
Review Detail of Lucas_Oliveira_2302 in Ben 10: 11000



I really liked the fanfiction but I have some questions, the Saturdays will appear? since they had a crossover episode with ben 10 in the omniverse series and the next universe that the MC can go to could be the one of generator rex since this universe also had a crossover episode with ben in the ultimate alien series, but I don't know if it would be very useful since the power of this universe comes from machines and not from DNA itself

Ben 10: 11000


ถูกใจ 7 คน




Thanks for your review . MC may visit generator rex , but I dont think i can write about secret saturday because I forgot most of SS plot and I cant find any source to watch it.


you're welcome, your fanfiction is very good, as for the world of generator rex, can the MC absorb the powers of the evos? after all they gain their powers through the nanites that change their bodies I don't know if the DNA changed by machines can be absorbed by the MC

H3LI0S:Thanks for your review . MC may visit generator rex , but I dont think i can write about secret saturday because I forgot most of SS plot and I cant find any source to watch it.

How big the hárèm going to be ?

H3LI0S:Thanks for your review . MC may visit generator rex , but I dont think i can write about secret saturday because I forgot most of SS plot and I cant find any source to watch it.

I cant tell you for sure, in Ben 10 world , there will be at least 3 members , but this is a multiverse story so the harem definitely will expands when he travels to other universes .

Afonso_Aaron:How big the hárèm going to be ?

Thanks for answering

H3LI0S:I cant tell you for sure, in Ben 10 world , there will be at least 3 members , but this is a multiverse story so the harem definitely will expands when he travels to other universes .

I cant tell you yet because it will be spoiler, but I can tell you that MC will receive a huge power boost in that world

Lucas_Oliveira_2302:you're welcome, your fanfiction is very good, as for the world of generator rex, can the MC absorb the powers of the evos? after all they gain their powers through the nanites that change their bodies I don't know if the DNA changed by machines can be absorbed by the MC

doesn't the MC have the problem of losing sanity by absorbing energy as mentioned by kevim and aggregor?

H3LI0S:Thanks for your review . MC may visit generator rex , but I dont think i can write about secret saturday because I forgot most of SS plot and I cant find any source to watch it.

yup, and I already have a solution for that, in the future chapter

Lucas_Oliveira_2302:doesn't the MC have the problem of losing sanity by absorbing energy as mentioned by kevim and aggregor?

what worlds will the MC travel to? because I imagine that the end of the world of ben 10 would absorb diagon and the celestial sapiens which would give the MC a lot of power and it would be difficult for him to have challenges in other universes

H3LI0S:yup, and I already have a solution for that, in the future chapter

there is no need for the MC to complete the whole franchise to be able to travel to different world. He might just finish one part , jump to another dimension and then come back to Ben 10. Or he may be able to operate in two worlds at the same time.

Lucas_Oliveira_2302:what worlds will the MC travel to? because I imagine that the end of the world of ben 10 would absorb diagon and the celestial sapiens which would give the MC a lot of power and it would be difficult for him to have challenges in other universes

Oh, i see

H3LI0S:there is no need for the MC to complete the whole franchise to be able to travel to different world. He might just finish one part , jump to another dimension and then come back to Ben 10. Or he may be able to operate in two worlds at the same time.

what's the release schedule?

H3LI0S:Thanks for your review . MC may visit generator rex , but I dont think i can write about secret saturday because I forgot most of SS plot and I cant find any source to watch it.

To me, writing t is like a hobby , not a job so there is no fixed schedule. Normally I can release at least 3 chapter a week , but there will weeks without any chapter because I am too busy with my real life work.

IMPAiLER:what's the release schedule?


H3LI0S:To me, writing t is like a hobby , not a job so there is no fixed schedule. Normally I can release at least 3 chapter a week , but there will weeks without any chapter because I am too busy with my real life work.


H3LI0S:I cant tell you for sure, in Ben 10 world , there will be at least 3 members , but this is a multiverse story so the harem definitely will expands when he travels to other universes .

I think I will add her


é só ver piratiado mesmo só lembrando a a mãe do protagonista de sabado secreto é uma gostosa se quiser colocar ela no harem

H3LI0S:Thanks for your review . MC may visit generator rex , but I dont think i can write about secret saturday because I forgot most of SS plot and I cant find any source to watch it.

uma delas tem que ser incantriz

H3LI0S:I cant tell you for sure, in Ben 10 world , there will be at least 3 members , but this is a multiverse story so the harem definitely will expands when he travels to other universes .