
Review Detail of DRACO137 in GOLDIE Is Not Normal



I love this book in every way, except for one. Repeat chapters keep popping up, and I keep paying coins for the same exact content over and over again. It feels horrible just thinking about it, and it sapped away the love I had for this book. I'm afraid I'm going to have to leave it behind. I'm not going to let myself be ripped off of my coins by an author who doesn't know how to upload their chapters correctly. I write books for Webnovel, and uploading chapters is supposed to be the easiest part. What went wrong? Anyway, you can trust the other reviews when they say that the story is awesome, because it is. I'd put 5 stars for everything except for updating stability. If I could put -5 stars for that, I should, because uploading the wrong chapters is worse than not uploading anything at all.

GOLDIE Is Not Normal


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Hello DRACO, all I can say is I'm terribly sorry for the seemingly repeating Chapyers. this book is undergoing editing. I was tweaking some parts of the story, which made me add some more scenes and now I can't update them fast enough because I'm sick in the hospital with a serious case of Avascular Neucrosis. (AVN)... WHICH means my bones are shredding away, eating away slowly. This is why I have been incompetent with my updates, edits and corrections. My ailment is from my underlying health conditions, but I know that is no excuse. I'm so sorry about your coins. I did not realise that people would spend coins because I imagined that most people would use fast passes or something... I should have put up a notice earlier. I'm so so sorry. I know my current medical condition is no excuse, but please, give me some time. Give me till the end of this month and you probably will see no more of those Chapters. I'm currently working on them. Again, I'm so so sorry.


I'm sorry about your concern, and I hope you get better soon. Also, thank you. No need to rush; it's your book. I'll probably check back in the book later, when I cool down. I'll definitely be bored later and check it out, when I have nothing to read (since I already paid for those chapters).

SpilledInk:Hello DRACO, all I can say is I'm terribly sorry for the seemingly repeating Chapyers. this book is undergoing editing. I was tweaking some parts of the story, which made me add some more scenes and now I can't update them fast enough because I'm sick in the hospital with a serious case of Avascular Neucrosis. (AVN)... WHICH means my bones are shredding away, eating away slowly. This is why I have been incompetent with my updates, edits and corrections. My ailment is from my underlying health conditions, but I know that is no excuse. I'm so sorry about your coins. I did not realise that people would spend coins because I imagined that most people would use fast passes or something... I should have put up a notice earlier. I'm so so sorry. I know my current medical condition is no excuse, but please, give me some time. Give me till the end of this month and you probably will see no more of those Chapters. I'm currently working on them. Again, I'm so so sorry.

Thank you for understanding. Though I'm in the hospital right now, I'll be better soon, and you will get value for every coin. I guarantee that. I don't intend to drop this story. I will write to completion.

DRACO137:I'm sorry about your concern, and I hope you get better soon. Also, thank you. No need to rush; it's your book. I'll probably check back in the book later, when I cool down. I'll definitely be bored later and check it out, when I have nothing to read (since I already paid for those chapters).