
Review Detail of GifflarGod in Top Student: Experience Infinite Occupations



well there is the normal chinese propaganda.. not too overwhelming but there are some very weird things about the world.. so there are 2 countries in the world. the "Dragon empire" (china) and the "Western empire" which i think is usa. there are the normal Google, Linux, Samsung and Linux mentioned also Fruit (apple) but that's it.. the world and story is completely based on how western empire is currently stronger in technology but mc turns the tables and makes dragon empire stronger.. also western empire classically is the bad empire with only bad people and dragon empire is the glorius empire.

Top Student: Experience Infinite Occupations

Swallow An Ox

ถูกใจ 20 คน




Bro I don't know why you are getting so much angry, but let me tell you this. Doesn't matter where you live in this world, politicians and big business man will do anything for their interest and threat.

Tee_hee:I notice that you seem to be shifting topics and not addressing the specific claims I bring up. Instead of responding to the evidence I present, you mention different countries and issues, ranging from the USA to France to Barcelona, and now Hong Kong. As someone who resides in the West, I am aware of students from hong kong and the perils they suffer which I have a feeling arent looking to get your self informed but rather haphazardly cover the fringes of event with news article titles form the CCP

Crazy, I don't get why they have to always paint the West as evil though. It might be that the propaganda in China is simply strong enough that it affects everyone though and that makes it seem so much like North Korea, that it's scary to think about.


Well, the west also painted China as always evil in real life though...so it's just as expected...Newton third law, action reaction. At least the chinese do it through fiction novel.

Aleksorks:Crazy, I don't get why they have to always paint the West as evil though. It might be that the propaganda in China is simply strong enough that it affects everyone though and that makes it seem so much like North Korea, that it's scary to think about.

you shouldnt compare the west and china until you can criticise the government without any consequences.

Lemon_Slice343:Well, the west also painted China as always evil in real life though...so it's just as expected...Newton third law, action reaction. At least the chinese do it through fiction novel.

hey, they can criticise. but not destabilizing. Didn't they demonstrate against covid restrictions. you don't see the police killing the demonstrator. at the end of it, west must respect different style of government than what they have. because their democracy is not perfect. In fact, nowadays democracy in the US is just a facade for the oligarchy. what's important is good governance.

Tee_hee:you shouldnt compare the west and china until you can criticise the government without any consequences.

"they can criticise but no destabilizing " the instigator behind the protest are all in jails, the same thing happend to the the doctor that exposed start of covid. Therefore, respectfully, your point is incorrect.

Lemon_Slice343:hey, they can criticise. but not destabilizing. Didn't they demonstrate against covid restrictions. you don't see the police killing the demonstrator. at the end of it, west must respect different style of government than what they have. because their democracy is not perfect. In fact, nowadays democracy in the US is just a facade for the oligarchy. what's important is good governance.

so, it happened in many country. even a democratic country did that. what happened to Barcelona referendum? it's the voice of the people? why are the Spanish government hit hard on them. the rest of Europe and US, beacon of democratic, silent. You see, at the end of it, the sovereignty of a country is on top of these so called freedom. your freedom only legit, as long as it doesn't harm their interest. this is the reality.

Tee_hee:"they can criticise but no destabilizing " the instigator behind the protest are all in jails, the same thing happend to the the doctor that exposed start of covid. Therefore, respectfully, your point is incorrect.

Okay, you changed the subject since you weren't able to refute my claims. sovereignty is a different subject to "right to protest", which the people of Catalina are certainty able to do, in regards to silencing the populations, I think you should research more into 'hans chinese' and how they have decimated others such as uyghur or Tibet where they violated their basic human rights. I fail to see how you link such a minor issue in Catalan to some of the recent atrocities committed by china ? But sure, defend china, bring up past 600 history of europe or idk move the goalpost to a different issue to refute my claims.

Lemon_Slice343:so, it happened in many country. even a democratic country did that. what happened to Barcelona referendum? it's the voice of the people? why are the Spanish government hit hard on them. the rest of Europe and US, beacon of democratic, silent. You see, at the end of it, the sovereignty of a country is on top of these so called freedom. your freedom only legit, as long as it doesn't harm their interest. this is the reality.

I understand why. Since he is writing an intellectual novel, the author undoubtedly knows the history of gunpowder hahaha. A strong country with a lot of people and a lot of people got a lot of weapons and became very powerful, but the westerners suppressed the gunpowder with their culture and turned the gunpowder into fireworks and drowned the people in drugs. I thank the West! Chinese people are an infection of society and the world, humanity will die in China, Chinese freedom will die, Chinese world will die. hahahahaha

Aleksorks:Crazy, I don't get why they have to always paint the West as evil though. It might be that the propaganda in China is simply strong enough that it affects everyone though and that makes it seem so much like North Korea, that it's scary to think about.

I'm not changing the subject.. I'm giving example from the so called democratic country to strengthen my argument that the same thing also happen in the West. who said you can't protest in China? they can protest in HongKong, just this month there have been a protest. but if you turn the protest into something destructive, then every country will respond strongly. check France, they capture, they beat up, they disperse the mass forcefully. Because that's how it works in reality. people also do protest to end covid lockdown and you don't see the troops shooting at the civilian. all this stigma is just west propaganda. especially about Tibet and Uyghur. Tibetan can do their religion without problem, as long as there is no separatism involved. Same as Uyghur. every country will act on separatism strongly.

Tee_hee:Okay, you changed the subject since you weren't able to refute my claims. sovereignty is a different subject to "right to protest", which the people of Catalina are certainty able to do, in regards to silencing the populations, I think you should research more into 'hans chinese' and how they have decimated others such as uyghur or Tibet where they violated their basic human rights. I fail to see how you link such a minor issue in Catalan to some of the recent atrocities committed by china ? But sure, defend china, bring up past 600 history of europe or idk move the goalpost to a different issue to refute my claims.

I notice that you seem to be shifting topics and not addressing the specific claims I bring up. Instead of responding to the evidence I present, you mention different countries and issues, ranging from the USA to France to Barcelona, and now Hong Kong. As someone who resides in the West, I am aware of students from hong kong and the perils they suffer which I have a feeling arent looking to get your self informed but rather haphazardly cover the fringes of event with news article titles form the CCP

Lemon_Slice343:I'm not changing the subject.. I'm giving example from the so called democratic country to strengthen my argument that the same thing also happen in the West. who said you can't protest in China? they can protest in HongKong, just this month there have been a protest. but if you turn the protest into something destructive, then every country will respond strongly. check France, they capture, they beat up, they disperse the mass forcefully. Because that's how it works in reality. people also do protest to end covid lockdown and you don't see the troops shooting at the civilian. all this stigma is just west propaganda. especially about Tibet and Uyghur. Tibetan can do their religion without problem, as long as there is no separatism involved. Same as Uyghur. every country will act on separatism strongly.

uhum, well, what you saying is maybe right but can you tell me why Chinese authors write same type of novel with same story. i mean why the Chinese web novel authors are so racist and dumb. and also why they like to copy others work?

Lemon_Slice343:I'm not changing the subject.. I'm giving example from the so called democratic country to strengthen my argument that the same thing also happen in the West. who said you can't protest in China? they can protest in HongKong, just this month there have been a protest. but if you turn the protest into something destructive, then every country will respond strongly. check France, they capture, they beat up, they disperse the mass forcefully. Because that's how it works in reality. people also do protest to end covid lockdown and you don't see the troops shooting at the civilian. all this stigma is just west propaganda. especially about Tibet and Uyghur. Tibetan can do their religion without problem, as long as there is no separatism involved. Same as Uyghur. every country will act on separatism strongly.

Corruption exists everywhere and china is much more than Europe, however I am not concerned with the existent of corruption rather with the lack of freedom? In the west you can criticise corruption and become a whistle blower yet in china you simply cannot. Simply, you are not fearing for your life for speaking out against injustice.

Taboo_Stories:Bro I don't know why you are getting so much angry, but let me tell you this. Doesn't matter where you live in this world, politicians and big business man will do anything for their interest and threat.

I don't understand why you said I'm shifting topic when the example I brought down hold the same principles. the right to protest (in Barcelona case, it's the right to decide their own future) and how the government repressed them under the name of national interest. both side do the exact same thing, yet china is painted evil while the West is good. you see, I'm part of the realist camp of thought and the idea of evil china is preposterous. only the ignorant common people without proper knowledge of geopolitics will believe that idea. the West can't preach what the world should do when they can't do what they preached. The world is not white and black. it's more complex than that.

Tee_hee:I notice that you seem to be shifting topics and not addressing the specific claims I bring up. Instead of responding to the evidence I present, you mention different countries and issues, ranging from the USA to France to Barcelona, and now Hong Kong. As someone who resides in the West, I am aware of students from hong kong and the perils they suffer which I have a feeling arent looking to get your self informed but rather haphazardly cover the fringes of event with news article titles form the CCP

you said Chinese people can't organise protest? in hongkong they can. they just did a protest in hongkong last month or two months ago. and the police do not repress them because the protesters did not breach any law. however, once the protesters breach any law, even democratic country like France will come down heavily on the protesters. Yet, you don't call France evil. Because this evil title is just a game of words. In reality, national interest is above people's interest.

Lemon_Slice343:I don't understand why you said I'm shifting topic when the example I brought down hold the same principles. the right to protest (in Barcelona case, it's the right to decide their own future) and how the government repressed them under the name of national interest. both side do the exact same thing, yet china is painted evil while the West is good. you see, I'm part of the realist camp of thought and the idea of evil china is preposterous. only the ignorant common people without proper knowledge of geopolitics will believe that idea. the West can't preach what the world should do when they can't do what they preached. The world is not white and black. it's more complex than that.

not every Chinese author is dumb. Even I loathe that kind of writer. And reading their work is taking a toll on my brain. why is there many copy of the same genre? it's about trend, these writer just follow the trend to gain followers but their work is subpar.

Taboo_Stories:uhum, well, what you saying is maybe right but can you tell me why Chinese authors write same type of novel with same story. i mean why the Chinese web novel authors are so racist and dumb. and also why they like to copy others work?

Protest where the organisers go missing, I wont argue with someone that pretends to be blind and wont even acknowledge facts. Moreover Hong kong just lost its last non state owend media…. But br br west evil no br br br br china good. In the uk you can cuss the monarchy and demand Scotland becomes independent, go try that with taiwan and Hong kong.

Lemon_Slice343:you said Chinese people can't organise protest? in hongkong they can. they just did a protest in hongkong last month or two months ago. and the police do not repress them because the protesters did not breach any law. however, once the protesters breach any law, even democratic country like France will come down heavily on the protesters. Yet, you don't call France evil. Because this evil title is just a game of words. In reality, national interest is above people's interest.

the organiser go missing? as in completely go missing? they are just captured and will be released later on. take example that covid researcher you said, he has been released since months ago. just because you don't know what happened next, doesn't mean they were killed by the government. If I'm using your logic then I can say, the leader of Barcelona referendum also gone missing since there has been no news from them. killed by the Democratic Spain. of course, since I know not to make assumption out of ignorance I would never say that. talking about state controlled media. The US also did that. what? you don't realize this? Do you find US media aired news about Ukraine war from Russian perspective? the media even YouTube to some extent fall under the control of US agency. if you don't even realize this, you better up your political insight first. Oh, and let me give you some intels about what the West gonna do after Ukraine. Ukraine is the testing ground for US to measure a war against near peer adversary. it's a simulation against China. and It doesn't look good for them, because against Russia on the weaker end of the power spectrum, the cost are so high. So, there is 2 upcoming scenarios. war in Taiwan or insurrection in West Papua. with all the de-dollarisation and countries using gold as underlying assets. US lose the capability to print money as much as they like, so they have turn their gaze on West Papua. There are 3 mountains of gold in the truest sense of the word. and they need that gold to support their economy. So, you will see a scenario of the West violating Indonesia sovereignty to take control of West Papua. of course, they will not do it upfront like Iraq. But they will support rebels force, feeding the chaos, give birth to instability, intervening by sending peacekeeper army with the end goal of manipulating referendum to separate West Papua from Indonesia. how do I know this? because unlike you, I have more sources of information including from the intelligence world (not all, only some). Syrian, Libyan, Iraq, Ukraine. the public excuse is made up to fool common people. And about West Papua, pay more attention to the news from now on to see CIA live operation. of course, Indonesia also gonna make counter move since they fell once under West's trick regarding Timor Leste.

Tee_hee:Protest where the organisers go missing, I wont argue with someone that pretends to be blind and wont even acknowledge facts. Moreover Hong kong just lost its last non state owend media…. But br br west evil no br br br br china good. In the uk you can cuss the monarchy and demand Scotland becomes independent, go try that with taiwan and Hong kong.