
Review Detail of Frozentech in Herald of Steel



1. How did the Kaiser Family become aware of Zanzan's involvement in the last war? 2. How did the Kaiser Family manage to act so quickly? Considering the time required for investigations and sending envoys, it seems surprising that they were able to engage with the Kingdom of Tibias within 3-4 months after the war. 3. How was the transportation of elephants arranged by the Kaiser Family to ferry them to another Kingdom, especially when they mentioned not having ships to attack Zanzan directly? 4. Why didn't the Kaiser Family utilize trebuchets in their last war, which could have potentially led to a different outcome, especially against a less-equipped opponent using crossbows? 5. How dumb is Alexander? Building a pure cement ship without a steam engine. How the fuck can you move that along? Even the boat with some cement is stupid... You using a manual method to move that is just stupid. 6. Why is Alexander sharing this naval technology? Didn't he say he need to strengthen himself first? 7. Lastly why the fuck is everybody wants to attack Zanzan. Zanzan is a backward place well at least that's the old Zanzan. Alex has not spread his products yet for everybody to want to attack this place.

Herald of Steel


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Author making it sound that the Family of the attack location told people where the got the Iron. OK. but dont they still need to confirm this things? The timeline still doesnt fit.