do, and I consider it one of the best science fiction + cultivation webnovels. That aside, there's nothing wrong if you disagree with my review. You clearly don't care as much about the science fiction parts of this novel, and clearly you like the good parts of this novel much more. That's great for you. I'm happy you found a book you like. However, that doesn't make my criticism of the book any less valid. Not everyone has to give the book you like a 5-star rating.

JohSebLem:Im really just asking. Except for the chinese natonalism which i can understand is annoying. The other main thing you didnt like about this novel is that the made up science fiction thats slightly different in every singe no el out there. Doesn’t work as you think it should? Its made up. Not real. Why would it have to abide by your rules. It only has to abide by the authors rules because it was written by them. Not you. Science fiction. Fiction

While i do thank for your calm answer to my somewhat aggressive comment. I dont think you understand. While the points you do make in your commet like that she isnt consistent can be annoying ultimately that isnt what you said in your review. And it was the review i criticized not your other inner thoughts on the logic that you disnt list in the original review. I havent read this novel. The reason i responded was that if you leave a review on a novel where your points partially is that the story doesnt line up with what you think is possible or should or should not be a part of that world. It deters readers like me from even reading it because if i hadnt spent a bit of time thinking about your review i would have just thought that Oh this novel doesnt make sense so i wont read it”. Also thanks for the recommendation. Ill check that out 👍

TribeOfOne:Hey thanks for reading through the whole review. While I agree that every author is allowed to make up their own fictional science fiction, it's still possible to say that some kinds of science fiction are worse than others. In this case, I found it severely lacking because: 1) the author does not seem to have any level of understanding of science or technology, 2) the "science-fiction" parts of the novel aren't really new or interesting, i.e. the author hasn't added any unique new ideas of her own into the mix, 3) a lot of the story elements would have much more serious consequences on society and structure and the plot if the author had bothered to think them through clearly, 4) the author isn't entirely consistent with what science fiction elements she does add to the novel. On that note, if you want to see a really good science fiction novel that I could recommend, try our Forty Millenniums of Cultivation. It's a very different kind of novel from this one, so I don't know if you'll like it, but I do, and I consider it one of the best science fiction + cultivation webnovels. That aside, there's nothing wrong if you disagree with my review. You clearly don't care as much about the science fiction parts of this novel, and clearly you like the good parts of this novel much more. That's great for you. I'm happy you found a book you like. However, that doesn't make my criticism of the book any less valid. Not everyone has to give the book you like a 5-star rating.

Ah thanks, that's pretty valid criticism of my review. I'll admit, I didn't structure my points very well when I first wrote the review. If I could go back and edit it now, I'd probably make it clearer and less like a rant. Unfortunately webnovel doesn't allow me to edit or change a review once I give it, so that's not really an option (。•́︿•̀。)

JohSebLem:While i do thank for your calm answer to my somewhat aggressive comment. I dont think you understand. While the points you do make in your commet like that she isnt consistent can be annoying ultimately that isnt what you said in your review. And it was the review i criticized not your other inner thoughts on the logic that you disnt list in the original review. I havent read this novel. The reason i responded was that if you leave a review on a novel where your points partially is that the story doesnt line up with what you think is possible or should or should not be a part of that world. It deters readers like me from even reading it because if i hadnt spent a bit of time thinking about your review i would have just thought that Oh this novel doesnt make sense so i wont read it”. Also thanks for the recommendation. Ill check that out 👍

Fair enough. Its still a good review dont get me wrong and yeah it kinda sucks that you cant go back and edit them. Solid review though

TribeOfOne:Ah thanks, that's pretty valid criticism of my review. I'll admit, I didn't structure my points very well when I first wrote the review. If I could go back and edit it now, I'd probably make it clearer and less like a rant. Unfortunately webnovel doesn't allow me to edit or change a review once I give it, so that's not really an option (。•́︿•̀。)