
Review Detail of Zebuniza in [GL] Gao He Shen's Bride



It's too fast paced and too... I would say weird as I can't seem to grasp what the plot is. one moment the MC was born then suddenly grew up and is hunting, then saved a girl and suddenly got forced into marriage without even the MC retaliating. the surprising part is that the MC prayed to gods to help her get her wife get pregnant and it happened the next day they woke up because there is no introduction in the story about magic and gods or goddesses. the most shocking part is that the MC suddenly got consorts/concubines that very day just because those girls said they want to be "his". It feels like the MC is just a tool man protagonist without any character and her wife is just being... how to say... annoying and arrogant, a spoiled brat that she is, in a forceful just because the synopsis says so.

[GL] Gao He Shen's Bride


Liked it!




Also Pei Ling isn't annoying for no reason. She is obviously jealous because she just got married and other women are instantly disrespecting her space with her partner. Usually in Ancient china parents marry their children off behind closed doors. You don't get to simply "marry" legally without your parents, otherwise it is considered dishonerable. It is also kind of the same in modern china. You need your parent's blessing, it also depends on how traditional your parents are and what the situation is.


Wow thanks you for your very strong opinion, Zebuniza. I am very sorry that my book led to such a strong negative response where you have nothing to say about where I did good. I am also sorry that you can't understand the way I write, I shouldn't have done that. You don't like the characters before they even have the chance to make development. You don't like how fast paced it is even though at the beginning you simply need exposé into what happened. I also apologize that the MC feels like a tool. I guess that was my intended effect to show that Gao He Shen is living for other people or that I am trying to force development on Pei Ling to be selfish and petulant even though she is a character from the palace who had everything handed down to her. I would, and many other authors practicing their craft especially since this is material that I am not used to writing, would appreciate if you give both positive and negative feedback because it sounds like you are attacking me just to state that you can't understand my writing type. If you hate my work so much that it can only inspire you to write only negativity, there are other books to read that can do it for you and you can leave as soon as you pick up one of my books if you despise my work this much. Thank you for your critisism and may you learn how to do constructive critisism in due future. - The Author


This message will be deleted in 3 days time. I am going to assume you don't know what a prologue is and tell you that the desciption of He Shen being born is only in that chapter and even that chapter only provides what year He Shen was born. It isn't too fast paced. It ends with talking about one noble who didn't know how to keep their head down, then introducing Pei Ling in the next chapter. In the past joining families happens a lot for either protection or influence. I am not explaining which one for the concubines yet. However in terms of what concubines are to the emperor they are unmarried women that were selected to be the emperor's slaves in a way to pay for expenses for their families or other stuff. In this case they basically are sworn to He Shen to cook an clean. They are house servants as of now. "Small wives". Besides why would I spoil a good chunk of the story if it would be better somewhere else where it can become an established idea?