
Review Detail of batman_3_3_ in Cursed Fate: Teen Wolf x The Originals



were jaguar is not overpowered at all would recommend deleting that tag

Cursed Fate: Teen Wolf x The Originals


ถูกใจ 1 คน




Werejaguar's aren't OP in Canon* This isn't canon, so I'll be tweaking their move set and abilities somewhat.


don't know how there is a way to make him op and keep all others the same, doesn't make sense for a werejaguar to be one of the strongest races that can compare to the originals

NoirPato:Werejaguar's aren't OP in Canon* This isn't canon, so I'll be tweaking their move set and abilities somewhat.

Okay, let me first start off by saying that I'll be mixing and eliminating certain aspects of supernatural beings The first,(which is in relation to your point) is that humans will be turning into whatever turned them. Basically, if a werewolf bites someone, that person will turn into a werewolf. the same thing will apply to, werecoyote, and vampires. For more unique creatures, like the Kanima or Hybrids (Originals), those will involve magic. This eliminates the possibility for Kate's werejaguar to exist, and allows me to create an entire new backstory and mythology to the character. So in conclusion, Kai is an unique supernatural creature, which makes him much stronger than ordinary werewolves, werecoyote and vampires. Power in this story will be determined by a characters mythology, background and abilities. The last of which may be weaker or stronger in certain scenarios. I.E a Kanima in water, werewolf in a full moon, vampires at night.


Forget to mention this in my previous post. in regards to the Originals comment. As of chapter two, Kai is much weaker than them. The OP tag is in relation to the Teen Wolf universe. As for the originals, they'll appear later on in the story. So far it'll be. (Spoiler) First Arc: Kai x Hale Pack Second Arc: An old enemy appears Third Arc: Mystic Falls Forth Arc: TBD Arcs are subject to change.*

batman_3_3_:don't know how there is a way to make him op and keep all others the same, doesn't make sense for a werejaguar to be one of the strongest races that can compare to the originals

aight cool I was confused about the op part cuz I was thinking about both the worlds combined not just teen wolf, sounds like he will be above average with not much racial potential. I'll definitely rewrite a review when more chapters come in

NoirPato:Forget to mention this in my previous post. in regards to the Originals comment. As of chapter two, Kai is much weaker than them. The OP tag is in relation to the Teen Wolf universe. As for the originals, they'll appear later on in the story. So far it'll be. (Spoiler) First Arc: Kai x Hale Pack Second Arc: An old enemy appears Third Arc: Mystic Falls Forth Arc: TBD Arcs are subject to change.*

the kanima isn't weak to water it's weak to the hosts fear 👍

NoirPato:Okay, let me first start off by saying that I'll be mixing and eliminating certain aspects of supernatural beings The first,(which is in relation to your point) is that humans will be turning into whatever turned them. Basically, if a werewolf bites someone, that person will turn into a werewolf. the same thing will apply to, werecoyote, and vampires. For more unique creatures, like the Kanima or Hybrids (Originals), those will involve magic. This eliminates the possibility for Kate's werejaguar to exist, and allows me to create an entire new backstory and mythology to the character. So in conclusion, Kai is an unique supernatural creature, which makes him much stronger than ordinary werewolves, werecoyote and vampires. Power in this story will be determined by a characters mythology, background and abilities. The last of which may be weaker or stronger in certain scenarios. I.E a Kanima in water, werewolf in a full moon, vampires at night.

Harem/polygamy or non-harem/monogamy? I don't read harem/monogamy so I would like to know about that.

NoirPato:Forget to mention this in my previous post. in regards to the Originals comment. As of chapter two, Kai is much weaker than them. The OP tag is in relation to the Teen Wolf universe. As for the originals, they'll appear later on in the story. So far it'll be. (Spoiler) First Arc: Kai x Hale Pack Second Arc: An old enemy appears Third Arc: Mystic Falls Forth Arc: TBD Arcs are subject to change.*

It's complicated? if I had to break it down: Arc 1 - Non-Harem Arc 2 - Monogamous Arc 3 - ??? I've only planned out the first two arcs, so I won't say no to something later on, but for now that's what's planned. Thanks for the question.

Lycarus:Harem/polygamy or non-harem/monogamy? I don't read harem/monogamy so I would like to know about that.

ya know, if you're going with a mythology type power base, Jaguars are the representation of the Mayan god of the Underworld. so yeah, loads of potential there to make his transformation applicable to your OP tag in later ARC's. just an idea 👍

NoirPato:Okay, let me first start off by saying that I'll be mixing and eliminating certain aspects of supernatural beings The first,(which is in relation to your point) is that humans will be turning into whatever turned them. Basically, if a werewolf bites someone, that person will turn into a werewolf. the same thing will apply to, werecoyote, and vampires. For more unique creatures, like the Kanima or Hybrids (Originals), those will involve magic. This eliminates the possibility for Kate's werejaguar to exist, and allows me to create an entire new backstory and mythology to the character. So in conclusion, Kai is an unique supernatural creature, which makes him much stronger than ordinary werewolves, werecoyote and vampires. Power in this story will be determined by a characters mythology, background and abilities. The last of which may be weaker or stronger in certain scenarios. I.E a Kanima in water, werewolf in a full moon, vampires at night.