
Review Detail of Noble_K1ng in Multiversal Struggle



Bro you jeprodised the time line so much that it doesn’t make sense anymore

Multiversal Struggle


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Man I'm trying to speed up to the timeskip but the story slows down at Sabody.


Not that. Firstly Mihawk met the Straw Hats in Baratie arc not Logtown. ALso you said Ace is gonna be executed in 16 days if that happens Luffy can never save him or even meet him in the first place. Cuz he’s gonna go thru whisky peak, little island, Arabasta, sky island, Ennis island, and then the place Moria stays the Devil’s Triangle or something

dog_2037:Man I'm trying to speed up to the timeskip but the story slows down at Sabody.

I am going to make it so a few things can't happen and can happen my character Is working for himself Luffy developing won't happen to much until the Mc leaves him and Ace will fight Blackbeard soon and I will get luffy to impel down the same way. Oh and Mihawk was needed to make a few changes for my Mc to enter the story.


But it’s impossible for Luffy to reach the marinford or even sabody in time cuz going merry won’ be able to hold on and if they try to get a new ship that’ gonna take ‘em even more time

dog_2037:I am going to make it so a few things can't happen and can happen my character Is working for himself Luffy developing won't happen to much until the Mc leaves him and Ace will fight Blackbeard soon and I will get luffy to impel down the same way. Oh and Mihawk was needed to make a few changes for my Mc to enter the story.

Don't worry about that let me get to Sabody and you will see plus do you think Yonko commanders like king and Marco should be admiral level

Noble_K1ng:But it’s impossible for Luffy to reach the marinford or even sabody in time cuz going merry won’ be able to hold on and if they try to get a new ship that’ gonna take ‘em even more time

No they are below Admiral but not by much I believe they can hold off an Admiral for a few days but at the end will get defeated.

dog_2037:Don't worry about that let me get to Sabody and you will see plus do you think Yonko commanders like king and Marco should be admiral level

Good what about Vista and Jozu or jack and Queen

Noble_K1ng:No they are below Admiral but not by much I believe they can hold off an Admiral for a few days but at the end will get defeated.

They should be as strong as a veteran or elite Vice Admiral maybe a little bit stronger than them but not much tho

dog_2037:Good what about Vista and Jozu or jack and Queen


Noble_K1ng:They should be as strong as a veteran or elite Vice Admiral maybe a little bit stronger than them but not much tho