
Review Detail of LetBeReal in The Imbecile Lord Is Married to Five Beautiful Goddess



This is a great Webnovel and i recommend giving it a try. I think it has potential to be great. I really like everything about it. The only problem I have with it is that the writing quality isn't the best in some moments, where a word or two feel like it missing in a sentence which confuses me. There are also moments where there is one or two letters missing from a word and sometimes there are word that shouldn’t be in the sentence making it confusing. the grammar isn't th best but it still good that you can understand what going on. (Just a tiny error but there are just a very few moment like one or two where Alex name is wrote as Aled, you can ingore this) IDK what the author is using or where he is writing their story but I feel like if he were to use some kind of app or software for their device (phone/laptop) that he is using to write. It could help boost the writing quality. To the author if you are reading, I'm not saying your bad at writing, I'm sorry of if my comment come off that way to you. All I'm saying is that it could just be a bit better(this sound a bit mean, sorry)Maybe English isn't your first language. Getting an editor would be of great help to you. I've not written any kind of story before, so I don't know how hard it can be but as a reader I just recommend using some kind of tool to help you out a bit. Idk if you have an editor already, but that would be some that good to have. They could go through your work after your done and see if there were any errors or even recommend some stuff to you. Anyway this review look more like I'm complaining about your writing quality which I'm really sorry about which if it comes off that way. Don't get me wrong I'm enjoying this story. I just want it to improve in the writing quality (is this a bit selfish, sorry) aspect because I'm really just invested in this Webnovel. (It a bit selfish or a bit much but it would be great if you and your editor were to go back through all the chapter and fix errors and improve it because the writing quality might be something that new reader have a problem with) Overall, you story has my interest and support. I only wish success for you.👍🏼👌🏼

The Imbecile Lord Is Married to Five Beautiful Goddess


Liked it!




Wil he get more lovers or will it always just be the 5?