
Review Detail of Bhar_Yo in Debauchery of a Soul-Eating Wraith



Writing quality? Check Plot? Check Pacing and dialogues? Check Overpowered MC? Check Harem? Check A new captivating experience? Check I must confess. Some may call me audacious or even eccentric, but I proudly embrace the title of being shameless. Why, you may ask? Because I’m simply an advocate of truth, unafraid to voice my opinion. And today, I stand before you to declare that Debauchery of the soul eating Wraith is nothing short of extraordinary. A masterpiece, a work of art tailored made for readers and with unwavering conviction, this is a book you don’t want to miss out on.

Debauchery of a Soul-Eating Wraith


ถูกใจ 11 คน




No, Check again 'O great Mathematician😂 Second Order Souls give 10 Soul points... Third Order souls give 100 Soul points So two second order Knights and one Third Order gives (120) Soul Points I don't know where you're getting your information from dude

DaoistCvLoUS:author, did you study mathematics at school or not? In the first chapters you give 100 souls for the second order, and in the 31st chapter you hit your head when you were reading the accumulated points? he killed two from the second order and one from the third order, you only add 120 points to him. Is your head working or not???

Thank you for the review Don't think I could have put it better my self fellow man of culture👌


Author, May I ask about your update/upload schedule?

NatePrince:Thank you for the review Don't think I could have put it better my self fellow man of culture👌

Hello author, do you have a discord link to see the illustrations?


author, did you study mathematics at school or not? In the first chapters you give 100 souls for the second order, and in the 31st chapter you hit your head when you were reading the accumulated points? he killed two from the second order and one from the third order, you only add 120 points to him. Is your head working or not???

NatePrince:Thank you for the review Don't think I could have put it better my self fellow man of culture👌

Also, check again The Intruders Evian killed were all in the Third Order... Their Leader was just a few steps ahead and a bit stronger. No where did I say they were second Order knights Dude

DaoistCvLoUS:author, did you study mathematics at school or not? In the first chapters you give 100 souls for the second order, and in the 31st chapter you hit your head when you were reading the accumulated points? he killed two from the second order and one from the third order, you only add 120 points to him. Is your head working or not???

Man I really think Myrine should be in the harem cause she is too good of a woman to go to MC's father. Also I don't like his father at all don't know what she saw in him but his son is far better. Also author showcased how amazing Myrine is with that brother fight the more I feel it will be a waste not to see her in the harem. Also she has already seen evian in the act I don't know why the author did that if he didn't intend to put myrine in the harem. Pls author give it a thought it's my humble request.


no discord or auxiliary chapter for character images?

NatePrince:Thank you for the review Don't think I could have put it better my self fellow man of culture👌

Heyo. I think we need discord. You know to communicate about culture 👀 and how these characters actually look. Holler if you need any help with setting it up/managing it

NatePrince:Thank you for the review Don't think I could have put it better my self fellow man of culture👌

Is she in the harem now?

Necessary_Evil:Man I really think Myrine should be in the harem cause she is too good of a woman to go to MC's father. Also I don't like his father at all don't know what she saw in him but his son is far better. Also author showcased how amazing Myrine is with that brother fight the more I feel it will be a waste not to see her in the harem. Also she has already seen evian in the act I don't know why the author did that if he didn't intend to put myrine in the harem. Pls author give it a thought it's my humble request.

thanks for this I for think I will read this