
Review Detail of Drako_0692 in Lightning Human in MHA



What's wrong with everyone, because they love the idea of ​​being killed by a god so much? Second, why do you want a god in person to grant your wishes? Do they have any need to feel chosen? And finally, they realize the tremendous narrative hole that is the idea of ​​God and desires.

Lightning Human in MHA


ถูกใจ 9 คน




There are many topics that the anime does not touch on because it is shonen, also the interactions of the protagonist with the main cast and the change of characters from class to b, also helping the villains since the only thing that moves them are their traumas. , a little therapy and that's it, they are healthy

Moltenblackbird:what do you expect to happen in the mha world? it is a hero and villain world. its one or the other. there is only so much you can do in such a setting. if it was some areas that have it then sure but the entire world runs on that system making it pretty much impossible to do much else. you could have them not care about the story and never meet the main cast but that defeats the point of it being a fanfic in the first place. the biggest appeal of a fanfic is the new mc meeting the old one in some way. be it as their enemy friend or just in passing it is the main attraction of all fanfics.

Usually when I see a one star review I ignore it, but you asked very good questions, so I thought I might answer them. For your first question, to be honest I have no idea why getting killed by God became the norm. It might be that it’s easier for us to write the story that way. I mean if your cause of death is the all mighty God, you wouldn’t feel too bad about it. Also I have to admit, it’s lazy writting on most authors’ part (including myself obviously) As for your second question, yes the MC has to be special, I wouldn’t be writting about someone who is not special, that’s what makes them the MC Anyway, I’m sorry that you didn’t like my story, hopefully with time I’ll get better with writting and be more creative.


I prefer death by truck kun or disease, those are more realistic and it's one thing to be special, it's to stand out for yourself, it's one thing to be a talent and another thing is that God gives you everything on a silver platter. I only gave you one star because your story is overused from prologue to justice perspective (no kidding, MHA fictions only use two plots, villainous psycho and god grace dominated guy what the heck with that?)

Digital_Ink:Usually when I see a one star review I ignore it, but you asked very good questions, so I thought I might answer them. For your first question, to be honest I have no idea why getting killed by God became the norm. It might be that it’s easier for us to write the story that way. I mean if your cause of death is the all mighty God, you wouldn’t feel too bad about it. Also I have to admit, it’s lazy writting on most authors’ part (including myself obviously) As for your second question, yes the MC has to be special, I wouldn’t be writting about someone who is not special, that’s what makes them the MC Anyway, I’m sorry that you didn’t like my story, hopefully with time I’ll get better with writting and be more creative.

I agree with the last statement. Most mha fics only have that same plot. It's on the same level with DxD fics that used the same plot that have been used a decade ago 😆. It's always the mc that 'knows' the plot and will try to get all the quirks that they need to defeat AFO and become a god. It's like copy paste but with another power from another anime series.

Drako_0692:I prefer death by truck kun or disease, those are more realistic and it's one thing to be special, it's to stand out for yourself, it's one thing to be a talent and another thing is that God gives you everything on a silver platter. I only gave you one star because your story is overused from prologue to justice perspective (no kidding, MHA fictions only use two plots, villainous psycho and god grace dominated guy what the heck with that?)

whyudothat_:I agree with the last statement. Most mha fics only have that same plot. It's on the same level with DxD fics that used the same plot that have been used a decade ago 😆. It's always the mc that 'knows' the plot and will try to get all the quirks that they need to defeat AFO and become a god. It's like copy paste but with another power from another anime series.

Thank you so much I was beginning to think I was insane because I am tired of special mc’s and would much rather read a story about someone who shows their worth through their own merit rather then being born a hero or that stupid “fateless” troupe. It’s just much more satisfying to me to see someone defy fate themselves then luck out.

Drako_0692:I prefer death by truck kun or disease, those are more realistic and it's one thing to be special, it's to stand out for yourself, it's one thing to be a talent and another thing is that God gives you everything on a silver platter. I only gave you one star because your story is overused from prologue to justice perspective (no kidding, MHA fictions only use two plots, villainous psycho and god grace dominated guy what the heck with that?)

and this 1 part of the story is the reason why you give a 1 star?


No, the reason for 1 star is because I've already seen this story copied and pasted 3 other times.

TheUltimateP1e:and this 1 part of the story is the reason why you give a 1 star?

Mc after Author called him special:


what do you expect to happen in the mha world? it is a hero and villain world. its one or the other. there is only so much you can do in such a setting. if it was some areas that have it then sure but the entire world runs on that system making it pretty much impossible to do much else. you could have them not care about the story and never meet the main cast but that defeats the point of it being a fanfic in the first place. the biggest appeal of a fanfic is the new mc meeting the old one in some way. be it as their enemy friend or just in passing it is the main attraction of all fanfics.

Drako_0692:I prefer death by truck kun or disease, those are more realistic and it's one thing to be special, it's to stand out for yourself, it's one thing to be a talent and another thing is that God gives you everything on a silver platter. I only gave you one star because your story is overused from prologue to justice perspective (no kidding, MHA fictions only use two plots, villainous psycho and god grace dominated guy what the heck with that?)

It is not really a surprise considering MHA is the most basic and braindead story that got popular in recent years. so most MHA fanfics are like that too. That's I prefer OP fanfics.

Drako_0692:I prefer death by truck kun or disease, those are more realistic and it's one thing to be special, it's to stand out for yourself, it's one thing to be a talent and another thing is that God gives you everything on a silver platter. I only gave you one star because your story is overused from prologue to justice perspective (no kidding, MHA fictions only use two plots, villainous psycho and god grace dominated guy what the heck with that?)

Anime_Dude_4816:Mc after Author called him special:

Bouncy_Beast:It is not really a surprise considering MHA is the most basic and braindead story that got popular in recent years. so most MHA fanfics are like that too. That's I prefer OP fanfics.

Bruh you’re one of those people who would put a 1 star because it’s a “god gives wishes” story, you gotta understand how cringe that is….


It's only a suggestion. The most enjoyable start for me is the MC waking up, recovers memories and wam!, knows what he's got and how to use it, maybe throw in a letter to explain where they are or something and thats it.

Digital_Ink:Usually when I see a one star review I ignore it, but you asked very good questions, so I thought I might answer them. For your first question, to be honest I have no idea why getting killed by God became the norm. It might be that it’s easier for us to write the story that way. I mean if your cause of death is the all mighty God, you wouldn’t feel too bad about it. Also I have to admit, it’s lazy writting on most authors’ part (including myself obviously) As for your second question, yes the MC has to be special, I wouldn’t be writting about someone who is not special, that’s what makes them the MC Anyway, I’m sorry that you didn’t like my story, hopefully with time I’ll get better with writting and be more creative.

Cmon at least give an actual reason for this review liek will I waste my time reading this or not? Is there something dumb that happens half way rheihhh that ruins the story? Like come one lol you have such a trash review


Lies lol send the link or fanfic names that was a copy paste of this story… if not then F off and at least try and give a decent review

Drako_0692:No, the reason for 1 star is because I've already seen this story copied and pasted 3 other times.