
Review Detail of imWold in SSS SKILL: DUPLICATE



First of all, I want to thank some readers who continuously support the book even if I can't upload chapters regularly. I want to give an update to the story. Readers are saying that the title is a bit misleading and I'm sorry about that. The MC only got the duplicate skill at chapter 74 because of the long trial. As I said in a review, the special trial is important because that is where the MC will rise from nothing into someone overpowered.You will not see the MC to oftenly use the duplicate skill because his mind is already filled with many magic skills that he learned from the trial. He just needs the necessary aptitude to cast them and the duplicate skill will make that possible. The skill has a risk, so the MC knows when and where to use it. He will only use it on skills that he thinks are useful and necessary for him. As I said to a reader, you could skip the whole trial and jump to chapter 82 where an arc in the modern world starts. Some skills that the mc learned in the trial will be shown in chapter 84.There were many chapters of fighting scenes without story progression, but I already edited them. I even changed their titles. The main plot did not change. I just added some details and reduced the fighting scene. I just wrote what was happening behind the scenes that I did not write before because I thought the fighting scene was more entertaining. There is only one arc remaining in the modern world that I haven't edited, chapter 162-178, but I'm planning to do it. You could skip those chapters if you got there before the editing on that arc is completed. From chapter 179 onwards, I think chapters and chapters of fighting scenes without progress are no more except at the climax of an arc where the MC has to fight. There might be some remaining whole chapters of boring fighting every now and then, but I am also planning to edit them. I will focus more on the progress of the story as I continue to write the book.



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I hope you can enjoy the story[img=recommend]