
Review Detail of bewoulf3000 in Who Needs Magical Talent? I have SCIENCE!



ok I don't even know where to start. I saw that my favourite author recommended your book. I found myself engaged initially, but I must admit that a few aspects left me slightly concerned. The chapter dedicated to the MC backstory for instance, felt somewhat cringe worthy that you separate it from the book. Then the decision to have the character leave his parents due to financial concerns despite their investment and hopes for return, struck me a bit abrupt and lacking in depth. It might be beneficial to explore more nuanced reasons that could justify such a significant choice.Furthermore while the notion of the main characters concern about dying a Virgin added an element of Humor to the story, I couldnt't help but feel that it overshadowed any potential for emotional depth. Balancing humor with genuine emotional development is challenging.As i continued reading, I couldn't help but notice some similarities between the subsequent chapters and pupulare reincarnation novels. While inspiration from successful works can certainly be beneficial, it's crucial to maintain a unique voice and narrative to avoid giving the impression of recycling ideas.

Who Needs Magical Talent? I have SCIENCE!


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Thank you for your feedback! A couple things I’d like to note. First off, the decision to move his backstory from chapter 1 to the Auxilary was a personal one. Though relevant to his character, I didn’t want to get bogged down in the details. After all, that wasn’t the story I was trying to tell. Second. The decision to leave his parents was long coming. As mentioned, he was being run ragged. No chance of personal time, no chance of social interaction, no chance of family time. Just work work work. When he found out the cause of all that strife was not his benefit like initially assumed, but hope for financial gain, it gave perspective to the last 11 years of his life. So he left trying to escape his miserable situation. (This was already explained in my initial writing) Third. Yes his focus on dying a Virgin was a bit much considering he was DYING. However he was a young man, and that’s what was on his mind before dying. While the story is written in third person, it follows him and his perspective. Once his perspective shifts and he’s given the time to slow down and reflect, I have every intention to let him understand the full implications of everything he’s experienced (This is already hinted at in a few of these early chapters) As for your last criticism, yes it’s very difficult to find a completely original reincarnation work. This novel was written as a fan of the genre wanting to avoid some of it’s more irksome common tropes (Creepy/Edgelord MC, Harem, etc). All in all, thank you for reading my novel, I’d ask you give it a fair chance before deciding it’s unoriginal and lacks depth. I have plans for this story to be well over 1000 chapters, so there’s only so much I can get across in 12. Thank you!