
Review Detail of tt_g in Marvel: Tech System



The grammar sucks. The author uses like 2 commas per chapter, so over half of his sentences are run ons and there’s a weird use of exclamation marks. Also, it’s straight up boring so far. I would argue the mc has no personality except for wanting to survive. Half of every chapter is filled with author’s notes (also annoying), one at the top and and one at the bottom so there’s really not that much plot in 26 chapters.

Marvel: Tech System


ถูกใจ 56 คน




He set nothing up. All he does is info dumps the system and tells us how the company was founded. There’s no showing, only telling. Also tell me what else is good about the fic besides the plot if it’s so good.

ArchProgenitor:bro, it's true that there hasn't been much plot, but that's because he was setting himself up. What plot would you even see in that time period except from time skip after time skip



A retard would be someone who’s still reading this book, cause my braincells almost died from reading the first 26 chaptera


Ay but at least a few more people probably didn’t have to suffer like I did. You’re welcome


that may be so, but there's a whole lot worse novels out there.

tt_g:A retard would be someone who’s still reading this book, cause my braincells almost died from reading the first 26 chaptera

it's actually good, compared to a lot of other mcu fics unless you have some reccs, keep your thoughts off your keyboard

tt_g:Ay but at least a few more people probably didn’t have to suffer like I did. You’re welcome

It’s not, especially if you’re comparing to other mcu fics unless you’re comparing it to mtl. The grammar is abominable but I know the author edited it so it might be actually readable now compared to when I read it. Still bad tho.

ArchProgenitor:it's actually good, compared to a lot of other mcu fics unless you have some reccs, keep your thoughts off your keyboard

There are also a whole lot better.

DeejaeSutherland:that may be so, but there's a whole lot worse novels out there.

You're exaggerating this so much. It's quite good and has a nice plot. Also, if you think I'm comparing it to mtl, then mention some good mcu fics that are as much better than this as you keep saying!

tt_g:It’s not, especially if you’re comparing to other mcu fics unless you’re comparing it to mtl. The grammar is abominable but I know the author edited it so it might be actually readable now compared to when I read it. Still bad tho.

What plot? All he did is set up his company. From the 26 chapters I’ve read, barely anything happened. If you want a good marvel fic, I liked A Silent Mad Dog, but it’s also not that hard to find a marvel fic that has readable grammar.

ArchProgenitor:You're exaggerating this so much. It's quite good and has a nice plot. Also, if you think I'm comparing it to mtl, then mention some good mcu fics that are as much better than this as you keep saying!

If it’s so good, how come the top reviews are all one stars? I think you’re the one exaggerating how good it is.

ArchProgenitor:You're exaggerating this so much. It's quite good and has a nice plot. Also, if you think I'm comparing it to mtl, then mention some good mcu fics that are as much better than this as you keep saying!

don't say it's not hard when you can only mention one. Don't be stingy! or Lazy!

tt_g:What plot? All he did is set up his company. From the 26 chapters I’ve read, barely anything happened. If you want a good marvel fic, I liked A Silent Mad Dog, but it’s also not that hard to find a marvel fic that has readable grammar.

bro, it's true that there hasn't been much plot, but that's because he was setting himself up. What plot would you even see in that time period except from time skip after time skip

tt_g:If it’s so good, how come the top reviews are all one stars? I think you’re the one exaggerating how good it is.

A silent mad dog is nowhere to be found! Brruhh???!!!!

tt_g:What plot? All he did is set up his company. From the 26 chapters I’ve read, barely anything happened. If you want a good marvel fic, I liked A Silent Mad Dog, but it’s also not that hard to find a marvel fic that has readable grammar.

Or you can try searching marvel in the search bar and half of those that come up will be better or as good as this

ArchProgenitor:don't say it's not hard when you can only mention one. Don't be stingy! or Lazy!

Character development? Usually you learn something about the character and the plot progresses a bit. This is 26 chapters, a lot can happen. He’s still the same generic character as he is in chapter one, and we learn nothing about him except his personality is cardboard

ArchProgenitor:bro, it's true that there hasn't been much plot, but that's because he was setting himself up. What plot would you even see in that time period except from time skip after time skip

I'm pretty sure I've read every single one worth reading on that list

tt_g:Or you can try searching marvel in the search bar and half of those that come up will be better or as good as this

bruh, it feels like you just skim read and end up reading only the " info dumps" as you call it!

tt_g:He set nothing up. All he does is info dumps the system and tells us how the company was founded. There’s no showing, only telling. Also tell me what else is good about the fic besides the plot if it’s so good.

“It feels like”? If you can’t come up with an actual counterpoint for why this fic is good, I’m gonna stop arguing. You can keep riding the author if u want. Still bad fic.

ArchProgenitor:bruh, it feels like you just skim read and end up reading only the " info dumps" as you call it!