
Review Detail of wolfgod223 in reincarnation of a mighty being



The main character is really Gray. My dude literally has no emotions. It feels like he's there just to be there. He's really boring. And everything with him is fake. I kind of wish he got more of the original personality even if the original was kind of stupid.😮‍💨

reincarnation of a mighty being


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Read a little bit more. Then review it bro.


I did a weather up to chapter eight And before you tell me I should continue reading. Answer me this, does he change at all?🤔🤨

The_oneandonly344:Read a little bit more. Then review it bro.

What do you expect me to change. He’s already a fully developed character in my mind. Besides I’m too much of a newbie to try and develop his character. This is all I can do honestly. I’m not a genius.

wolfgod223:I did a weather up to chapter eight And before you tell me I should continue reading. Answer me this, does he change at all?🤔🤨

Look, man, i'm just giving my honest opinion. I'm not trying to criticize you or insult you. I'm just saying that the main character is Blend. Everything else is fine. Like where he comes from and how Hes getting power. So the only problem is the character. I just wish he had a little bit more emotion. That's all🤷🏻‍♂️

The_oneandonly344:What do you expect me to change. He’s already a fully developed character in my mind. Besides I’m too much of a newbie to try and develop his character. This is all I can do honestly. I’m not a genius.

No don’t worry I’m not offended by you for being honest rather I appreciate it but I will try to somehow make him have some emotions. Hopefully I do a good job.

wolfgod223:Look, man, i'm just giving my honest opinion. I'm not trying to criticize you or insult you. I'm just saying that the main character is Blend. Everything else is fine. Like where he comes from and how Hes getting power. So the only problem is the character. I just wish he had a little bit more emotion. That's all🤷🏻‍♂️

alr good. And Hey, if you ever rewrite it or make him have more emotion? Hit me up, and I will Reread it👍🏻👍🏻

The_oneandonly344:No don’t worry I’m not offended by you for being honest rather I appreciate it but I will try to somehow make him have some emotions. Hopefully I do a good job.

Why don’t you check my other fanfic, I just started writing it, and see if you like it.

wolfgod223:alr good. And Hey, if you ever rewrite it or make him have more emotion? Hit me up, and I will Reread it👍🏻👍🏻