
Review Detail of Aqua_Blu in The Martial Unity



As of currently I am on chapter 200. I personally really love how everything has a great scientific background, and the author is absolutely an expert at logical reasoning and common sense which honestly seems to be very lacking in too many novels these days. There have been no noticeable plot holes so far, but that does bring me to the reason I cannot give the novel 5 stars despite how much I want to. The reason I believe I have not noticed any major plot holes is simply because of the abysmal amounts of filler. As much as I like the explanations and science and detailed worldbuilding a lot of it is endlessly reoccurring, repeated and honestly inserted at very unnecessary times. Im hoping that will change as I go further in and the author will be done with the overkill reinforcing of his worldbuilding. For one example author wrote MULTIPLE times about the 5 main classes of missions Offense, Defense, Hunter, Spy and Miscellaneous. Like brother we get it you dont have to tell us EVERY time you mention Offense class missions that they "must be royally authorized and murder is illegal" I think most of us got it the first or second time. When Rui was picking an Offense mission in chapter 166 it was already the 5th or 6th time I was reading the same sentence differently worded and its just sooo fucking redundant at that point. So yeah authors main bad habit IMO would be that he endlessly repeats his worldbuilding to the point it becomes filler. The only saving grace is that the writing is eloquent so its at least not just copy paste filler. 160 ish chapters worth of reading could have been compressed down do 60-70 chapters if you got rid of the filler and the boring stuff. That aside to me personally I can tolerate the endless filler since I do enjoy the rest of the story such as the developing of the Martial Art, wondering what Rui will do in the future and hoping for more adventures less explanation of the same stuff over and over again. The Characters are solid with pretty well written personalities, although not at the point where you feel like you know them as real people but the unique types of Martial Paths do give them a bit of personal flavour the world background is good but the endless descriptions of the same thing spanning multiple chapters unfortunately ruin what could otherwise be a very well written world.

The Martial Unity


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