
Review Detail of Bravewolf in Reborn into Star Wars without a system



I have read other star wars fanfiction but they always made there character op they never had something profound and meaning full and grounded to try a new way we see stars wars fanfiction that not always they have to make the character overpowered. So now I will be a fan of this fanfiction and I hope others have will love this to.

Reborn into Star Wars without a system


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mostly manipulation of the jedi's hubris. by the time of the clone wars the jedi had relegated the sentinels to gaurd duty, (temple guards) recruitment,(very few). and mechanics/ technical support. the jedi knew of their specializations but felt that the rest of the order would be more than sufficient to stop the re-emerged sith. the vast majority were temple guards and he arranged their death at the beginning of order 66. in Legends more of them survived but they kept put of sight till the emergence of the One Sith. they felt that they had failed. but they were able to stay hidden for decades before choosing to reveal themselves.

Transhumanist:Oh I know what the Jedi sentinels were capable of, not that I've seen anything about them in the movies mind you. I just don't know if Ol Palpy did something spesific to neutralize them.

It's very simple, if you don't have a good system, if you don't have some supernatural talent, genius level training, especially in this world and even more so close to the battle of Naboo, then you have super plot armor, since otherwise you are just like all the other Jedi, the dead ones, even those that survived were hunted. To be clear, this is response to the "in depth" review, I did not read the novel, yet, and for all I know it goes in a very believable way.


ErozothDraeor:It's very simple, if you don't have a good system, if you don't have some supernatural talent, genius level training, especially in this world and even more so close to the battle of Naboo, then you have super plot armor, since otherwise you are just like all the other Jedi, the dead ones, even those that survived were hunted. To be clear, this is response to the "in depth" review, I did not read the novel, yet, and for all I know it goes in a very believable way.

maybe spice things up a bit, have a storm trooper as a reincarnated character, make him train to fight dirty, make him train the hard way, make him use everything available to him to win battles may it be wires, knives, robotics, sniper rifles. Results: an actual star wars character that is fun to read, doesnt come off as obscenely op as his wins come from hard work and the use of his brain and you dont have to add systems that only serve to ruin novel immersion.A smart weak character struggling to survive is more interesting to read than your regular trashy webnovel mc who builds an unrealistic harem made up of idiots.

ErozothDraeor:It's very simple, if you don't have a good system, if you don't have some supernatural talent, genius level training, especially in this world and even more so close to the battle of Naboo, then you have super plot armor, since otherwise you are just like all the other Jedi, the dead ones, even those that survived were hunted. To be clear, this is response to the "in depth" review, I did not read the novel, yet, and for all I know it goes in a very believable way.

Without a Deus Ex Machina a jedi would be hard pressed to stay alive.


a weak character that is smart turns to economics not war. money buys ships, ships negate the need for troops.

DrAuthor:maybe spice things up a bit, have a storm trooper as a reincarnated character, make him train to fight dirty, make him train the hard way, make him use everything available to him to win battles may it be wires, knives, robotics, sniper rifles. Results: an actual star wars character that is fun to read, doesnt come off as obscenely op as his wins come from hard work and the use of his brain and you dont have to add systems that only serve to ruin novel immersion.A smart weak character struggling to survive is more interesting to read than your regular trashy webnovel mc who builds an unrealistic harem made up of idiots.

maybe u should give fanfiv called " roger roger " a try the mc is a b1 drpid so not much OPnes going on there its a dropped fic but a good reas from what i remember and heads up hes with dookus apprentices side i think

DrAuthor:maybe spice things up a bit, have a storm trooper as a reincarnated character, make him train to fight dirty, make him train the hard way, make him use everything available to him to win battles may it be wires, knives, robotics, sniper rifles. Results: an actual star wars character that is fun to read, doesnt come off as obscenely op as his wins come from hard work and the use of his brain and you dont have to add systems that only serve to ruin novel immersion.A smart weak character struggling to survive is more interesting to read than your regular trashy webnovel mc who builds an unrealistic harem made up of idiots.

You're right that is the smart path. But it's also the boring path to read. I'd rather go do/read a CK2 quest on Spacebattles than read about a character doing economics.

scyfly:a weak character that is smart turns to economics not war. money buys ships, ships negate the need for troops.

the problem most of the jedi had was they could not shake their indoctrination. they could not hide and had no idea how to blend in. it was why Palpatine went after the sentinels as hard as he did if he did not kill them quick they could disappear like a ghost into the galaxy

Transhumanist:Without a Deus Ex Machina a jedi would be hard pressed to stay alive.

I have no idea what Palpatine did against sentinels. Where can I read/watch it? Although after the prequels Star Wars franchise is practically dead to me, I spent too many years adoring the Star Wars to do a clean break.

Wingzer0:the problem most of the jedi had was they could not shake their indoctrination. they could not hide and had no idea how to blend in. it was why Palpatine went after the sentinels as hard as he did if he did not kill them quick they could disappear like a ghost into the galaxy

essentially the sentinels were far better equipped to fade into the backgrounds. Many of them served specialized roles that gave the skills such as computer slicing and mechanical knowledge. they also frequently would be away from the jedi order as a whole. many of there skills were tailored towards fighting the Darkside. and they would frequently live among the populace of a planet undetected. look up the you tube video "Why Palpatine feared jedi with yellow lightsabers."

Transhumanist:I have no idea what Palpatine did against sentinels. Where can I read/watch it? Although after the prequels Star Wars franchise is practically dead to me, I spent too many years adoring the Star Wars to do a clean break.

Oh I know what the Jedi sentinels were capable of, not that I've seen anything about them in the movies mind you. I just don't know if Ol Palpy did something spesific to neutralize them.

Wingzer0:essentially the sentinels were far better equipped to fade into the backgrounds. Many of them served specialized roles that gave the skills such as computer slicing and mechanical knowledge. they also frequently would be away from the jedi order as a whole. many of there skills were tailored towards fighting the Darkside. and they would frequently live among the populace of a planet undetected. look up the you tube video "Why Palpatine feared jedi with yellow lightsabers."

also doesn't help that there were never that many sentinels, and the order saw less and less need for them after they thought the sith eliminated

Transhumanist:Oh I know what the Jedi sentinels were capable of, not that I've seen anything about them in the movies mind you. I just don't know if Ol Palpy did something spesific to neutralize them.

This just goes to show all the vaunted benevolence of Jedi Order is mostly as a reaction to the excess cruelty and violence of Sith Order. Ideally the Jedi were free to correct many injustices in the absence of a powerful Sith Order, eg. Sentinels would have been pretty instrumental in destroying criminal syndicates like Hutt cartels etc.

Wingzer0:also doesn't help that there were never that many sentinels, and the order saw less and less need for them after they thought the sith eliminated

The Sentinels and Shadows were also specialists in hunting and killing Dark Siders. His own tooks would become mere prey and he knows eventually a Jedi with those skills would become powerful enough to kill him.

Wingzer0:the problem most of the jedi had was they could not shake their indoctrination. they could not hide and had no idea how to blend in. it was why Palpatine went after the sentinels as hard as he did if he did not kill them quick they could disappear like a ghost into the galaxy