
Review Detail of MisterClaps in A Killer Can't Change



=====SOME WORDS FROM THE AUTHOR===== Heyyo! Author here making a review since all this would be too much for the synopsis. Just want to let you all know that this is my 2nd attempt at TRYING to turn writing into a hobby. So I'm pretty sure you all have seen this kind of synopsis before so I'm just gonna be direct: -I have 0 writing experience AND 0 social communication skills so expect some bad attempts at jokes, romance or just normal conversations. I grew up being good at neither of those IRL ;-; . Please point out when something just sounds too forced or too cringey. -This novel is inspired by The webnovel: Villain Retirement by Romeru. It's an awesome novel if you're into some extreme gore and violence with some comedy in it then go check it out. -PLEASE point out any typos or grammar errors because whenever I find one, I can actually just forget about it instantly. And if you see some dialouge and think it could be written better, then please share your suggestion in the comments because in my head I think you readers got better english than I do despite me growing up speaking english the majority of my life. -Unlike Villain Retirement, the MC will not talk like a robot but instead be an actual normal kid that doesn't try and kill any living person he sees straight away. Only similarities is that he has something rough going on in their heads that screws their thinking and sense morality, for John this happens slowly as the story progresses and no I am not talking about Riley being in the spectrum but something else. -Schedule of release? I'll try and force myself to write 1 chapter a day just to develop the habit but the time of when I upload is random at the moment since I got some school stuff to deal with if I want to graduate. For now all I can say is that I will be uploading around in the afternoons or evenings of where I live. When I have more free time then i might have a better upload schedule. Abd yeah that's about all I can think of. Please take some time to read read and hopefully enjoy!

A Killer Can't Change


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will this be harem.I hate HAREM.


if you don't like harem you don't need to comment, after all there are several novels without harem, let the author do what he wants, hey!

Ovierode_Igoru:will this be harem.I hate HAREM.

Yeah I get what ya mean. But I don't hate harem, I just hate how overused it is. But you can rest easy that I will not be planning to give him a harem. But since I write these chaps on the go I might end up accidentally setting up the stage of him getting into a harem. Last time I tried writing using MS Word and a character that I didnt even want him to be in a relationship ended up needing a relationship just for the plot make sense. How do i do that? I have no idea how. I will try and steer clear of harem though thats for sure, so once I think I should let John get some love for development, I'll be making a mental note to myself: "No harem"

Ovierode_Igoru:will this be harem.I hate HAREM.