
Review Detail of SwordDomainGod1 in Divine General Mahoraga in Shadow Slave



There are so many problems with this story, the character is way too overpowered, it's just a power fantasy of a Gary Stu. One of his first memories defy all the logic of the power system being literally unbreakable and as a passive enchantment and not an active one which would literally mean that even a weapon of divine rank wouldn't be able to destroy it. His understanding of the power system is all messed up with a bunch of tiny mistakes that alone doesn't mean much, but together ruins the experience, like receiving a memory that shouldn't exist in the dream realm, like being able to read the memories enchantments description without anything that grants him the ability to do so, he can fight awakened titans as a dreamer and the excuse is his attributes of superior physique and etc. It's honestly just a boring character that won't have to fight for anything. With his set of abilities he can even survive staring at the full weave of fate that supposedly drives everything but gods insane and to death but isn't affected in the slightest although the reason for their souls dying was not fate but the overload of information, given that, he could just spend a week getting tortured in the Hollow Mountains and then come back Invencible. Really a pity cause SS fanfics are extremely rare.

Divine General Mahoraga in Shadow Slave


ถูกใจ 20 คน




Spoilers ahead: while I agree I gotta point out that titan is a class of a being not it's rank, for example nephis is a transcendent titan rn and to rival gods you need to be a divine titan or an unholy titan

SimpleReaderPassin:what? Fight a darn Titan as a dreamer? This fic is garbage then. For those who don't know, Dreamer is the absolute beginning of the power level and the weakest of all the bunch except normal civilians while a Titan is the peak. On par with the Gods of this world. What's the point of reading this if this is what's gonna go

one of the best in that matter as it is a relief after reading so much/all novels with weak mc i got tired. so give it a try even if this review can deter you


You’re also forgetting he shouldn’t have his aspect in his first memory or at the very least his full aspect. Remember sunny started as a temple slave in his first nightmare.


yup, lots of issues with the story, couldn't remember everything

Propht:You’re also forgetting he shouldn’t have his aspect in his first memory or at the very least his full aspect. Remember sunny started as a temple slave in his first nightmare.

what? Fight a darn Titan as a dreamer? This fic is garbage then. For those who don't know, Dreamer is the absolute beginning of the power level and the weakest of all the bunch except normal civilians while a Titan is the peak. On par with the Gods of this world. What's the point of reading this if this is what's gonna go