
Review Detail of DaoistH7599X in Wolf king hegemony



Author is probably less then 17, the SI is well better not be mentioned how bad, unrealistic and childish it is, can't ignore stuff like that, i don't know why authors think that people who lose their family NEEDS to cope with it throughout their lives and the loss is not something that someone can grow out of easily but things don't work the way your imaginative mind comes out with, it makes the SI seem like a pathetic guy that can't get over it, the dark humour is imposed to the story like you have thought this like some game, i imagine it like this, you wanted a tragic background so the orphan thing came then you thought let's give him a dark humour and self talking out loud as personality deficit so the reason should be him being depressed as a young orphan that can't keep going with the loss of his family hence the coping mechanism, i really don't know what is going on with authors in this site but, people are always depicted in their extreme, too emotional or none at all, too expressive or none at all, justice doer or evil doer, apathetic or someone who simply can't help but involve himself to a situation, it's like they need to be on a side nothing between and the choice is mostly on the side that would create more conflict despite the stupidity in the choice or unrealism of it or out of character it is, like easily angered over simple stuff, ignoring a situation that would obviously lead to a misunderstanding or a conflict till the problem needs to be solved in an ' interesting' way etc. this might entertain some but to me it seems forced lazy plot.

Wolf king hegemony


ถูกใจ 40 คน




wrote your whole life, but true

DaoistH7599X:Grandparents, i was 10 and 11 respectively both from my mother's side, they lived in another city with my mother's second eldest brother, i was not close enough or seen enough of them to care much at that age but i still don't find myself even thinking about it, it just happened that's all there is for me, my mother did cry for the first few months and was regretful not being able to be with them at their last moments for both of them , then she also naturely moved on, and i don't need to experience it myself to understand how the process goes, none of the people i know that lost someone close to them reacted in a way that they are still in grief after that long of a time except for a distant relative they lost their child of 6 over the negligence of the father and lax search and rescue group, he got lost in a mountainous area in winter found dead due to cold 2 days after apparently he constantly walked in the same general direction nearly nonstop and covered a lot of distance , but there was also a neighbor of ours that had a miscarriage 2 times and a premature baby that also died at their 3rd attempt, and it didn't take her too much time to get over it too i think i was 12 at that time and my mother was close with her so yeah , they had a daughter after that, well the point is overly emotional people are either fake, fantasy or they have deeper problems then the loss.

sigh* can't you be a bit positive?? try to see how the author tried..trying to see the good side.. Seriously..so much words just to criticise and you only tell how bad and worthless the author is...and you did the same to most of your reviews too.. And please, everyone does not become good at something instantly.. Please take a deep breath and try to see the little funny jokes the author tries to tell...the feeling he tries to convey....the plot he tries to build..the story he wish to show us.. Please show some appreciation my friend..


thank and sorry for wasting your time, it is indeed my fault and lack of skill.


its okay, i admit my fault. sigh.

Emmanuel_Capricorn:sigh* can't you be a bit positive?? try to see how the author tried..trying to see the good side.. Seriously..so much words just to criticise and you only tell how bad and worthless the author is...and you did the same to most of your reviews too.. And please, everyone does not become good at something instantly.. Please take a deep breath and try to see the little funny jokes the author tries to tell...the feeling he tries to convey....the plot he tries to build..the story he wish to show us.. Please show some appreciation my friend..

Auhhh...read my story to feel better

DualCultivator69:its okay, i admit my fault. sigh.


Bnha... mehhh the anime is boring, the only good thing is the female characters.

Emmanuel_Capricorn:Auhhh...read my story to feel better



Aren't you a little too pessimistic, I get it if the author's writing is not to your taste. so if you want to make a point why don't you give positive criticism and try to correct him since you know better. you should know that writing is not easy even if it is a fanfiction, many people give bad reviews for no reason but their personal taste not because the novel is not good. It is somehow annoying when a person gives his all to create something but is shutdown because of some rude comment like yours, if you ask me you are the childish one here.


Bruh, the female characters suck

Bob_Uchiha_XD:Bnha... mehhh the anime is boring, the only good thing is the female characters.

I mean art, design and not personality. 🙄

Darnelljoe:Bruh, the female characters suck

Have you ever lost a family member? Cuz the way you said it doesn't look like you have it all


Grandparents, i was 10 and 11 respectively both from my mother's side, they lived in another city with my mother's second eldest brother, i was not close enough or seen enough of them to care much at that age but i still don't find myself even thinking about it, it just happened that's all there is for me, my mother did cry for the first few months and was regretful not being able to be with them at their last moments for both of them , then she also naturely moved on, and i don't need to experience it myself to understand how the process goes, none of the people i know that lost someone close to them reacted in a way that they are still in grief after that long of a time except for a distant relative they lost their child of 6 over the negligence of the father and lax search and rescue group, he got lost in a mountainous area in winter found dead due to cold 2 days after apparently he constantly walked in the same general direction nearly nonstop and covered a lot of distance , but there was also a neighbor of ours that had a miscarriage 2 times and a premature baby that also died at their 3rd attempt, and it didn't take her too much time to get over it too i think i was 12 at that time and my mother was close with her so yeah , they had a daughter after that, well the point is overly emotional people are either fake, fantasy or they have deeper problems then the loss.

1257tvhjvsking:Have you ever lost a family member? Cuz the way you said it doesn't look like you have it all