
Review Detail of Missy_Castillo in My Caster Academia



First, I think you really need to put a proper book cover to entice potential readers to your book. I am going to be blunt but the first 4 chapters were boring. The first chapter lacks a powerful cliff-hanger but the plot/world background had sold me to read Chapter 2, so I hope you can edit the first chapter and make it as interesting as to convince a reader to read further. The narrations were too long, although the grammar and spellings were decent except some instances wherein there were no space after '.' I strongly recommend to minimize describing everything and everyone in detail, especially filler characters like hair colors and the colors of their outfits. Try introducing new characters slowly but interestingly, create mystery around those characters to hook up your readers' attention. Honestly, the story were too fast-paced and all scenes were too simple, like for chapter 2 wherein the main character was introduced. I wish the author could have put more gravity to the scene wherein she discovered that she was a caster and that she was adopted. Also, I agree to one of your reader's review about the Japanese names. Since this is fantasy, you can use fictitious names for places because it was really weird for a character living in Syria having a Japanese name. Lastly, I do look forward to your growth as a writer. Continue writing and improve in your craft. 🤗

My Caster Academia


Liked it!




Thanks for your review. And BTW I'm not from Japan, i just watch a lot of anime. Back when I released the first 20 chapters, i didn't really have a good grasp on the stuff I was writing. I think I was unconsciously telling myself to increase my descriptions and otherflaws. The first 30 also dont have up to 1000 words since i didnt have knowledge about what was the minimum amount of words for chapters


Your plot is awesome, it just needs some polishing ☺ Just keep writing.

Kardine_Spike17:Thanks for your review. And BTW I'm not from Japan, i just watch a lot of anime. Back when I released the first 20 chapters, i didn't really have a good grasp on the stuff I was writing. I think I was unconsciously telling myself to increase my descriptions and otherflaws. The first 30 also dont have up to 1000 words since i didnt have knowledge about what was the minimum amount of words for chapters

Arigato gozaimasu

Missy_Castillo:Your plot is awesome, it just needs some polishing ☺ Just keep writing.