
Review Detail of Kainedei in Marvel: The Foundation



The only problem I see with the story is the mc and the characters, 1- the mc seems to care little or nothing about his past and inexplicably, in less than 2 hours he had already adapted not only to his new world, but also to his new body and life, as if his past life as a normal person had never existed. 2- the characters have little or no respect towards the mc, supposedly the mc is the leader of the scp corporation, but no one respects him, everyone treats him as if he were an acquaintance or friend, instead of his boss. 3- the author says that the members of the scp corporation who are summoned by the system are loyal to the mc, but then the mc says that he has to be careful with what he says with those same members of the foundation so that they do not betray So what are we left with? Are they loyal to the MC or not? Those are the problems of fan-fic for me, if the author corrected them I think the level of fan-fic would rise quite a bit compared to other fan-fics.

Marvel: The Foundation


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You're right, but again, the problem is mine alone, I'm not saying that the story is wrong or that the problem has to be corrected immediately or anything like that, I'm just saying that I don't like it, nothing more. Besides, you said it yourself, they are the ones who have been managing the finances of the Ricci family and it is assumed that the MC recently reincarnated. What I mean is that there is no way for those admins to have met the mc before for some to talk to the mc casually or worse, the mc, has no way of knowing them, after all he did not inherit the memories of the body, I think XD, I don't remember well what it was like. but in short, it's a problem I have with the story, just that. If that is corrected later I don't mind continuing reading the story, it's just that these things bother me, they are supposed to be their employees and they treat the MC as if he were their friend. and also, I know that I am not the best person to give an opinion on someone else's story, especially how my writing is, xd. but anyway I like to say what I think and it would be nice if the story improved, after all, there are especially few stories (Fan-Fic) that are at least decent on this page.

Zane_Tam:I think i understand what you mean it was at chapter 5 when he had a meeting with the members of the founditioon who were at the same time the ones who have been runing the day to day opertions of the Ricci familly for years. "Alex said as he entered a meeting room filled with some of his trusted subordinates who oversaw the more day-to-day dealings of the Ricci mafia while also being Foundation personnel." most of them called him boss or sir and the few that didn't did not call him by his given name although they did speak of their illegal activities in a casual tone but that was it if this is not it then i am at a loss of what you mean because only other time was when he talked to a certain scientific even than said person did not know who he was talking to and only committed one offense out of curiosity

he's considered and assistant to the boss why would they show him the same respect level as top brass only his personal guards should treat him that way in private but if they didn't would that give it away also some people adapt and get used to the idea of things fast just cause you can't doesn't mean others can't


You answered your question yourself, they are the MC's assistants, they do not have the same authority as the MC and they are not from the high command either, at most they are 04, the high command is 05. and just so you know, it seems that you did not read the story , only those of rank 03 and below think that the mc is an assistant of 05-1.

Darth_Evolution898:he's considered and assistant to the boss why would they show him the same respect level as top brass only his personal guards should treat him that way in private but if they didn't would that give it away also some people adapt and get used to the idea of things fast just cause you can't doesn't mean others can't

never posed that as a question 💀

Kainedei:You answered your question yourself, they are the MC's assistants, they do not have the same authority as the MC and they are not from the high command either, at most they are 04, the high command is 05. and just so you know, it seems that you did not read the story , only those of rank 03 and below think that the mc is an assistant of 05-1.

I'm correcting your statement

Kainedei:You answered your question yourself, they are the MC's assistants, they do not have the same authority as the MC and they are not from the high command either, at most they are 04, the high command is 05. and just so you know, it seems that you did not read the story , only those of rank 03 and below think that the mc is an assistant of 05-1.


Darth_Evolution898:I'm correcting your statement

You do know that this is a MTL novel right and to be honest this isn't the first time someone tried to post it here on webnovel.


I see your first point as an absolute win. I'm sick and tired of reading about angst and needing 3-14 fking chapters to adapt to a new life. It's repetitive, annoying and tedious to constantly read about. Your other points are valid issues and have helped so thanks bro


I’ve read all chapters that r for free here and every dude treats MC as Boss. There is respect for MC from almost every character and his authority well written. Don’t know what did you mean


MC's interactions with his "employees" is the problem, instead of saying: MC looks at one of the men and women in the room and with a serious expression says, MC: "How are the corporation's operations going?" , upon hearing the mc's words, a man tenses and with some doubts, gets up from his chair and approaches the mc, then gives some documents to the mc and bows slightly as a sign of respect, Man: "for now they are going well sir".

Noname_nobody:I’ve read all chapters that r for free here and every dude treats MC as Boss. There is respect for MC from almost every character and his authority well written. Don’t know what did you mean

but instead of being like this or in some similar way, the interaction of the mc and the “employees” is informal, very informal, as if they were friends or acquaintances. The members of the high command 04 and 05 are also employees of the MC.

Noname_nobody:I’ve read all chapters that r for free here and every dude treats MC as Boss. There is respect for MC from almost every character and his authority well written. Don’t know what did you mean

What I said is that the mc adapted to his new life and body 1 second after waking up, that is, in less than 2 paragraphs he already adapted.

FinnsRevenge:I see your first point as an absolute win. I'm sick and tired of reading about angst and needing 3-14 fking chapters to adapt to a new life. It's repetitive, annoying and tedious to constantly read about. Your other points are valid issues and have helped so thanks bro

Yes, which is ideal and preferred over the alternative

Kainedei:What I said is that the mc adapted to his new life and body 1 second after waking up, that is, in less than 2 paragraphs he already adapted.

Your discussions entertained me. I like it when I read this type of discussion.


me too buddy

RCHope:Your discussions entertained me. I like it when I read this type of discussion.

An couple of complains made by the author is being expanded on the newer chapters such as exploring more of the author past. This is just letting potential readers know that some problem brought up within this comment is being worked on!


Hey hey what's this about disrespect i have read the all available chapters and not once did i read any disrespect they all call him sir and keep to his orders even the executives also they dont have complaints that they dont have a good reason for also the agents all have lives and are given their own chapters plus mc has done some weird things and although they are uncomfortable with they still follow his orders


If you read below in the comments you will find the answer, but well, what I want to say is the way they deal with the MC. Specifically at the beginning of the story, I don't know if it was chapter 6, 9 or 11, in the chapter that is informed about the state of the SCP organization, the way they talk to the MC is the problem, they don't tell him sir, boss or any honorific, it is as if they were friends or colleagues of the mc for years, even though it is supposed to be the first time they meet the mc.

Zane_Tam:Hey hey what's this about disrespect i have read the all available chapters and not once did i read any disrespect they all call him sir and keep to his orders even the executives also they dont have complaints that they dont have a good reason for also the agents all have lives and are given their own chapters plus mc has done some weird things and although they are uncomfortable with they still follow his orders

I think i understand what you mean it was at chapter 5 when he had a meeting with the members of the founditioon who were at the same time the ones who have been runing the day to day opertions of the Ricci familly for years. "Alex said as he entered a meeting room filled with some of his trusted subordinates who oversaw the more day-to-day dealings of the Ricci mafia while also being Foundation personnel." most of them called him boss or sir and the few that didn't did not call him by his given name although they did speak of their illegal activities in a casual tone but that was it if this is not it then i am at a loss of what you mean because only other time was when he talked to a certain scientific even than said person did not know who he was talking to and only committed one offense out of curiosity

Kainedei:If you read below in the comments you will find the answer, but well, what I want to say is the way they deal with the MC. Specifically at the beginning of the story, I don't know if it was chapter 6, 9 or 11, in the chapter that is informed about the state of the SCP organization, the way they talk to the MC is the problem, they don't tell him sir, boss or any honorific, it is as if they were friends or colleagues of the mc for years, even though it is supposed to be the first time they meet the mc.

I really don´t understand your problem first you say he adapted too quickly then you say he didn't on account of him being too casual but dont forget that the original body has been around for a very very long time a really really long time so even if some of them treat him with some friendliness then its normal he might as well have rised some of them and dont forget that they were Ricci Family subordinates before they became Foundation operatives. I m not sure at which chapter you dropped but these men and women have lives, families and those they care about they have simply been integrated into Marvel world their not some Bots who simply follow orders without thinking about what they could lose in case of failure, they know their duty to the world, Foundation and the council.

Kainedei:You're right, but again, the problem is mine alone, I'm not saying that the story is wrong or that the problem has to be corrected immediately or anything like that, I'm just saying that I don't like it, nothing more. Besides, you said it yourself, they are the ones who have been managing the finances of the Ricci family and it is assumed that the MC recently reincarnated. What I mean is that there is no way for those admins to have met the mc before for some to talk to the mc casually or worse, the mc, has no way of knowing them, after all he did not inherit the memories of the body, I think XD, I don't remember well what it was like. but in short, it's a problem I have with the story, just that. If that is corrected later I don't mind continuing reading the story, it's just that these things bother me, they are supposed to be their employees and they treat the MC as if he were their friend. and also, I know that I am not the best person to give an opinion on someone else's story, especially how my writing is, xd. but anyway I like to say what I think and it would be nice if the story improved, after all, there are especially few stories (Fan-Fic) that are at least decent on this page.